Thanks for Intruson! I love this kind of games, and am a bit surprised I didn't snag it already. Or perhaps I'm still delusional about Megaman X9 being announced anytime soon
Now that I think of it, I DID purchase cryostasis. Time to dig into my library and give it a go, I guess.
Hope you enjoy it! Some don't like it as much as me, the critiques I often find are that people find it linear and boring, or they didn't understand the story.
To break down Cryostasis into Pros and Cons (+ is pros, - is cons, / is middling):
+: The game looks pretty good for an early 2009 game.
-: ...But its optimized to shit.
+: The voice-work and sound design is pretty well done.
/: There's almost no music in the game, however.
+: The story is intelligent, reeked with symbolism and references to real world events and folk-stories.
/: However, if you don't pick up on some things or aren't paying attention, the game's story may confuse you.
-: Some sections of the game are needlessly difficult, and some annoying checkpointing in places can make you have to redo sections several times.
+: However, the game has a pretty great saving system, you can save like 100 files and load them from anywhere, and you can save at any time (<-- I ONLY DISCOVERED THIS AT THE END OF THE GAME, IT WOULD OF SAVED ME SO MUCH TIME AND FRUSTRATION)
+The game has some interesting segments where you go through a person's past and try to alter their fate, leading to some interesting 'puzzles'
-: Some of these have convoluted solutions though when other solutions should of worked.
/: the combat is decent, I wouldn't say it's stand-out but I wouldn't say it was bad either.
+: The heat mechanic is pretty interesting and adds some interesting twists to the game.
/: ...But elements of the heating system aren't explained very well.
/: If anything, the few boss fights the game has are unforgettable, to say the least.
-: Not much exploration. Pretty linear.
-: It crashes every once in a while.
+: Some good scares and atmosphere in places. The game has the sort of scares that I'd identify as being "WTF!?" from the unexpected mainly.
+Good variety, new things introduced all the way to the end.
-: A few of the new introduced elements aren't explained well though, and not all are winners.
+: Good enemy selection, some of the later game enemies are appropriately disturbing.
-: But the first third of the game only throws a couple varieties at you, most of the new enemies appear later in the game.
-:Sort of a repeat of an earlier statement, but it's not always clear what you must do to progress.
+: That ending