Do you guys think Magicka will go on sale? I've been waiting for a really good deal to pull the trigger.
Liar. You're waiting to pull the trigger on a great Serious Sam 3 sale.
Do you guys think Magicka will go on sale? I've been waiting for a really good deal to pull the trigger.
I think sometimes they put the wrong price, as in, they discount a certain game too much. I could be wrong though, as I'm fairly new to Steam.Wait, what's a price mistake?
Wait, what's a price mistake?
I think sometimes they put the wrong price, as in, the discount a certain game too much. I could be wrong though, as I'm fairly new to Steam.
I think it happened in the Winter sale for the Borderlands 2 GOTY Edition.
no, but i'm really holding out for a sale on borderlands GOTY edition ::crosses fingers::
i got dishonored goty for ~$3 and sleeping dogs for around the same price, too, so when it does happen it can be a wonderful thing.
There's usually 2 or 3.
Can someone please remind me the name of this title, that was recently ported to the PC (last year?), I think it's a 3rd person action game, that features a guy and a girl, in a sort of neo-tribal clothing?
I have seen images of it, but can't remember the name. And of course, has no screenshots to look for
Wait, what's a price mistake?
Do you guys think Magicka will go on sale? I've been waiting for a really good deal to pull the trigger.
Im so goddamn dissapointed that Secret Ponchos is online only. Game looked very good at all the Sony showings and I thought it had some SP stuff in it.
I'd say there's a good chance since it did in the last last sale.
Same! I saw some gameplay and thought it like absolutely awesome. Then I realised it was multiplayer and a little part of me died.Im so goddamn dissapointed that Secret Ponchos is online only. Game looked very good at all the Sony showings and I thought it had some SP stuff in it.
Im so goddamn dissapointed that Secret Ponchos is online only. Game looked very good at all the Sony showings and I thought it had some SP stuff in it.
Isalute you from my uber pro Fastweb ADSL 20/1 which, after every decay possible, arrive in my Ethernet port as an unstable 4/0.3. T_Thate
Wait, what's a price mistake?
Two hours guiiizzzeee!!
Yes!! Enslaved. I'm in the mood for some 3rd action gaming, so adding it to my wishlist. Thanks to both of you!I'd guess Enslaved, or maybe Hunted: The Demon's Forge. Enslaved is good enough fun. Hunted... less so.
A feeding frenzy!
Alien Colonial Marines for more than 0€.
On the rare occasion, when the featured deals change over, the new discount is stacked on top of the general sale discount, e.g.: CS:GO has a general sale discount of 50% ($7.49) -> it appears as one of the new Flash Sales -> instead of the discount moving up to 75%, it's applied on top of the pre-existing discount of 50% and the game is briefly $1.87.
A feeding frenzy!
See: GamersGate's Bethesda Pack
Eh, before I was paying for a 7/whatever and I actually got less than 1/0.3. It was really bad. It took me 5 and a half days to download Wolfensteain the New Order... it will take me hours now. Hours!!
Anyway, I really wanted to go with Fastweb's fibra, but they apparently stopped like 2 km from my house, while Telecom's fibra arrived a few few days ago.
edit: pseudo-fibra of course, only one street in Reggio Emilia has real optical fiber, and Fastweb hasn't expanded it since 2001.
What happened there?
Its always weird reading stuff like this. You made assumptions about the game and now its coming back to poke you in the eye
Speaking of GamersGate, even though they have PixelJunk Eden and Shooter for really low on their weekend sale, would it be silly to take the plunge now when we're less than 2 hours away?
It included more than that, and was around $27, wasn't it? I know it came with Rage, Brink, Rogue Warrior, and probably a few more things...The Bethesda Complete Pack (Skyrim, Dishonored, Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout 3, New Vegas, + DLCs) for $38. Was only on sale for a short time before they ran out of keys.
He's jokingly referencing the fact that it goes on sale regularly.
Oh damn. Does it actually say those sales are stacked, or do people just tell from the price being so ridiculously low?
No one knows. Maybe the games will be less than 75% off on Steam. Maybe the games will be more than 75% off on Steam. Maybe they'll be flash sales, maybe they won't.
I made no assumptions about it, and I'd be way more interested if it had single-player content.
WHAT. That's something i would've bought!The Bethesda Complete Pack (Skyrim, Dishonored, Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout 3, New Vegas, + DLCs) for $38. Was only on sale for a short time before they ran out of keys.
It included more than that, and was around $27, wasn't it? I know it came with Rage, Brink, Rogue Warrior, and probably a few more things...
Now i just want to cry.Right you are. Was $28.76 and included:
- Brink Complete Pack
- Dishonored
- DOOM 3 BFG Edition
- Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
- Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition
- Hunted: The Demons Forge
- Rogue Warrior
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Inb4 sale starts, steam crashes
Right you are. Was $28.76 and included:
- Brink Complete Pack
- Dishonored™
- DOOM 3 BFG Edition
- Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
- Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition
- Hunted: The Demon’s Forge™
- Rogue Warrior
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
This was Dec 22nd 2012
Now i just want to cry.
Now i just want to cry.