It looks like same game as ESJ. Why a new game and not as a DLC?
I think "why DLC" is a better question
game is small as shit and people who dont own the original can play it this way
It looks like same game as ESJ. Why a new game and not as a DLC?
Fix that JaseC!!!
midnight confessions
get him
Don't worry Jase I have yet to start Hotline Miami too!
Why is going to be removed?
midnight confessions
get him
We know JaseC only plays Ubisoft checklist simulators, what's your excuse? Honestly, HLM is right up your alley.
I bet it's like 2 bucks really
1- I have it on my Vita atm
2- My vita is with my brother who is in the US
3- I keep forgetting to buy it when it goes on sale on Steam
Fix that JaseC!!!
Those Asus Steam Machines have me interested and quite eager to know more about pricing
An i7 with a 750Ti? Why?
She's actually over 1000 years old.Christ! She started young.
Better power consumption I guess. Plus it's as good as 570.
JaseC had a dream he killed Scorsese Romulan last night
Isn't the 750Ti rather a budget GPU? Isn't an i7 overkill for it?
So Apple announced its own API too (for iOS), heh.
JaseC had a dream he killed Scorsese Romulan last night
true story, too tired to post the steam convo
She's actually over 1000 years old.
I actually didn't know she started that young either. What is that from anyway, Salsa?
Always for science, Milamber. Always. It was the first film she did (it was filmed in 2005 but didn't release until 2007), followed closely by some Christmas movie.(Yes, I've seen both.)
Oh, wow she's that little girl from Atonement. I swear I couldn't recognize her, she grew up really well
I hate her in Atonement. What a little shit.
And dat hair.
Oh, wow she's that little girl from Atonement. I swear I couldn't recognize her, she grew up really well
Just received my Blue Yeti mic and got a summer job at a post mail company. YEAH!
But a hot stupid brat.
Fix that JaseC!!!
What wonderful news! I have to get this Day1. The first game was enjoyable all around (mechanics, music, effects,so uh there's a sequel to Electronic Super Joy coming out in 2 days
But a hot stupid brat.
But a hot stupid brat.
It would work if she was a cartoon/anime character?
JaseC cant be fixed.
More spares:
I guess I'll take Postal since nobody wants it. :lol
Thanks, Jase (I think...)!
is this you trying to get me banned before the summer sale in some way or something
where the fuck are you headed
I would've liked an i5 myself, for pricing reasonsAn i7 with a 750Ti?
At those framerates? Lol no.Honestly, Sony have been amazing with sales lately. Dark Souls 2 on PSN sale before Steam. Ugh.
Sony plattforms will still be the ultimate Souls-plattform.
At those framerates? Lol no.
*Watches thread slowly wanders into pedo realm*
I came to check on you guys and all I find is madness, madness everywhere...