Leon Belmont
Does anyone knows why Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 1 and 2 were removed from Steam?
Defense Grid 2 was one of them, I'm not sure on the others.
Oh, apparently we can pre-order FFVII Remake already on Amazon.
And it's #6 top selling video games right now. LOL.
Cloud better be able to dress up as Lightning. Or maybe we can just replace Cloud entirely with the superior Lightning.
Nom Nom Galaxy is good? I guess that might be the first game I buy.
Cloud better be able to dress up as Lightning. Or maybe we can just replace Cloud entirely with the superior Lightning.
joking around like this is freaking dangerous, because square enix might do it
Sony better for PC gaming than Microsoft?Again magic words Sony supported idea that game comes on PC XD What is happening?
joking around like this is freaking dangerous, because square enix might do it
Sony better for PC gaming than Microsoft?
Sony better for PC gaming than Microsoft?
It's a great idea though. Infact, we can expand it. Sazh can replace Barret, Fang can replace Tifa, Serah can replace Aeris, Snow can replace Cid and Hope can be fired into the sun.
Nah but it is still nice to hear thet they support release on PC for games they are helping with.
Again magic words Sony supported idea that game comes on PC XD What is happening?
How about having FF7 REMAKE turn into a completely open world with real time fights like FF15.
how about no
square enix is dumb enough to listen to a few ideas on this page
How about having FF7 REMAKE turn into a completely open world with real time fights like FF15.
The badge doesn't get updated after Level 1 Million right? So it's useless to reach lelels like 42 millions recahed now.
The badge doesn't get updated after Level 1 Million right? So it's useless to reach lelels like 42 millions recahed now.
Shadowrun Chronicles - is this any good?
related to the main game?
FF7 Remake - all I ask is remade visuals. hope they don't remove or change anything
NO to DLC to save Aeris = game is dead to me
NO to removal of Honeybee Inn because fear of whatever internet group
NO to possible Lightning Waifu Simulator at the Golden Disc where you can switch costumes for her
All these FF7R talk without no actual gamplay shown. It will be a VN. A pretty one. Just wait and see.
At what levels does the monster badge increase XP value?
Also, I just reached level 8 and finished the Sanitarium quest in Pillars of Eternity in act 2. About how far into the game am I?
Ah ok, and yeah I reached it day 1 as well. Was hoping it'd go to at least 500 given other badges do but oh well.I think it caps out at 200 xp, which I had on day one or two.
I am sure Nomura will put in some Lightning DLC.
Shadowrun Chronicles - is this any good?
related to the main game?
I don't know why anyone thinks Aeries would be kept alive. She's dead in all the post FF7 movies/games that have been released.
Shadowrun Chronicles - is this any good?
related to the main game?
Nobody?Does anyone experience a little stutter/slowdown with south park? It seems to be periodical, like every tot seconds it stutters a little and it goes back to normal
All these FF7R talk without no actual gamplay shown. It will be a VN. A pretty one. Just wait and see.
no and no
FF13 is cool
I haven't played it yet, but Chronicles is not from Harebrained Schemes and the various reviews are not as enthusiastic as Returns and Dragonfall.
Hong Kong is the new expansion from Harebrained.
FF13 is cool