Oh wow, I got an order confirmation for those best Buy cards.
You jinxed it now.
Oh wow, I got an order confirmation for those best Buy cards.
How's Rayman Origions/Legends?
Oh wow, I got an order confirmation for those best Buy cards.
How's Rayman Origins/Legends?
Also, remind me how do I buy from nuuvem? ;p
So there is no Complete Edition of Life is Strange on Newegg? I have to buy Ep 1 and Ep 2-5 separately?
How's Rayman Origins/Legends?
Also, remind me how do I buy from nuuvem? ;p
You have to start frugally.
Cheap two or one lane roads, keep everything close together (minimize road, power line, and water line length).
You can easily spend your entire budget quickly at the beginning of Skylines. I found it irrelevant to try to design the perfect city at the start, eventually you are going to restructure large areas of your city anyways.
One tip: micromanage your water and electricity budget at the start as you won't need 100% of your budget with a small population.
Oh wow, I got an order confirmation for those best Buy cards.
Order confirmations are usually generated automatically and don't mean anything.
Weirdly I can only see one PC 360 controller and without any packagingIt's 28. Eh.
Any German-Gaf trying to get rid of a PSP?
That's how I did it. Added them both to the cart and applied a code for an additional percentage off. It was around a dollar saved.
Thanks for this, this worked out perfectly!
Though, I don't quite understand how to power the apartments etc. with the power lines. Every time I let them go above the apartments, it removes the housings with the bulldozer.
Still unsure if I should even bother with it.
Both are held in high regard.
Origins is Uplay-free, but I believe you get the entire first game in Legends.
Tomb Raider 2 is looking to be timed exclusive.
It is a timed exclusive, Kagari confirmed it a long while ago (same with Shinobi for that matter). If nothing changes, the current plan is for a PS4 release 4-6 months after, no word about PC version though.
Oh wow, I got an order confirmation for those best Buy cards.
Origins is Uplay-free, but I believe you get the entire first game in Legends.
I'm probably in the minority when I say I don't mind playing games at 30fps. Years of being mostly a console exclusive gamer probably helped. Dead Rising 3 plays perfectly for me at 30fps, with everything maxed. No crashes or other problems.
Valve will be 19 next month, which of course means 20 next year. Will they do anything special for that occasion? lol
You're not in the minority at all. The most vocal forum groups are very rarely the majority.
Steven Spielberg is PC gamer confirmed!!! Now we need to find him on Steam xD
How do I move my steam folder to another drive? Just bought a 1TB SSD from the Amazon sale and want to move my games from my HDD. I already have an SSD as my C drive, but most of my steam games are installed on D - that's the one that I'd want to move.
this game looks cool, its from the Oniken devs which was decent http://store.steampowered.com/app/319480
BUY BUY BUYi'd say pricing mistake.
So there is no Complete Edition of Life is Strange on Newegg? I have to buy Ep 1 and Ep 2-5 separately?
Both are held in high regard.
Origins is Uplay-free, but I believe you get the entire first game in Legends.
Legends is one of the best plattformers i've ever played. It also includes most(all?) origins level.
Both are fantastic 2D platformers, but generally you only want legends as it greatly improves on Origins' gameplay.
Some stages from Origins are also in Legends so if you're OK with it get Legends at least.
Is your steam install the same drive as the games, or are your games just installed on the D drive?
Its also the same price on Desura.i'd say pricing mistake.
quick, somebody open a PSA thread in Gaming!!BUY BUY BUY
i'd say pricing mistake.
How do I move my steam folder to another drive? Just bought a 1TB SSD from the Amazon sale and want to move my games from my HDD. I already have an SSD as my C drive, but most of my steam games are installed on D - that's the one that I'd want to move.
separate. Steam is installed on C (along with maybe 3-5 games). Most games are installed on the D drive.
Some of our members are not getting Green Man Gaming credit after completing the Playfire Rewards achievements on time. Due to this, we've decided to cancel Playfire Rewards until we fix the issue.
If you've already participated in Playfire Rewards recently and didn't get the credit, wait 48 hours after getting the achievement. If by then the credit is not on your account, contact Customer Service and they'll review your case as soon as possible. We are really sorry for the inconvenience.
Of course, all the ongoing Playfire Rewards (Summer Sale Day 4 and Day 5) are still valid, winners will be announced on the official forum thread and emailed as usual. Fallout 3 winners will also be published tomorrow on the forum, on the game page and by email.
We are already working to fix the issue to bring Playfire Rewards back as soon as possible. Sorry again for any inconvenience this may have caused.
i'd say pricing mistake.