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STEAM | July 2015 - Nothing To Buy With Our Arkham Knight Refunds

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Rumor has it that Sony have have had a helping hand in regards to the FFX games and, thus, they're pretty much stuck on the PSX platforms.

I don't know if that carries any water but it would make sense given that those games have never been on anything but sony machines.

edit: If Type-0 launches at $30, 10% discount, and some DOTA2 items im probably in. I imagine those DOTA2 items are gonna really help offset the day one cost, or at least that's my hope


Please, let it be 15$

*laughs uncontrollably*
wait you are serious, aren't you?

Happy birthday, Puncher

edited: I just checked FF0 steam page, it still shows no date, only "Available: 2015"

edit2: if by some miracle FF0 launches sub 30€, I'm buying it, as I actively begged for it, so I feel like living by my word, but if it's priced as outrageously as before, I'll have to wait and not because I want to, but because I really don't see why it has to be 60-70€ game when it is still somewhat remastered PSP game and not a new one.


irresponsible vagina leak
Life is Strange EP4


I'm expecting the Type-0 price to be $40 with 10% off for pre-order. It would align pretty close to what the new ones go for directly from amazon.


calling it now

Type-0 HD will be 40 with a 10% discount

*edit* Parsnip pls

holy hit, i just barely meet the minimum requirements with my HD 7790 card


I'm expecting the Type-0 price to be $40 with 10% off for pre-order. It would align pretty close to what the new ones go for directly from amazon.

I really hope we are right and SE have seen reason after they tried to sell FF0 for that premium price last time.

Dr Dogg

The question should be is a port of a port of a 4 year old handheld game really worth $40? Dodo fanatics excluded from this for obvious reasons.
Or you know, you could just play it now.

I wonder if the delay with Lightning Returns is Square reporting the engine, then backporting the improvements to XIII and XIII-2.

We can hope. The framerate essentially locking to 30 is terrible.

Oh no. 30fps. Hide your kids, hide your wive.
Can you believe the nerve of these developers?

Rumor has it that Sony have have had a helping hand in regards to the FFX games and, thus, they're pretty much stuck on the PSX platforms.

I don't know if that carries any water but it would make sense given that those games have never been on anything but sony machines.

edit: If Type-0 launches at $30, 10% discount, and some DOTA2 items im probably in. I imagine those DOTA2 items are gonna really help offset the day one cost, or at least that's my hope

Makes sense on FFX. Good thing I have a Vita/PS3/PS4 if I ever want to go back to what I consider one of the absolutely worst FF games ever made.

$30 seems low for Type-0. The game, digitally, is still $50 on the PSN store. Parity seems more likely; if Type-0 had gotten a price drop this week on the console stores, maybe you'd have something there. The only way that would really work, I suppose, would be if SE acknowledged that most people bought it for the FFXV demo.

The guesses for $40 seem more likely, but I'm still thinking they'll go for $50, just like the HD twins.


I was playing public matches so expecting any form of synergy was a bit too much, mostly it was every man for himself with some occasional teamwork. But it was a joy to see those rare moments of synergy like when I provided cover for a friendly
archer enabling him to quickly dispatch the opposing team's archers and a vanguard or when I became a immovable tower distracting 4 enemies that were quickly cleaned up by a friendly vanguard.

Noticing a common theme? I like knights a lot, there's two ways you can play them: the Juggernaut - go in heavy and hard with your two handed weapon and wreak havoc; and the Tower - no harm shall come to you or those around you
for as long as you have stamina
, all projectiles are rendered worthless
except catapults
. You can also 1h your main weapon if you're using a bastard sword and use it with the shield at the same time if you're feeling adventurous/cornered. The shield automatically blocks incoming projectiles, even while on your back, but only on its hit box so if you feel like you're being targeted pretend your playing Dark Souls and raise that shield! The only thing I wish it was there is the ability to throw your main weapon over a short distance and having to pick it up afterwards, it's something that'd be/look cool and fits the class theme.

My second favourite class due to their resilience despite not having high armour and highest movement speed and you get a dodge to boot! They're kinda made to be a jack of all trades but without many ranged options, I know it's something weird to say but it's how it feels.They're able to dish out a lot of damage due to the weapons they get and you can also chose to have a shield making you even more durable, downside is that you'll have no ranged options.

Not a favourite simply due to their slow swings but still enjoyable and a rather easy class, no matter the main weapon you chose you'll have a range advantage in 1v1s, you can forego with the range for a higher attack speed with your secondary weapons but the drop in damage doesn't justify it
maybe the last tiers
. You have two ranged options (one with less damage and double the ammo) and a tactical smoke bomb. The thing that makes this class stand out (besides the range and damage on the main weapons) is the fact that after you run for a short bit you can leap at your target with the weapon you have in hand, even the secondary.

Ughhh... The play style changes drastically, you either find a vantage point or hang back trying to pick the enemy off. You're not that fast and while you can 1v1 you shouldn't dare death, when there's an enemy another's likely to follow, the good thing is that all your secondary weapons have a rather high block speed so you might survive.
But that's not the only thing that changes, your main weapons also change your play style and options.

- Bows - Requires "proper" aiming
the drop over time is finicky
, you have to fully draw each shot and you get no shields.
- Cross-bow - Aim at where you want to hit, you need to reload between shots and you get a deployable shield that blocks incoming projectiles
still don't know if it blocks while it's on your back but I think it does
- Javelins - You can/should throw them but they come with a thrust attack for emergencies, you have to ready each throw, you get a shield that can and should be used with your secondary weapon.

Load outs:
There's three kinds of damage in this game: slash, blunt and pierce. Swings and overheads are either slash or blunt and thrusts are either pierce or blunt.

All classes but the Man-at-Arms have a weakness so if you're a Knight or a Man-at-Arms you might want to consider bringing one of each weapon to be ready for anything but kep in mind that it's an advantage and not mandatory.

Disclaimer: I haven't unlocked all weapons yet, I'll make another post on the weapons when I do.


The question should be is a port of a port of a 4 year old handheld game really worth $40? Dodo fanatics excluded from this for obvious reasons.

that has nothing to do with what's it worth, it wouldn't have seen the light of day in the west at all if we haven't begged like crazy for years... Then SE told us, OK, you asked for it, but you'll pay dearly for it, so much so, that next time you'll think four times before starting bothering us again.


I imagine those DOTA2 items are gonna really help offset the day one cost, or at least that's my hope

I wouldn't bet on it, the highest price will probably be as soon as they are available. I am quite experienced in DOTA 2 trading, however all i can do is speculate and nothing is certain. But i would be willing to place my money on the fact that as soon as they became tradeable on the steam market (if they do make them tradeable), they will drop hard and fast.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
The guesses for $40 seem more likely, but I'm still thinking they'll go for $50, just like the HD twins.

I think you're probably right - especially since they're more or less advertising the PC version as the "definitive" version with more features and such. I'll be pretty surprised if it's less than $50.

But I have to say that, even as a Final Fantasy fan, I didn't think it was that great of a game. I'd be pretty disappointed in the PS4 version if it weren't for the fact that it came with the demo for XV.


For Dragon Quest XI to come out on PC, wee first need DQX localized and on Steam (it's already on PC). It's already coming to PS4 too, so, IMO, there's a good chance we'll see an english release.

And, S-E: if your are ever going to launch it over here, do it subscription-free like ESO, as DQ isn't as popular over here as in Japan :p

Dr Dogg

that has nothing to do with what's it worth, it wouldn't have seen the light of day in the west at all if we haven't begged like crazy for years... Then SE told us, OK, you asked for it, but you'll pay dearly for it, so much so, that next time you'll think four times before starting bothering us again.

What? Me making a purchasing decision is completely based on if I value the content provided for the specific asking price eg what I think it is worth. Do I value Type-0 at $40/£30? No probably not based on the fact the game is a port of a port that was designed as a handheld title made 4 years ago. Simples! If someone else does then that's their choice.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
For Dragon Quest XI to come out on PC, wee first need DQX localized and on Steam (it's already on PC). It's already coming to PS4 too, so, IMO, there's a good chance we'll see an english release.

And, S-E: if your are ever going to launch it over here, do it subscription-free like ESO, as DQ isn't as popular over here as in Japan :p

The PS4 is becoming quite the Final Fantasy / Dragon Quest machine. I approve of this.

No way this is 50$/50€. On PC Type 0 comes with no Duscae demo (that is one hour long and not worth any money, imho, since it's...well, a demo, not even a prequel or something that won't be included in the full game).

Right price would be 20€, because this is the right amount of money you need to buy a used copy of the game around, since a lot of sites offer it for 25€, with Duscae too.
But it's SE, so I bet the final price will be the double of a "honest" price.

Like Frost said, it's still $50 on other digital platforms - why would they charge less on Steam? If they do, it's like they're admitting that the demo was a huge selling point for the console games and that it had actual value. I won't be too surprised if it's $40, but I'll be extremely surprised if it's less - it's not like they're taking the value of used console games into consideration when pricing the PC release.


For you.
No way this is 50$/50€. On PC Type 0 comes with no Duscae demo (that is one hour long and not worth any money, imho, since it's...well, a demo, not even a prequel or something that won't be included in the full game).

Right price would be 20€, because this is the right amount of money you need to buy a used copy of the game around, since a lot of sites offer it for 25€, with Duscae too.
But it's SE, so I bet the final price will be the double of a "honest" price.

50€ would be a steal, the game is like one year old or so. In example Konami considered this when they released Ground Zeroes on PC.

EDIT: A link to explain the actual price of Type 0 NEW on console:


Of course it will be expensive. 50€/50$ is pretty much certain. The price of the RETAIL console versions doesn't mean shit. SE doesn't control them. Meanwhile they do control digital prices, and it's 50$ everywhere.


What? Me making a purchasing decision is completely based on if I value the content provided for the specific asking price. Do I value Type-0 at $40/£30? No probably not based on the fact the game is a port of a port that was designed as a handheld title made 4 years ago. Simples! If someone else does then that's their choice.
well... you might be right, but then again you wasn't one swearing in every second your post that you'll buy it day one no matter what, "just please SE, very pretty please, give it to us!"
And even if I'm kidding, it's not so far from what was going on.
Your value, real value and as SE understands its value are not necessary at all related.


Revy's nickname!
ahh forgot

black lagoon was a weird show

some parts of it were like so bad but then others were super cool and the setting is fantastic

but like nuns with guns is like so stupid

lol suck dick

kinda good news about Trails SC

They don't specify which year, but let's not be overly sarcastic and believe it's this summer.

edited: as there is only one month of summer left, it could come in August finally.

u mean it's gonna release next month then?

that's cool

nothing for league of legends?


I enabled DSR multipliers in Nvidia CP, lowered smoothness to 15, and when i choose any resolution above 1080p in game i simply get Out of Range message on my monitor.

With GeDoSaTo i entered 1440p and 4K in settings, went in game and choose 4K resolution and it simply worked.

Hooooley Shit!!!!

wtf is wrong with that logo tho

also cool at mafia 3, hope it's not crap like mafia 2


Additions to the PC version include:

  • Improved in-game battle camera
  • Scalable motion blur settings
  • Customizable dynamic screen shot mode
  • Upgraded graphics resolution options for high-end PCs
  • Increased blood levels
  • New character speed boosts
  • Full controller support
  • Full Steam achievements and trading cards

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dr Dogg

well... you might be right, but then again you wasn't one swearing in every second your post that you'll buy it day one no matter what, "just please SE, very pretty please, give it to us!"
And even if I'm kidding, it's not so far from what was going on.
Your value, real value and as SE understands its value are not necessary at all related.

We've all seen the Squeenix pricing model and some have even experienced it. Release game at full price, discount it 3 months later at 30% for older stuff 25% for new releases, in 6 months 50% off for both new and older releases and finally after 9 months 75% for Squeenidos titles (Tomb Raider, Hitman, Deus Ex). Final Fantasy normally peaks at 50% off but sometimes they get a base price drop like XIV has so the savings do get bigger.


Keeping the inclusion of a PC FFXV demo with Type 0 would be the ultimate way to announce a game.

The news would spread like wildfire through forums, YouTube, and social media.

I know they would never do it as the demo would add value to the release, thereby increasing initial sales, but that would be one of the biggest bombs of all time.
Keeping the inclusion of a PC FFXV demo with Type 0 would be the ultimate way to announce a game.

The news would spread like wildfire through forums, YouTube, and social media.

I know they would never do it as the demo would add value to the release, thereby increasing initial sales, but that would be one of the biggest bombs of all time.

They're probably thinking that the DOTA2 items are more than enough to entice people to the PC version.

They might be right, too, given the amount of fervor im seeing from some DOTA folks regarding this announcement


guys... I just wanted to remind you that FF0 is still 70€ on SE store.
I think that answer all your questions about what SE thinks its price should be, I actually didn't know that price on PSN is already lower.
It was £55 on PSN day one too.


i still don't get the logic behind doto having all lore-friendly, boring skins to keep like a visual consistency thing and then adding chocobos and crap

they should do like league and say to hell with consistency

anime skins everywhere!


i still don't get the logic behind doto having all lore-friendly, boring skins to keep like a visual consistency thing and then adding chocobos and crap

they should do like league and say to hell with consistency

anime skins everywhere!

I don't know if they still hold this philosophy, but Blizzard used to consistently cite maintaining an easily identifiable profile in WOW for PVP. When you see a Paladin, then your brain immediately identifies a Paladin without question.

Valve may be holding the same philosophy to their design. If someone sees a hero, they can immediately recognize it as Lich or Earthshaker, no matter what combination of cosmetic items are equipped.

Having goofy wards and couriers are different as those will always be recognized as such. Something that size flying around the map will always be a courier, no matter the design.


I don't know if they still hold this philosophy, but Blizzard used to consistently cite maintaining an easily identifiable profile in WOW for PVP. When you see a Paladin, then you know it's a Paladin instantly without question.

Valve may be holding the same philosophy to their design. If someone sees a hero, they can immediately recognize it as Lich or Earthshaker, no matter what combination of cosmetic items are equipped.

Having goofy wards and couriers are different as those will always be recognized as such. Something that size flying around the map will always be a courier, no matter the design.

i mean league has the same idea, skins keep the identifiable traits of characters despite going in crazy directions

so sona gets an ultimate skin that dramatically changes her look, but she's still hovering in the air and playing her weird harp thing and using similar visual effects to default, but now she looks like a cool daft punk dj thing

or malphite is turned into an eva but he's like keeping the spikes on his back and his wonky proportions with the big hands and head coming out of the middle of his chest for some reason

im sure doto could do the same and have skins that are like something cooler than "sort of differently shaped bracer" and shit lol


I don't know if they still hold this philosophy, but Blizzard used to consistently cite maintaining an easily identifiable profile in WOW for PVP. When you see a Paladin, then your brain immediately identifies a Paladin without question.

Valve may be holding the same philosophy to their design. If someone sees a hero, they can immediately recognize it as Lich or Earthshaker, no matter what combination of cosmetic items are equipped.

Having goofy wards and couriers are different as those will always be recognized as such. Something that size flying around the map will always be a courier, no matter the design.

I think that was the exact reason they gave.

Can somebody make a guide how to complete a game?

  • Start it up
  • Play the tutorial
  • realize you never actually wanted the game
  • call it complete


Maybe someone in here can help me:

I used to have an app that allowed me to set up simple shortcuts for media players. For example, if I hit ALT+B I could Play/Pause my current song in Spotify.
I can't remember the name anymore and Google is no help.


Of course it will be expensive. 50€/50$ is pretty much certain. The price of the RETAIL console versions doesn't mean shit. SE doesn't control them. Meanwhile they do control digital prices, and it's 50$ everywhere.

The digital PS4 version is €70 in euroland though.
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