Is there a limit to the amount of groups one can join on Steam?
Not as far as I'm aware.
Is there a limit to the amount of groups one can join on Steam?
Is it possible for a game to become more infamous in the steam thread than that?
I *think* the giveaway not being a free for all means 229 different users have to get one game each? wonder if it makes it![]()
Hey GAF! Everything's gone to shit and I'm poor as fuck! Facilitate my delirum-induced purge of all material possessions by winning some Steam keys, huh?
I *think* the giveaway not being a free for all means 229 different users have to get one game each? wonder if it makes it![]()
Hey GAF! Everything's gone to shit and I'm poor as fuck! Facilitate my delirum-induced purge of all material possessions by winning some Steam keys, huh?
Hey GAF! Everything's gone to shit and I'm poor as fuck! Facilitate my delirum-induced purge of all material possessions by winning some Steam keys, huh?
All fair points, but I think you're selling Volgarr short if you think the main reason it's good is because of its difficulty. Volgarr is great for many, many reasons. So, no, there aren't many other games on Steam that are similar/comparable in terms of quality.Outside of, perhaps, for those of us seeking exactly that kind of challenge in a game and a developer who wants to pay tribute to that style. Yes I would have been fine with an optional mode available right from the start for this hard mode as the "go to, normal" version of the game and an easier more check-point set-up for those that wanted it, but most games that start off with that plan quickly lose the old-school style in the process and so we don't get that many of these of this level of quality.
Let's be fair here, there is no "need" to make any game any kind of way, be it quick death to /start over from the beginning like Völgarr or the MegaDrive games it's based on or where doesn't matter and you instantly respawn like Kirby Epic Yarn or something existing between the two. While you may not care for it, I certainly do appreciate I can still buy a title like Völgarr and have it be fully and unabashedly this style and built for this purpose, because while I might not need it, developers don't make too many of these games any more and I still want them. You are far more likely to come across a title that is exactly what you are looking for, even if you don't need it, than I am here again of this quality of a game.
Is in home streaming supported by anything on Steam?
Now I just need cognition episode 2+
Seems like they gave everyone the same key.
Thanks for Psychonauts, Stacking and Costume Quest! They're my first Double Fine gamesHey GAF! Everything's gone to shit and I'm poor as fuck! Facilitate my delirum-induced purge of all material possessions by winning some Steam keys, huh?
Hey GAF! Everything's gone to shit and I'm poor as fuck! Facilitate my delirum-induced purge of all material possessions by winning some Steam keys, huh?
Has anyone tried Floating Point yet? Tom Francis, creator of Gunpoint, put it out today for free.
Not as far as I'm aware.
All fair points, but I think you're selling Volgarr short if you think the main reason it's good is because of its difficulty. Volgarr is great for many, many reasons. So, no, there aren't many other games on Steam that are similar/comparable in terms of quality.
Yes, theoretically.
Hey GAF! Everything's gone to shit and I'm poor as fuck! Facilitate my delirum-induced purge of all material possessions by winning some Steam keys, huh?
I would argue that it is a pure gaming mechanism by that definition. Designed around offering a challenge that is satisfying to overcome, what isn't pure about that?I just mean something that supposedly represents what gaming "should" be, I guess. My point is that arcade games were designed to get your money. Are they still awesome? Yes. And so is Volgarr. But let's not pretend there were ever "pure," altruistic reasons for the way arcade games were designed. Volgarr is not an arcade game and doesn't require a cent to play beyond the initial cost of buying the game, so there's no need for it to be designed exactly like a quarter-muncher. We've had 30 years to evolve beyond that mechanism and understand its benefits and flaws.
Hey GAF! Everything's gone to shit and I'm poor as fuck! Facilitate my delirum-induced purge of all material possessions by winning some Steam keys, huh?
Aye I have and as I said earlier in this thread, it's a good simple concept that offers a good amount of depth in figuring out how best to play it between the swinging, floating, and rebounding due to the tenseness.
I wish there was a time trial mode, but as is as fast or as slow as one wants it to be, it's a good relaxing game to just play for simple gaming pleasure if it's one's kind of thing.
I quit playing because trying to use the mouse to do some of those more complicated swaps was seemingly impossible.
Once I could use a controller, I plowed through the game with the only limiter being puzzle complexity, not input method.
trying to get dead pixels,but no response from modbot even though it's still avaiable
The developer says otherwise.But I agree, there's no reason to design a game as a quarter muncher, especially in this day and age. Volgarr however isn't designed like one. Why not just have a "normal" save system?
Several reasons.
One major reason is to better emulate an arcade-like experience. This game was not intended to be played in long marathon sessions, nor was it intended that once you had completed something you would never see it again.
Think back to actual arcades - typically, you'd show up with a few bucks in quarters, play for maybe an hour, and then leave for the day. Next visit to the arcade, you'd have to start over, but would probably get further than last time. Eventually after several visits you could beat the game, and if you liked it enough, even get good enough to beat it on a single credit.
That's how Volgarr was meant to be played, in 15-60 minute sessions, each time starting over at the beginning and getting better at the early stages and giving you more time to spend on the later ones.
Wow these Angry Birds Space trading cards are dropping SUPER slow. 4.2 hours in and I still have one drop remaining.
trying to get dead pixels,but no response from modbot even though it's still avaiable
Hey GAF! Everything's gone to shit and I'm poor as fuck! Facilitate my delirum-induced purge of all material possessions by winning some Steam keys, huh?
It is a good day to be in SteamGAF.
Hey GAF! Everything's gone to shit and I'm poor as fuck! Facilitate my delirum-induced purge of all material possessions by winning some Steam keys, huh?
What he describes isn't a quarter muncher and Volgarr doesn't make you begin from stage 1 after you quit either. They're not directly equatable regardless of inspiration.The developer says otherwise.
Not sure if the link will work - my previous links defaulted to a main screen. If this doesn't take you to the thread, go to the Steam forum for the game.
Didn't see your earlier post. Thanks for the impressions. I'm going to play it when I get home, but I was curious if anyone else had heard of it. Do you know if he plans on expanding it out to a full game?
That Witcher 3 news made me realize I ought to play Witcher 1. Just hope it's not too jarring. :lol
It is nice, only thing that some people - me included - dislike is that you're forced to take sides, but the game is very enjoyable.
Absolutely. I watched that 11+ minute video on Floating Point and found it fascinating, watching the game evolve over a short time. I'm going to bookmark that link for later. Thanks.Firmly in the way of being a prototype and he feels like it's done all he was seeking it for, an exercise to complete. I asked if he might ever come back to it and he said it's possible, but not to really expect anything.
He has a few videos talking about it's design that's worth watching.
He has another game he is doing a prototype for called Heat Signature and that's where most of his effort toward making a game is going.
Really quite fascinating to see how one man goes through conceiving and creating a game.
Nether Free Play Weekend 3
the first 2,000 entrants will receive Chosen keys
curse please,used key
Well then, it's next on my list, once I get tired of Pokémon X. :lol
I fell into the 3DS trap.
Oh fuck. I didn't mean to do that.