Dusk Golem
A 21st Century Rockefeller
I played one episode of Chris' campaign on RE6 and it's already way better than Jake's, you guys lied
Opinions on the campaigns vary. I'll say this though, Chris' campaign is woefully underrated. It I think has the best pure gameplay element, I feel his campaign has the best level design and bosses.... And the best story.
But there are a few low points, but that's like the rest of the game. Personal highlight for me, myself, and I in Chris's campaign is the last two chapters, personally speaking.
(But this is coming from someone who loves Jake's Chapter 3 a lot, so yai).
As a reference, these are my favorite chapters in RE6 (in order of campaign, not favorite to least favorite)
Leon Chapter 1 - Don't like the beginning but love the outbreak stuff
Leon Chapter 4 - I liked almost everything about this chapter, actually.
Jake Chapter 3 - I like it a lot, love the exploration and aesthetics.
Jake Chapter 5 - I like the grey monster things, and the final boss is ridiculous and over-the-top but I it fun.
Chris Chapter 4 - Like a mixture of RE5 and Revelations, liked it a lot.
Chris Chapter 5 - Not everyone will agree with me on this, but I liked it.
Ada Chapter 2 - I might be biased for something resembling puzzles.
Ada Chapter 4 - Favorite boss in the game in this chapter, and some good stealthing.