Nothing remotely lewd at all.
Boob with no nipple still lewd
Nothing remotely lewd at all.
Boob with no nipple still lewd
I dont know how I feel about Payday 2. Its really fun for the most part but I can see myself getting sick of it further down the road. The AI can be super dumb sometimes but I guess that is kinda offset by how bullet spongy the enemies. Also it sucks that it doesnt give you an opportunity to rejoin a match after being dc'ed. My internet has been pretty spotty lately and it went out on the last day of a pretty big heist. So basically I wasted an hour and half for nothing. I also think it's dumb how weapon mods are pretty much random drops It also sucked that I bought the GOTY version and I still missed out on a bunch of dlc. Oh well, at least I got it on sale. Maybe its because Im just joining pubs rather than playing with people on my friends list. Still super fun though, there's no better feeling than finishing a heist. Im sure succesfully sneaking through one is great too. It's also great how they fully support the community with free dlc now and again
If anyone wants to friend me, my steam name is the same as my gaf name!
at least Pix the Cat is pretty good
Congratulation Khronico for winning Metro 2033 ReduxI'll send you the gift.
i have the original, but i haven't touched it.
it's unoptimized, yeah?
Original is, yes. I could run Last Light really well but struggled maxing out 2033. Redux apparently uses the same engine as Last Light while also polishing up the combat and other things.
Morning guys
Is AK fixed yet?![]()
Morning guys
Is AK fixed yet?![]()
Morning guys
Is AK fixed yet?![]()
Morning guys
Is AK fixed yet?![]()
My birthday is not for a short while. But I can't wait till then to give back something to you guys, so here it is.
I'm doing 23 giveaways. There are only 5 rules.
1. Please only enter for games you don't have.
2. Once you win something, you are no longer eligible to win any other giveaways. So think about and make sure that it is the game you want. Maybe the next one might be better.
3. I reserve the right to take off any name that was entered if I find out you're a lurker or whatever.
4. Each giveaway will most likely be either 24 hours or until people stop entering. Whatever happen first. I will give a warning post before I close up the giveaway.
5. Don't wish me Happy Birthday yet. If you do, I will send ninjas and spiders after you.
Please quote to reveal the link, input your name and good luck!
Giveaway #17: HuniePop <3 (for the lewdest of GAF)
weird to see xbone button prompts ("View" button rather than "Back")
Giveaway #17: HuniePop <3 (for the lewdest of GAF)
Witcher 3 has that too. I press all the wrong buttons.
LewdGAF probably already has it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
this is not Dark friendly
LewdGAF probably already has it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
My poor eyes thoI can't believe you. Dark and 50ppp.
Go into the light.
I think we have a winner. Just close it up now, ShadownetI am cheap before I am lewd. Never buy a game that isn't 75% off. Preferably wait until it's bundled.
weird to see xbone button prompts ("View" button rather than "Back")
Blame CommunityWe didn't get a massive up tick in posters this sale like we did awhile back. Then again winter sale is always the bigger deal.
#sixseasonsandamovieBlame Community
Blame Community
I also don't think any of us did any advertising.
hey I posted links and told people to come here.I also don't think any of us did any advertising.
I considered it, but felt interrupting their Monster clicker talk would be rudeI also don't think any of us did any advertising.
hey I posted links and told people to come here.
Recommended Hardware Specs
(or equivalent)
Resolution: 1920x1080
V-Sync: On
Anti-Aliasing: On
Texture Resolution: Normal
Shadow Quality: Normal
Level of Detail: Normal
Interactive Smoke/Fog: Off
Interactive Paper Debris: Off
Enhanced Rain: Off
Enhanced Light Shafts: Off
Expected: 30fps (capped)
The Recommended Spec is intended to deliver an experience on par with the current generation of gaming platforms.
For an optimal experience, users with recommended spec hardware should not set their resolution higher than 1080p.
By default, the game may set Shadow Quality and Level of Detail to High on Recommended Spec hardware. Users should revert these to Normal.
correctLewdGAF probably already has it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Minimum Hardware Specs
(or equivalent)
Resolution: 1280x720
V-Sync: Off
Anti-Aliasing: Off
Texture Resolution: Low
Shadow Quality: Low
Level of Detail: Low
Interactive Smoke/Fog: Off
Interactive Paper Debris: Off
Enhanced Rain: Off
Enhanced Light Shafts: Off
Expected: 30fps (capped)
It is incredibly important that users with a min spec video card with 2 GB of dedicated VRAM (or 3 GB on AMD) to keep the Texture Resolution set to Low. Increasing this to Normal will cause significant performance issues.
By default, the game may set the user’s monitor to the maximum output offered. Users should reset to 720p on min spec hardware.
With these settings on Min Spec AMD GPU’s, users can expect some minor texture pops, occasional loading symbols during fast-paced scenarios, and some hitches & stuttering when gliding or driving the Batmobile.
With these settings on Rec Spec AMD GPUs, users can expect some minor texture pops, occasional loading symbols during fast-paced scenarios, and some hitches & stuttering when gliding or driving the Batmobile. To help alleviate this, AMD users using Rec Spec GPU’s should turn Texture Resolution, Shadow Quality, and Level of Detail to Low. We continue to work closely with AMD to resolve these issues as soon as possible; make sure you have the most current drivers and check back here for updates on when the next driver version is available.
straight up admitting they never targeted / intend for 60fps
on a PC game
in 2015
the game has a benchmark tool that runs at 60fps
they are admitting here that the game itself is not intended to run at 60fps and that the 30fps lock on the actual game (not present in the benchmark) is not some weird mistake
I vote jail time
the game has a benchmark tool that runs at 60fps
Batman: Arkham Knight - Nvidia GameWorks 60 FPS Trailer
I can't stop laughing.
They're all just a bunch of scammers.