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STEAM | July 2014-3 – Let Off Some STEAM Bennett

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I like how my laptop is suddenly slow on loading things and scrolling the Steam list feels less smooth than usual, then I remember I hadn't plugged in the power outlet and it's full speed ahead again. It's like the turbo button on my 486 with 33% increase in power.

You know you can change the behaviour when on battery in the Power Options?


I think the Wolf Among Us twist in question may actually be the opposite of what you guys are describing...

I think that Narissa is Narissa and that Bigby never actually met Faith. I believe that Faith was already dead when we supposedly met her, and that Narissa glamoured herself to look like Faith and started a fight with the Woodsma in order to meet the Sheriff and get him to like her. That way, when she put Faith's head on the stoop, the Sheriff would have a personal motivation to give it his all and actually take the Crooked Man down.

1- Congrats on being Member status!
2- Ooof that's rather morbid!


Allow me a moment to whine about the game breaking bug I encountered in Last of Us... I cannot load my damn game, all progress was lost just as the game was starting to get good :(

Now I'm so bitter I don't even want to play video games. Maybe I'll go back to Dead Space 2...


While this may be true, we've lost some other excellent members due to constant Modbot giveaways/posts about giveaways/posts complaining about not winning said giveaways (Toma said so in his Indie thread). And before Modbot's conception, there were countless Paint contests going on. Or people talking about Mate/whatever.

Even without all the anime/alpaca/waifu gifs (which are really unnecessary), we always had a very low SNR here.

Unless you split the Steam thread into various ones (game impressions/reviews, giveaway thread, community thread of Alpaca Waifus) I don't really see the situation changing anytime soon.

Honestly, I'm most likely part of the problem. But I don't see the problem being that bad. Most of the time the derailing only happen late at night when very few discussions are actually taken place, it also die out after 1-2 pages and move on to something else.

But yeah my opinion might not matter much since I sometimes contribute to this.


I'll be there for ya bro

Excellent Stan the Man gif. :D


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
While this may be true, we've lost some other excellent members due to constant Modbot giveaways/posts about giveaways/posts complaining about not winning said giveaways (Toma said so in his Indie thread). And before Modbot's conception, there were countless Paint contests going on. Or people talking about Mate/whatever.

Even without all the anime/alpaca/waifu gifs (which are really unnecessary), we always had a very low SNR here.

Unless you split the Steam thread into various ones (game impressions/reviews, giveaway thread, community thread of Alpaca Waifus) I don't really see the situation changing anytime soon.

The OT talk in the past never reached the point where it got in the way of the usual direction of the thread, though. The reason the it's reached boiling point for some now is precisely because it's more of an issue than before.


Honestly, I'm most likely part of the problem. But I don't see the problem being that bad. Most of the time the derailing only happen late at night when very few discussions are actually taken place, it also die out after 1-2 pages and move on to something else.

But yeah my opinion might not matter much since I sometimes contribute to this.
Bro, you're the ring leader of the late night shitposting.

Also, most of the people you're talking to right now are european. It's 2PM for me. Your excuse doesn't quite work then, does it?


Allow me a moment to whine about the game breaking bug I encountered in Last of Us... I cannot load my damn game, all progress was lost just as the game was starting to get good :(

Now I'm so bitter I don't even want to play video games. Maybe I'll go back to Dead Space 2...

You're not alone. I remember my twitter timeline exploding on release date. Tons of people lost hours of progress and didn't bother to continue for days. Are you playing the PS4 port or PS3 version? Would be shitty if PS4 had the same problems PS3 had at launchday...
Honestly, I'm most likely part of the problem. But I don't see the problem being that bad. Most of the time the derailing only happen late at night when very few discussions are actually taken place, it also die out after 1-2 pages and move on to something else.

But yeah my opinion might not matter much since I sometimes contribute to this.

This is not meant to be offensive, but if you were around the threads BEFORE the sale started you would see the problem.

A lot of regulars have stopped posting + the amount of OT (anime, waifu, alpaca?) has changed the dynamic of this community.

I fear for the state of SteamGAF when Jase stops posting as much.

Also, most of the people you're talking to right now are european. It's 2PM for me. Your excuse doesn't quite work then, does it?

Valid point. 'late at night' is relative.


I think the Wolf Among Us twist in question may actually be the opposite of what you guys are describing...

I think that Narissa is Narissa and that Bigby never actually met Faith. I believe that Faith was already dead when we supposedly met her, and that Narissa glamoured herself to look like Faith and started a fight with the Woodsma in order to meet the Sheriff and get him to like her. That way, when she put Faith's head on the stoop, the Sheriff would have a personal motivation to give it his all and actually take the Crooked Man down.

This is how I took it too. It also gets around the potential issue raised earlier about the
glimmer wearing off.


That's... odd and a little surreal. Can't say I'm necessarily fond of the stylistic mashup there. How's the game itself, though?

I haven't played too much yet, but the tutorial starts you off by finding a tree, punching it for wood, then moving it into the 2 x 2 crafting square to make planks, then using the planks to make a crafting table, then getting three stone to make a pickaxe. So in other words, it's virtually identical to Minecraft so far! It seems it'll differ slightly as far as the combat goes though...I see that enemies and animals have a health bar above their heads indicating hit points, and while I was zooming around in creative mode I came across an island in the sky with two dragons on it (they had the label "Boss" written above them - at this point, some encounter music started playing).

I do much prefer the original Minecraft though - like you said, the stylistic mashup is kind of weird, and not really much to my taste. Also, the movement and physics feel a little..."floaty" to me.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I fear for the state of SteamGAF when Jase stops posting as much.

I'll work with Stump to set up a bot that aims to answer any SteamDB-related questions and it'll be like I never left. :p

Edit: Two more card drops to go as far as Toy Soldiers is concerned. I can't wait until this is over. I'd planned on finishing Fable: TLC this evening but it's now 8:15pm and I don't know if I can be bothered.


Honestly, I'm most likely part of the problem. But I don't see the problem being that bad. Most of the time the derailing only happen late at night when very few discussions are actually taken place, it also die out after 1-2 pages and move on to something else.

But yeah my opinion might not matter much since I sometimes contribute to this.

that's strange way to look at things...
Derailing always happen when I'm at work and browsing steamgaf as my safe haven on internets. Big part of steam gaf are from different time zones and that is part of the problem.
And I'm not happy about guys posting about games leaving, not happy at all.
Then again, I can leave too, instead of whining (><)
Just, could you kindly all learn not to quote damn pics and gifs ad nauseam, especially ones not related to steam in any way or form? pretty please? That would be a good start.

Solarix is conceptually interesting but I hope some serious effort is put into improving animations.

I thought it sounds a lot like Unreal from description. Maybe I'm imagining things.


I think the Wolf Among Us twist in question may actually be the opposite of what you guys are describing...

I think that Narissa is Narissa and that Bigby never actually met Faith. I believe that Faith was already dead when we supposedly met her, and that Narissa glamoured herself to look like Faith and started a fight with the Woodsma in order to meet the Sheriff and get him to like her. That way, when she put Faith's head on the stoop, the Sheriff would have a personal motivation to give it his all and actually take the Crooked Man down.

I like this theory better! I wonder why Faith died, then, since the only way she could have died was either through taking her own ribbon off or talking about the big scheme. I don't think she killed herself like that other girl, but who knows if Bigby never actually met Faith!
I seriously hope you're wrong :(

if Nerissa is truly dead, I think I'm going to cry. Will you come mourn with me then Tizoc?
I'm sorry if I made too much sense :)

The thread now looks like this:

Awesome game by the way, I highly recommend it.
Nice avatar!
Wait, WHAT!? I did not catch any of that, omg. Now I need to replay that ending scene again!!
You totally should!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I finished Claire. Here's some impressions I had.


Claire is a 2D psychological survival-horror game that pulls a lot of inspiration from Silent Hill, Clock Tower, and a few other horror games of the early 2000s. I had been following the title since last mid-2013, and finally gave it a play after a few patches had been delivered for the game post-release (which to the developers credit, they have been very active in responding to problems the game has and responding to their steam community forums and twitter). I had played about an hour of the game last February off Desura, which was very rough around the edges at the time. I wasn't quite sure what the final product was going to end up like.

Claire stars the titular character as she wakes up from a nightmare about her childhood. She is in the hospital taking care of her mother, who is sickly and bedridden. However, as she fetches coffee to keep herself awake, the hospital suddenly changes... Shifts into some form of nightmare realm. Quickly finding aid from a dog known as Anubis, they go to try and find an escape to the twisted terror they've found themselves in.

In Claire, you explore labyrinth like locations full of enemies, traps, puzzles, scares, and atmosphere as you open locked doors and trigger events that advance the story. Honestly its all rather simple. Occasionally you meet a person in the labyrinth you can help with something via a side-quest, or some choice you can make or optional puzzle you can partake in. Your actions go towards what ending you'll get at game's end, of which there are three of.

The gameplay is simple, but is backed by good design, an actually helpful map (surprising as I find maps are usually useless in 2D horror games like this), fantastic atmosphere, and a number of surreal and interesting moments throughout, backed by a good lighting engine and moody sound design.


Monsters come in a few varieties, but none can be killed, simply ran from and hid from. And they can be determined buggers in hunting you down, bashing down doors you try to escape through, and can follow you into any room outside of save rooms. You either have to outrun them, outsmart them (like blocking a door), out-climb them (they can't climb things it seems), or hide in a closet/similar hiding place. Though some monsters don't chase you at all. One common threat is a type of monster that won't chase you, but getting near it will drain your 'sanity'.

Sanity isn't for insane effects or anything, but survival in Claire. Like Clock Tower's panic feature, basically. The more loss of 'calm' and scared you become, the more you'll start taking damage, until you're panicking and taking damage for simply panicking. A big part of the game, especially later in, is managing your health and sanity and playing wisely. This is helped by the fact that like Resident Evil, the stages are large with multiple paths, allowing you to make strategic paths through the facility once you've come more familiar with its layout.

Normally I build-up to my impressions of a review by talking about the elements, but to explain Claire I need to work backwards... I loved it. It's going up there as what I would list as the best 2D horror games out there, along with the likes of Lone Survivor, Clock Tower, Yume Nikki, Last Door, Ib, Witch's House, etc. Claire succeeds in making an unnerving atmosphere that actually managed to spook me on a few occasions, interesting moments in both gameplay, design, and narrative, and wrapping it all together into an enjoyable horror game package.

And its with this severe love I have for the game I must mention that the game still has some problems. The developers are responding to them and still patching the game, but I need to make note of this as the time I played it (version 1.145) that I ran into a number of issues. I played the game kind of stupidly on Nightmare difficulty (the hardest difficulty) on my first playthrough of the game, and as a mention I would not suggest playing on this difficulty unless you really want a challenge and have some patience. But maybe because of this I experienced more problems, as most of what I had problems with was the sanity system, which was very unforgiving and has weird problems like certain cutscene spots draining my sanity so fast I would die during cutscenes and would actively have to heal myself to keep myself alive to read the dialogue in cutscenes. And then some minor things, like how I found the flashlight not really useful most of the time and just defaulted to the lighter, or a few areas later in the game feeling a bit too much like trial-and-error in parts.

I'm sure most of my problems will be addressed with future patches though, and don't think this game is worth passing up on for this.


Claire feels a bit similar to some other kinds of horror games, with the easiest comparison to make being Lone Survivor (they share a bit more in common than just being 2D games with some Silent Hill influence, though let it be known if you liked Lone Survivor, you will most likely enjoy this). However, it also manages to create its own feel and tale of horror, and the developments in both gameplay and story for the most part feel satisfying.

It's a bit slow, there are a few places where navigating and where you're supposed to go can be a bit confusing. However, the levels have a fun exploration element and will usually reward you for taking time off the beaten path, with a variety of side-quest, goodies, hidden scenes and scares, and more.

Speaking of which, the game manages to pack some good scares and "WTF" moments through its course. I found myself a bit more comfortable and less on-edge after the first area, but the game managed to put me on edge and make me feel uneasy through the beginning first hour or two, and had its moments throughout its course. Of note, some of my favorite scares are indeed off the beaten path.


I might be a bit gushy, but that's because Claire surpassed my expectations and has stood better than most of the other recent horror game releases on Steam I have played. It's a quality horror title for lovers of old-school styled horror with a bit of something new, or those who have come to enjoy 2D horror games like Lone Survivor or Clock Tower. It's rough around the edges, but has the heart, good execution, and cleverness to pull off what it strives to be, and excel at it, despite the few flaws it has.

A bit slow, sometimes confusing, and I would not recommend going through it blind on Nightmare difficulty like I did, but a fantastic horror game that brings a lot in from the Silent Hill and Clock Tower class of horror, while also being its own thing that will be worth it for any genre enthusiast. But maybe wait to play through it once some of the bugs are ironed out.


The OT talk in the past never reached the point where it got in the way of the usual direction of the thread, though. The reason the it's reached boiling point for some now is precisely because it's more of an issue than before.

I'm positive we could work out a solution, but anything will require at least some moderation.
Not sure how much work the The Red Gods want to spend, but I guess 24h/weeklong bans for repeated offenders would tidy this thread quite nicely, especially if we'd have a Community side thread for them.

And seriously, separate thread for giveaways discussion would be amazing. I'm sure Stump could also code Modbot so that he would automatically post about notable giveaways here, but direct the actual 'omg, someone is gifting The Witcher 3!!!one' posts to the Modbot thread, not here.

Honestly, I would love for this thread to be all about new games coming up on Steam, backlog games discussion, Steam related questions (like the VPN one recently) and... uhh, bundle/key announcements, I guess. Rest is just noise.
1- Congrats on being Member status!
2- Ooof that's rather morbid!

Oh, I didn't notice. Thanks! :p

Allow me a moment to whine about the game breaking bug I encountered in Last of Us... I cannot load my damn game, all progress was lost just as the game was starting to get good :(

Now I'm so bitter I don't even want to play video games. Maybe I'll go back to Dead Space 2...

Man, I know that feel. Back on N64, a glitch in Ocarina of Time caused me to not ever be able to pick up a bombchu again, which meant I was locked out of the final boss room that had a bombchu-triggered switch outside.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Are you aware of Pineview Drive? It's a "horror shocker" that releases at the end of the month.

Will have to try, somehow went under my radar. I can say Claire was leagues better than any of the other recently released on Steam horror games I've been playing (Late Night, Whispering Willows, etc), though hoping the patches will deliver on the overall polish it deserves.

Sounds interesting though, will remain blind as I am right now, purchase it and play it at the end of the month.

Ban Puncher

In the defence of the last few pages with the anime drawings, that was me instigating an MS Paint contest for Steam games funded out of my pocket because I thought it would be fun to do something other than ModBot and my past MS Paint giveaways for Prey keys were relatively well received.

I accept full responsibility for those posts and apologise to anyone who feels this lowered the quality of this thread.


This might just be one of the many glitches in the Deponia Complete Edition, but does anyone know what's up with my screenshots?

Whenever I take a screenshot, a centimeter or two is cut off from each side, so they look zoomed in. I feel like the games glitches shouldn't affect that and that it's my computer going nuts, but I'm not sure!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Sounds great, thank you for so many words on the subject. Looks like a great double-feature with Lone Survivor.

In your opinion, would you play Claire or Dreadout first this Halloween?

Claire for now, DreadOut may raise up the ranks of my personal horror favorites list when Act 2 releases though. However, I would say out of the Steam horror games released this year that I've played so far, Claire and DreadOut are among my favorites. DreadOut's a bit more love it/meh it though, while Claire I would say has more universal appeal, and once fully polished which it likely will be by Halloween I'd imagine, will be an obvious suggestion for horror games on Steam and 2D horror games.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
And seriously, separate thread for giveaways discussion would be amazing. I'm sure Stump could also code Modbot so that he would automatically post about notable giveaways here, but direct the actual 'omg, someone is gifting The Witcher 3!!!one' posts to the Modbot thread, not here.

The ModBot stuff isn't much of an issue now, I feel. Giveaway-related posts have dropped quite a lot since Stump made PMTHANKS a default rule and the gift-begging that was rampant when nbnt was gifting stuff left and right has subsided entirely.
I'm not sold on the Dark Souls DLC stuff yet. Will probably end up picking it up after all 3 have been released.

Do we know where these levels connect with the world yet? My last game was near the beginning (No Man's Wharf I think) of NG+.

The ModBot stuff isn't much of an issue now, I feel. Giveaway-related posts have dropped quite a lot since Stump made PMTHANKS a default rule and the gift-begging that was rampant when nbnt was gifting stuff left and right has subsided entirely.

Completely agree.

Even the 'OMG awesome giveaway' stuff has subsided quite a bit. Maybe it's just that the threshold of 'awesomeness' has been raised so much.


31mins to go on the Nvidia countdown. I still have hope left "the Ultimate" isn't their tablet thingy but the new GFX card line up heh


I'm positive we could work out a solution, but anything will require at least some moderation.
Not sure how much work the The Red Gods want to spend, but I guess 24h/weeklong bans for repeated offenders would tidy this thread quite nicely, especially if we'd have a Community side thread for them.
Well, we don't really need to rely on mods, do we? The best thing to do is NOT to do what Dr Dogg did (though I don't blame him). If we all just throw our hands up in the air and give up, the spammers win. If we try to steer the ship in the right direction by making as many posts as possible about games, we'll win. Here, I'll make an attempt at an opening to talk about no less than 7 Steam games:

I'm really looking forward to this friday, when I get paid and can get Crimzon Clover and maybe even Astebreed. I'm pretty excited about CC, since playing a session really made it clear that it's like a spiritual successor to Daioujou. The background art were pretty sweet too, though I'm not sure I quite understood everything about the breaking system.

Finished Legend of Grimrock last night and loved it. It's now in my top 5 Steam games, with Hotline Miami, Binding of Isaac and Guacamelee. Can't wait for the sequel and I love that they're taking the logical route of setting it outdoors since Mt. Grimrock
blew up

Going to try to get into Betrayer today. I've put in 30-45 minutes and I love the visual style and the tension in the combat, at least so far, but I'm not sure what's going on or what I'm actually supposed to do. Red Riding Hood is giving me instructions with her bow and arrow but I haven't seen her for a while. It feels a little shallow right now, which is probably why I wasn't sucked in when I started it two weeks ago.

I had to put you on ignore and still have, even though you post more about Steam-related stuff now. I know it's unfair to single one person out but it was unbearable for a while.
It's not unfair when it's true.
Claire for now, DreadOut may raise up the ranks of my personal horror favorites list when Act 2 releases though. However, I would say out of the Steam horror games released this year that I've played so far, Claire and DreadOut are among my favorites. DreadOut's a bit more love it/meh it though, while Claire I would say has more universal appeal, and once fully polished which it likely will be by Halloween I'd imagine, will be an obvious suggestion for horror games on Steam and 2D horror games.
I wasn't aware Dreadout was episodic/on a staggered release schedule, thank you for the warning. (I can't stand waiting for that shit, waiting until it's done to play)


Unconfirmed Member
I finished Claire. Here's some impressions I had.
This sounds really nice, thanks for the impressions. I got a big Silent Hill: Shattered Memories vibe from what you wrote, especially due to not being able to kill the enemies and having to traverse labyrinthic areas while running from them. Color me interested.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Polygon gave the dark souls 2 dlc quite a bit of praise. I'm really excited now. Should be pretty easy to get to from the start of NG+ too.


Finished Legend of Grimrock last night and loved it. It's now in my top 5 Steam games, with Hotline Miami, Binding of Isaac and Guacamelee. Can't wait for the sequel and I love that they're taking the logical route of setting it outdoors since Mt. Grimrock
blew up

Legend of Grimrock is one of those games that I really wanted to get into but couldn't for whatever reason! I didn't get very far into the game when I tried the first time though; maybe I'll revisit it. I do tend to like games like that. The first level kind of put me off with its "you are in a dungeon" theme, even though the giant slugs were certainly different.

That game is super complicated! Was it hard to get into?
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