Any RPG list without Arcanum is just waist of server space and nobody should care or even acknowledge its existence
not much better is lack of M&M series, or Trails or JRPGs in general even if I know why they keep doing that
After The End: The Harvest is an immersive space adventure and exploration game which allows players to seamlessly travel across space, take on quests and fight monsters. Fly your ship, land on planets and hunt gigantic titans. Open-ended gameplay with a ton of replay-ability. The goal is simple, the game is hard, reach the centre. How it's done is up to you.
Game currently includes-
- Huge open-world set within space with its own shops, dungeons, monsters, quests, planets and bosses
- Enter-able planets with there own dungeons, climates, monsters, bosses, cities and quests
- Over 100+ weapons, items and magic skills
- Companion Wolf
- Bestiary Logbook
- Quest log system
- Ship interior and map system
- Lootable environment
Humanity has all but disappeared from its original planet and home, with only its remnants remaining scattered.
Those who were not worthy, did not graduate the cycle.
By chance encounter with an intelligent being, you begin your journey to unravel the great mystery of the universe itself.
There is no one way to reach the finish. Players are almost immediately left to explore the universe at their own leisure.
They're trying to bait.What's with the TitS hate? I have played plenty of JRPG and FC is up there to me.
Doos ex should be number one in the RPG list, anyway.
It's funny to me how over time Arcanum has almost achieved a mythical status that seems to be based more on what it tries to be than what it actually is. I'm not saying it isn't a good game, but it's always been considered to be very flawed, and it isn't nearly as playable now as most of the classics like BGII. I doubt it would have cracked very many top 50 rpg lists when it was released, much less all these years later. It has some great ideas and some unique mechanics, but it honestly never lived up to all the pre-release hype.
Maybe there's fan patches and such now that the big flaws, but just like with KOTOR2, a certain amount of weight has to be given to the game that was released and sold, not what it was transformed into by the community. There's a big difference between a day one hack that changes resolution rates and years of work into fan patches that fundamentally alter entire systems.
I also can not get the TiTS Love. Real Gamers play Call of Duty, Assassins Creed and Fifa!
I also can not get the TiTS Love. Real Gamers play Call of Duty, Assassins Creed and Fifa!
Looks pretty sweet. Overworld reminds me FF6
not over the time, it was my number one western RPG from the first day I've played it and still is. It's interesting, it tried many things most RPGs never tried, it has some flaws, but then again which game hasn't? It is perfectly playable, every time I hear how buggy it is I just don't understand where people are coming from, I had more problems with BG2 than with Arcanum and I'm not exaggerating, it's true.
As I understand it ran worse on some systems and better on others, that's only explanation.
Every single series in this comment is terrible.
Just, all of them.
I also can not get the TiTS Love. Real Gamers play Call of Duty, Assassins Creed and Fifa!
For me it wasn't the bugginess (which is always there in complex RPGs), it was the systems, and that's how it was received as well. The magic vs mechanical system wasn't as meaningful as they acted like it was, the combat is janky, compared to either the turn based system of Fallout or the real-time with pause of Baldur's Gate. It really just felt like it tried to do too much and never really did any of it well. I loved what they tried to do, and I'd love to see a modern take on that concept, especially now that steampunk is so popular. But I don't think the game itself as released was one of the greatest of all time.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking it and saying it's bad, quite the contrary. And I can understand you (and many others) loving it, and believe me, I really wanted to. But to me (and as I recall the general consensus), it just didn't live up to those other classics or even to its own hype. I'm not saying it absolutely doesn't belong in a top 50 list, I could see an argument for it. But saying it absolutely should be on the list (especially to the point of invalidating the list) I just don't agree with. I think it's much more of a niche appeal than a universal masterpiece.
It's a list of PC games, not mobile probably have a point here, I somehow always end with niche crowd, whatever genre with exception of Tetris and FF7. My tastes just never go well with mainstream, trying to appeal to mainstream makes a game boring to me most of the time, I want devs to be bold, try many things, implement many systems, give many choices and games being diverse. No wonder I like Arcanum so much.
But disregarding my personal preferences and tastes, they included games that are very questionable as belonging to genre at all, yet they ignored first Diablo, Arcanum, Might and Magic series entirely, and Kotor 2, that pretty much invalidates their list. Or if they were so loose with their genre definition, where is Dungeon Keeper then? Or HoMM or Warlords or Dune?
jokes aside, it just looks like poorly constructed list with some glaring omissions, and remembering their puzzle list, it seems that they don't really take those lists seriously, so maybe we shouldn't take them seriously either?
It's a list of PC games, not mobile games.
My guess is she said no.
How can you marry someone with such bad taste?
My guess is she said no.
How can you marry someone with such bad taste?
My guess is she said no.
How can you marry someone with such bad taste?
My guess is she said no.
How can you marry someone with such bad taste?
My guess is she said no.
How can you marry someone with such bad taste?[IMG][/QUOTE]
Maybe both of them enjoyed the game, and had good times playing together. :P
you probably have a point here, I somehow always end with niche crowd, whatever genre with exception of Tetris and FF7. My tastes just never go well with mainstream, trying to appeal to mainstream makes a game boring to me most of the time, I want devs to be bold, try many things, implement many systems, give many choices and games being diverse. No wonder I like Arcanum so much.
But disregarding my personal preferences and tastes, they included games that are very questionable as belonging to genre at all, yet they ignored first Diablo, Arcanum, Might and Magic series entirely, and Kotor 2, that pretty much invalidates their list. Or if they were so loose with their genre definition, where is Dungeon Keeper then? Or HoMM or Warlords or Dune?
jokes aside, it just looks like poorly constructed list with some glaring omissions, and remembering their puzzle list, it seems that they don't really take those lists seriously, so maybe we shouldn't take them seriously either?
Maybe both of them enjoyed the game, and had good times playing together.![]()
Is there a timeline for the Arkham Knight re-release? Really want to get on it.
That is pretty sweet though.
My guess is she said no.
How can you marry someone with such bad taste?
is it absolutely necessary to have that pic in every post from now on?
TiTS is life.
and in this time everyday , my internet is getting hammered real hard
i can't even watch any video on youtube ,even if it load it will switch to 144P mode
its 4 am now
and in this time everyday , my internet is getting hammered real hard
i can't even watch any video on youtube ,even if it load it will switch to 144P mode
its 4 am now
It's probably due to the "shipping charges" on those "blu-rays" you ordered.
Or, y'know, stop downloading porn.
Valve just released a new set of immortal items for Dota 2. The witchdoctor got a really cute pet monkey with a set of new animations. You'll like this if you're a Dota fan.
A plane, that transforms into a tank, that transforms into a robot, cause why not?
Some T-rex, aka Grimlock, gameplay for Jaw in the latter video
You can do it with SAM.I wish Idle Master would let you idle any game of your choosing. Wasn't there a way to do this by running a text file or something along those lines?
Need to level my compendium some more I suppose.
Maybe I should just buy so many boosters I get the aegis medallion. Sigh, I'm one of those there 'whales' you hear about every so often.
edit: Invoker has gone full super saiyan mode
I wish Idle Master would let you idle any game of your choosing. Wasn't there a way to do this by running a text file or something along those lines?
You can blacklist games you don't want the program to idle. Check out the instructions.