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STEAM | July 2015 - Nothing To Buy With Our Arkham Knight Refunds

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I've finished up the main GTAV(90%). This Mrs. Philips mission is a bit confusing. I'm not sure if I need to get a
drugs/pharmaceutical delivery to continue(?)
The cut-scene was brief and then that was it.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
In the defense of the game, the whole taking out all references to Nazis is actually a requirement by Germany, which is in return the way the have to deal with nazis after WWII and all that. Because of what happened in the past, absolutely any reference to Nazism in Germany is outright banned, and it's illegal to make jokes, claims, or the like of being a nazi in Germany.

When it comes to games, if it's a game with any sort of reference to Nazis, it will have to be changed and cut a lot or else it could not be sold in Germany. Not because the developers want too, but German law and rating boards requires it.


In the defense of the game, the whole taking out all references to Nazis is actually a requirement by Germany, which is in return the way the have to deal with nazis after WWII and all that. Because of what happened in the past, absolutely any reference to Nazism in Germany is outright banned, and it's illegal to make jokes, claims, or the like of being a nazi in Germany.

When it comes to games, if it's a game with any sort of reference to Nazis, it will have to be changed and cut a lot or else it could not be sold in Germany. Not because the developers want too, but German law and rating boards requires it.
That is not entirely true. Symbols and endorsement is forbidden for non edcuation or -arts. All Bethesda had to do, was to take the symbols. There was no reason at all to take out the whole Third Reich.
In the defense of the game, the whole taking out all references to Nazis is actually a requirement by Germany, which is in return the way the have to deal with nazis after WWII and all that. Because of what happened in the past, absolutely any reference to Nazism in Germany is outright banned, and it's illegal to make jokes, claims, or the like of being a nazi in Germany.

Its not that easy. If you use it in a historical context or satire, you can do everything. Publishers are just too scared that their game gets banned (which wouldnt happen).

Symbols and endorsement is forbidden for non edcuation or -arts.

Games, movies, tv-show are art though. You can see the symbols in movies or tv shows.
I mean this:


is okay. In even comedy movies its okay. Publishers just are too scared.


In the defense of the game, the whole taking out all references to Nazis is actually a requirement by Germany, which is in return the way the have to deal with nazis after WWII and all that. Because of what happened in the past, absolutely any reference to Nazism in Germany is outright banned, and it's illegal to make jokes, claims, or the like of being a nazi in Germany.

This is incorrect. The only thing that isn't allowed in games (because legally they are toys which is what that law was targeting originally) are certain symbols like a swastika.


I've finished up the main GTAV(90%). This Mrs. Philips mission is a bit confusing. I'm not sure if I need to get a
drugs/pharmaceutical delivery to continue(?)
The cut-scene was brief and then that was it.

You need to hijack a pharmaceutical van. Try in front of a hospital in downtown or something.
This is incorrect. The only thing that isn't allowed in games (because legally they are toys which is what that law was targeting originally) are certain symbols like a swastika.

Didnt it change a few years ago? I dont really remember clearly, but our professor in media law said that games are on the same level as tv shows and movies.


Games, movies, tv-show are art though. You can see the symbols in movies or tv shows.
I mean this:


is okay. In even comedy movies its okay. Publishers just are too scared.
I wanted to say non edcuation and non arts, hence the "-". And the problem is that Games are NOT art under the law, thus making them unable to contain nazi symbols without being illegal.


Didnt it change a few years ago? I dont really remember clearly, but our professor in media law said that games are on the same level as tv shows and movies.

Get a new professor. I'm not even joking, if he is teaching law and saying that you need to get out asap.

For the new page and since it gets repeated every few months: NO, REFERENCES TO NAZIS AREN'T BANNED IN GERMANY, EVEN IN GAMES. Like you can buy this here and it's completely uncut. WHAT IS BANNED ARE CERTAIN, SPECIFIC SYMBOLS. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strafgesetzbuch_section_86a. They can be used in the proper context but unfortunately games are still a big no-no. Lots of people agree that those laws should be changed but it's a touchy subject and would require someone to invest time and money with an uncertain outcome.
I wanted to say non edcuation and non arts, hence the "-". And the problem is that Games are NOT art under the law.

Oh. I see. Time to change the law sooner or later then. Dont really remember much from that class ;)

Get a new professor. I'm not even joking, if he is teaching law and saying that you need to get out.

He was kinda old already and guess shortly before his retirement. Who knows what he smoked.


And this is why I wouldn't bring it up anymore after the first time, people belittle your opinion and don't even understand what is being critiziced. There's really no point in discussing this.

I personally enjoy belittling silly opinions in general. You originally complained that it was context-less with no descriptions. Now he's posting descriptions and you're still complaining; just ignore that super ignore addon already, you're even making me consider it.
I've always appreciated lashman's efforts in posting interesting upcoming games. Some people, like me can't access Steam everyday so his posts were a good way for me to keep up with future game releases.

I can understand why some of you might be annoyed but there is no need to chase him off or be rude to him. I would like to see him become an active part of SteamGAF again and not just be forced to post links with no context just because some people are flaming him. If you feel so irritated by his posts there's always the ignore button

We already had a fucking witch hunt because he used smilies.


People around here are fucking nutters and that's just how it is. We've basically chasen off lashman as a proper socialising poster because this place has some really... Lovely people.
One thing I've thought for a while is that Steam needs to re-write the client while simultaneously decoupling many or most of the features they've packed into the existing client. By isolating a lot of the codebase (among other things), they should be able to make the client feel a lot more responsive, even if they don't redesign it.

For example, I don't ever use Big Picture Mode, and I'd wager that the majority of people don't often switch between it and the full desktop client regularly. Why not make them separate (but compatible) clients? There are other features built into the client that are completely optional and should possible be split into separate builds or optional branches. I'm looking at you, Steam Broadcasting.

But I can say with all sincerity that Valve doesn't have the manpower at present to make this happen.
Well, they do have the manpower... They're just all stuck making Dota 2 and making incredibly slow progress on it. ;_;


I got e-mail from blinkbundle with all my keys, that was nice of them, as they closed without any info issued, I thought that's it, keys are lost.
I know it was mentioned earlier too, but I've just seen e-mail, so sharing good news with those that may have missed it.

That Loot Hero Dragon method totally is not viable option, there is no way to move from dragon to dragon, I need to make at least one level inbetween to take on that dragon location.
Still have something like 35 levels to gain, it's so slow and I'm not sure why am I even doing it, that last achievement curse.

In other news, got to VIP level in Castaway Paradise and grown all crops at least once. I already spent 36 hours with this game, I kinda hoped to be done with 30

It's such a pity that there will be no continuation of Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos, such a pity...

Card Hunter is good fun, interesting system, not fond of microtransactions stuff, but so far it seems to be playable without spending money.


I like the custom games :(

Same here. I've played hours of Dota Fifa. It's sodding great.

In honour of lashy and his sacrifice, I shall now smiley and emoticon the shit out of ya'll.
:p ;) :) :D :3 :> :0 :p :O ;o (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
That is not entirely true. Symbols and endorsement is forbidden for non edcuation or -arts. All Bethesda had to do, was to take the symbols. There was no reason at all to take out the whole Third Reich.

Its not that easy. If you use it in a historical context or satire, you can do everything. Publishers are just too scared that their game gets banned (which wouldnt happen).

Games, movies, tv-show are art though. You can see the symbols in movies or tv shows.
I mean this:


is okay. In even comedy movies its okay. Publishers just are too scared.

Yeah most Germans are aware of that. It's not a requirement to only include German language and make other versions completely inaccessible though. You just can't sell it to us directly. I can buy and play a physical PS4 copy without problems.

I did over-simplify it, it is more complex than that, and as a rating board they judge by a case-by-case basis. Not exactly related, but I think of RE4 when it comes to this.

In Resident Evil 4 in Germany, things like Assignment Ada and Mercenaries Mode is completely removed from the game. But it remains intact fully in RE5. The reason for the removal is because the game takes place in Spain, in the story there's a just narrative reason for you to be going around killing Spaniards, but as Mercenaries Mode and Assignment Ada is missing that context, they were banned by German Rating boards for the game. But in RE5, it was fine because the game took place in Africa.

And to be frank, game rating boards often seem to be harsher than film rating boards. For American ratings, I'm sure you can think of some games rated M that doesn't contain more than a PG-13 film would, and there are very few T-rated games releasing these days. They rate harsher partially because of the fact players are actively playing the game rather than passively watching it, and some attitudes the public still has towards video games. And while this is just a guess, in a similar way, I bet they're much harsher with this in video games than they are in movies because of the playable factor. They don't want people reenacting the acts of Nazis, and I would fathom a guess that games being player-controlled adds some pressure for them to be more strict on it.

But I bet if they really wanted too, they could approach it differently and get by. But I also understand for the company putting assets, time, and money into a game, why cutting content would be more cost-effective than creating replacement content for a single region in a Nazi-heavy game. Not saying it's better, but from a financial position I think it makes sense.

EDIT: And games not being considered art yet and a budding medium and such.


Didnt it change a few years ago? I dont really remember clearly, but our professor in media law said that games are on the same level as tv shows and movies.

Games are considered as Kulturgut by the Deutscher Kulturrat since a few years, but I think it's not the same as being considered art by law.
The problem is the law is plenty of years old. I think if a publisher wo wants swastikas in his game would go to court today he would have a chance that he get through, considering how the role of gaming as an art form changed in the past years.


You need to hijack a pharmaceutical van. Try in front of a hospital in downtown or something.

Thank you. The GTAV thread has slowed down so I'd figured I'd ask here since it's pretty much still on topic.

That's why Vice was so good. The public new those references. Though, it was released at a time in which Scarface (1983) was at a resurgence as a meme.

I like you. That a was an era I'm quite fond of(either the 80s or early 2000s)

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Tonight's been a strange one for SteamGAF, but interesting all the same.

I bought Rake, plan to try it soon. Apparently while rough around the edges, it's actually a pretty good horror game. I'll see what I think later.


I need some money on Paypal, am willing to gift one or more games for $60 total in exchange for $50 on Paypal. I will gift first.

I am a bit out of the loop regarding region locking and whatnot, so in case that it's relevant I have a German Steam account. Please send a PM if interested, thank you!


could you people stop with this stupid drama? everyone can post whatever and how he or she wishes if it's on topic, lay off already.
Why you don't like or like how somebody posts has nothing to do with steam, or games, or PC gaming and is in fact irrelevant to any discussion here.

I noticed that Sunrider Academy is on weeklong deals, but damn that price... damn it to hell. Still very tempting, but I was saving my moneys for ToZ and Fairy Fencer F, decisions, decisions.

Arthea, come on, stop playing F2P clickers.


I wish I could... tell me how!

btw ToZ third tier seems to be filling at slower rate


Sometimes, when I'm feeling especially frisky in the middle of a game, I Shift+Tab the steam browser and use pornhub.

I'm not alone in this, right?


could you people stop with this stupid drama? everyone can post whatever and how he or she wishes if it's on topic, lay off already.
Why you don't like or like how somebody posts has nothing to do with steam, or games, or PC gaming and is in fact irrelevant to any discussion here.

I noticed that Sunrider Academy is on weeklong deals, but damn that price... damn it to hell. Still very tempting, but I was saving my moneys for ToZ and Fairy Fencer F, decisions, decisions.

I wish I could... tell me how!

btw ToZ third tier seems to be filling at slower rate

I'm guitly, Too many nuuvem sales have drained my gaming budget. I'll make this right next week.


"the journey to a thousand games ends with bad rats. ~Lao Tzu" ~Gabe Newell
I still think the most infuriating thing with Wolfenstein, and some other recent examples, is that they block the activation of uncut versions from other countries.

There is just no legal need for that. As said above, you can play the uncut console versions without problems at all here, not so much on the PC.

Calm down guys

I think there are calm :)

It's just frustrating from time to time that none Germans still get almost everything wrong about how the Nazi, symbols, violence and "banning" stuff is handled here.

And nobody has said that here, but sometimes when this issue is discussed in the news because of some game there is always, always someone saying something in the line of "way to ignore the past, and this is how it will happen again in the future" saying we germans block everything that has to do with the third reich and just ignore the issue which couldn't be further from the truth. That one really gets me...

It's a complicated issue, and I get that it may sometimes look strange from the outside, but there are reason for these things :)

edit: and btw, I like Lashmans posts :)
could you people stop with this stupid drama? everyone can post whatever and how he or she wishes if it's on topic, lay off already.
Why you don't like or like how somebody posts has nothing to do with steam, or games, or PC gaming and is in fact irrelevant to any discussion here.

I noticed that Sunrider Academy is on weeklong deals, but damn that price... damn it to hell. Still very tempting, but I was saving my moneys for ToZ and Fairy Fencer F, decisions, decisions.

I wish I could... tell me how!

btw ToZ third tier seems to be filling at slower rate

Tier 1+2 each 10.000 preorders. Tier 3 500.000.

I am just joking, but I think publishers would do everything to not deliver a free game.
We're shitting on lashbot again? Just set him to ignore if you think it's out of hand. Personally, I've wishlisted many of his games. I troll this thread more often than browsing Steam, so I find it helpful.

But I don't Tropico 5 I only Tropico 1 through 4. :/

You Tropico the newest Tropico.


I still think the most infuriating thing with Wolfenstein, and some other recent examples, is that they block the activation of uncut versions from other countries.

There is just no legal need for that. As said above, you can play the uncut console versions without problems at all here, not so much on the PC.

I think there are calm :)

It's just frustrating from time to time that none Germans still get almost everything wrong about how the Nazi, symbols, violence and "banning" stuff is handled here.

And nobody has said that here, but sometimes when this issue is discussed in the news because of some game there is always, always someone saying something in the line of "way to ignore the past, and this is how it will happen again in the future" saying we germans block everything that has to do with the third reich and just ignore the issue which couldn't be further from the truth. That one really gets me...

It's a complicated issue, and I get that it may sometimes look strange from the outside, but there are reason for these things :)

edit: and btw, I like Lashmans posts :)

I do like his posts, and if you want to hear more of his thoughts there's twitter. Miss having him around these parts, though.


Tier 1+2 each 10.000 preorders. Tier 3 500.000.

I am just joking, but I think publishers would do everything to not deliver a free game.

I won't lie, this thought occurred to me too

Just don't play them :D

There is still plenty of time before it is released

but that's the problem! I don't feel like I'm playing them, spending money and letting a game idle (Clicker Heroes) doesn't much feel like playing.
I totally should stop doing that, tho, I agree.

edited: OTOH Card Hunt is a fun game, not idle game. I've noticed some of steamgaf playing it, we totally should try coop.


Unconfirmed Member
Nothing wrong with lashmans posts, some of you are just being whiny bitches especially with some of the offtopic drivel that gets posted in this thread. One of his posts actually got me to try the demo for Secrets Of Grindea, awesome demo too and now on my radar :) So I appreciate it at least.


I still think the most infuriating thing with Wolfenstein, and some other recent examples, is that they block the activation of uncut versions from other countries.

There is just no legal need for that. As said above, you can play the uncut console versions without problems at all here, not so much on the PC.

Yup. Valve gave publishers who don't know shit about the law too much power.


Games released between 29.06 and 05.07.2015 with more than 10,000 sales:

The Sandbox ($9.99) - 63% positive out of 311 reviews: 15,529 ± 2,852

Infinifactory ($24.99) - 99% positive out of 385 reviews: 19,377 ± 3,186 (game left Early Access on that week)

Rise of Incarnates (F2P) - 59% positive out of 1960 reviews: 1,328,220 ± 26,312 (game left Early Access on that week)

The Battle of Sol ($14.99) - 72% positive out of 37 reviews: 16,491 ± 2,939 (game left Early Access on that week)

Anno Online (F2P) - 40% positive out of 259 reviews: 47,137 ± 4,969

Dungeon Souls ($9.99) - 96% positive out of 267 reviews: 10,307 ± 2,324 (Early Access release)

Legends of Eisenwald ($29.99) - 75% positive out of 428 reviews: 38,204 ± 4,474 (game left Early Access on that week)

How To Survive Third Person ($9.99) - 63% positive out of 536 reviews: 45,488 ± 4,882

NotGTAV ($2.99) - 90% positive out of 2053 reviews: 63,353 ± 5,761

Subspace Continuum (F2P) - 90% positive out of 241 reviews: 18,003 ± 3,071


Games released between 29.06 and 05.07.2015 with more than 10,000 sales:

Anno Online (F2P) - 40% positive out of 259 reviews: 47,137 ± 4,969

Whoa, F2P game that gets bad reviews, is buggy and full of microtransactions. Who'd have thought.

Anyway the list is useful/great, thanks.


I can't believe Dr. Dogg never came back. Was it just the fact that he was moving or that Batman snafu?

Edit: I see that he's been lurking, but with no avatar. Hope you come back man! You're one of the more technically-minded fellows that were in SteamGAF.


I liked Lashman's posts. At least his stuff was on topic and involved information about Steam games, unlike some of the people who bitched about him.


If we exclude f2p games, nogta is the best selling game? That's kinda funny

It's also odd that Dungeon Souls being an EA game has so high % of positive reviews, could it be it's close to finished?

edited: it proves one more time that naming your game is half of success, no?


If we exclude f2p games, nogta is the best selling game? That's kinda funny

It's also odd that Dungeon Souls being an EA game has so high % of positive reviews, could it be it's close to finished?

edited: it proves one more time that naming your game is half of success, no?

Tons of EA games have high positive reviews. I'd wager there are a lot more EA games in the +85% range than finished games.
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