*Get Gunhound EX 3 pack
*Decide to unpack and try my luck
*Get a foil
*Put it up for sale for $15
Haha, good luck with that. The Full Boar foil I earned mere hours after the game released has still yet to sell.
*Get Gunhound EX 3 pack
*Decide to unpack and try my luck
*Get a foil
*Put it up for sale for $15
*Get Gunhound EX 3 pack
*Decide to unpack and try my luck
*Get a foil
*Put it up for sale for $15
I'll quote myself from the previous topic:
what do you have to do to get the ut2004 master badge ?
all cards as foil cards ? do you need the other badges first ?
also why does ut2004 have trading cards but ut3 does not ?
what do you have to do to get the ut2004 master badge ?
all cards as foil cards ? do you need the other badges first ?
also why does ut2004 have trading cards but ut3 does not ?
think like the xenus games or pathologic or even some aspects of the stalker and witcha series
Haha, good luck with that. The Full Boar foil I earned mere hours after the game released has still yet to sell.![]()
Because Epic.
Epic just patched UT3 to remove Gamespy so that multiplayer functionality would continue after the shutdown. Too bad they don't seem interested in doing the same for GFWL on Bulletstorm that would actually keep the game playable.
The rights are probably murky. Plus EA is involved so maybe they are demanding Origin only?
Epic just patched UT3 to remove Gamespy so that multiplayer functionality would continue after the shutdown. Too bad they don't seem interested in doing the same for GFWL on Bulletstorm that would actually keep the game playable.
Don't think so. I never got banned for using gedosato.I just wouldn't risk it tbh. Have heard people got vac'd for using ENB.
On topic btw: did somebody get vac banned for using ENB/SFX/Gedosato with Dark Souls 2? Just remembered the hysteria when it was released. I just finished it offline.
New Goat Simulation Patch tomorrow. Now you can even built things.
Not long before we get a Goat City Builder
or an RTS. Scratch that, we have S.W.I.N.E for that
But Harvest Moon Goat Edition could go some ways. You could plant Crops, lick saltstones and herd humans.
Not long before we get a Goat City Builder
or an RTS. Scratch that, we have S.W.I.N.E for that
But Story of SeasonsHarvest MoonGoat Edition could go some ways. You could plant Crops, lick saltstones and herd humans.
What was that indie Harvest Moon like game (I think Milamber posted about it), was it greenlit?
What was that indie Harvest Moon like game (I think Milamber posted about it), was it greenlit?
I just wouldn't risk it tbh. Have heard people got vac'd for using ENB.
On topic btw: did somebody get vac banned for using ENB/SFX/Gedosato with Dark Souls 2? Just remembered the hysteria when it was released. I just finished it offline.
Stardew Valley or Wild Season?
Edit: beaten
I see. I wanted to try the "realistic mod" for State Of Decay and I noticed it's a sweetFX profile. Btw state of decay doesn't have online (and Vac too I guess), so I should be safe right?
okay steam gaf
i give you shit but i need your help
imma need some recommendations for a pc game that a friend and i can online co op (we got good 'puters don't worry about specs)
Not greenlighting a PC port of Shadow Complex is also a crime. Supposedly there was a notice on Chair's website circa the game's launch stating that a PC port was "coming soon", but as far as I can tell this is just a fairytale.
Do you have a smartphone or tablet? I'd just wait for the inevitable streaming support before spending any money. The feature already supports Windows, Mac and Linux (although at present you can only stream from Windows), so Android and iOS-based devices are about the only things "... with support for more systems coming soon" could possibly be referring to.
But i would like to have something plugged on my tv in the other room of the house..
Yeah I'd love to replay Shadow Complex again but supped up. I think somewhere in the depths of the Unreal Engine promo website it still has it listed as a PC title. Teasing buggers.
Edit: Yep still has PC on there. It was not to be![]()
But i would like to have something plugged on my tv in the other room of the house..
Thanks for impressions. I'm a little confused by some of what you said, if it's like tWD or HR, how can it be like Ghost Trick too? Ghost Trick is a gamey game, very much so.Making a call now, Murdered: Soul Suspect is going to be a polarizing game. I played a bit at a friend's house, my impressions from my time with it is that the people who will enjoy it the most are those who can enjoy 'minimalism gameplay' experience games... By this I mean things like Walking Dead or Heavy Rain. It's kind of a mix between those type of games, a spiritual puzzle game like Geist or Ghost Trick, and a horror game.
It was announced a while back: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=799055
Like Ghost Trick!? Oh yes!
Thanks for impressions. I'm a little confused by some of what you said, if it's like tWD or HR, how can it be like Ghost Trick too? Ghost Trick is a gamey game, very much so.
Not sure, but looks like it.
Also Wild Season looks nice! I might buy that when released, or even both.
Just to make sure, is Gamefly digital stuff region locked in some way or another?
Might grab Murdered from there if I can.
What's the cheapest Murdered? GameFly?
To an extent, as you are a ghost and your manipulating objects and people to solve puzzles in places. but to be seen how deep that goes gameplay-wise as I have a feeling it won't explore it as nicely as Ghost Trick did (as this is also trying to be one of those cinematic games like Walking Dead or Heavy Rain).
My impression is that this game wants to be a gamier Walking Dead or Heavy Rain type of game... It has more core gameplay to it, but a lot of it feels a bit stripped down. Like, there's some stealth elements with the demons, and some chase and sequences of you thinking fast on your feet. You have direct control of your character more often than not. And there's puzzles to solve, which those type of games don't usually have. Like basically... Figuring out how to accomplish something by manipulating objects and people and using clues from the environment, from talking to people while possessing other people, and then putting it all into motion to make something happen. Least from what I experienced. Also situations where you're asked questions and you have to find the answers and put it together by locating clues, and you have the ability to see fragments of the past through objects, or to possess someone and read their mind.
I think Wild Season might be released first than Stardew Valley, it's only one person working in the later and I believe he/she is doing all the work in the game.
Ah, maybe that's what folks were referring to.
Some phones/tablets have HDMI out, but I gather this doesn't apply in your case. An AMD APU-based system would only run you a few hundred bucks and be fine for streaming (plus with an actual PC you could steam over Ethernet rather than wireless) -- a few are listed in the OP of the I Need a New PC thread.
Ah, maybe that's what folks were referring to.
Can't a $300 mini-Atom PC do the streaming job?
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