Is Thanos in this?
I hear Nash killed him after he kept pestering him about his forhead gem :V
Official Ken trailer
MUCH better quality screenshot of the teaser character
Is Thanos in this?
Not sure if I asked for this....
Ken looks weird, but I like what the blurb says.
Ken looks weird, but I like what the blurb says.
.NotRockstar?!?! NotDMCAV, previously NotGTAV, re-releasing as NotGTAV.
9 July - NotGames
In what has quickly become the weirdest day of our lives, and one of the most hectic, we've just received news from Valve that the plaintiff of our DMCA is now being treated as a false complainant.
NotGTAV lives!!!!!!
We're half-way through rebranding the game as NotDMCAV, and the store page we've designed gives us a huge giggle, so we're leaving you some of our new artwork (you may be able to tell it was done in a bit of a hurry) for a couple of days but, as we're not being sued, the name and game will be remaining the same.
The only question that remains is.... who the heck is pretending to be Rockstar and issuing us DMCAs?! Best theory wins a free copy of our soon-to-be-late DLC (we've been a little preoccupied this last day.)
Stick the kettle on. Have a cup of tea on us. We don't have time.
Back to the studio.
'NotGTAV: The Kickstarter Avoidance Album' coming soon to Steam.
It activated the ROW version but the US app still has a store page despite no longer being sold, which is why is why the game isn't showing as owned. It's basically the same situation as Painkiller: Black Edition (the store page doesn't actually offer the app it's linked to).
8 bucks to goyey
the $12 from Ori's refund is back to my wallet
But that's expensive...
I'm not even remotely interested in Long Live the Queen, but Hexcells might be good.
I've got some codes to redeem, so I was going to use a few of those to get me to 999. I'm pretty strapped for cash, so I'll probably just do Ricochet for 1,000. My first game on Steam was Team Fortress 2, so having my 1,000th be a Valve game seems "right" to me.
I'll be redeeming shortly, so I'll update when I'm officially part of the 1,000+ club.![]()
It's back! I still don't want it
MUCH better quality screenshot of the teaser character
It's back! I still don't want it
He looks like some sort of Avatar/boogeyman/Egyptian god character. Okay that's not very specific but, it's somewhere in the... vicinity.
I'm good with Ken, like the change. Part of the big issue has always been his look being very similar to Ryu.
The model doesn't look done though. Other than that he looks fine and fun.
Congrats on 1,000 though!
At least 3 of the latest CoD games promised that, but nothing ever came of it.
Ken is in Street Fighter 5, just shown in sdcc.
Put a damn server list and you got a buyer.
This looks good. Wishlisted.Traverser, a new game published by Adult Swim, is now available.
I've had my eye on this one for awhile. Curious how it turned out.
Oh, these are comics? How are they?
i really like ken's new design. Not surpised that a lot of people aren't fans of it in the announcement thread
I'm fine with his design actually. Looks like 3 SNK characters.
Just the model doesn't look done.
Has controller support, unlike Gunpoint, so that automatically makes it better in my book. Thanks for posting this. Wishlisted!Ronin was a big, positive surprise.
Life, uh, finds a way?