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STEAM | June 2015 - Wait for the Steam Sale Thread You Bastards!

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d when I'm sequestered for a few days in the hospital without internet access.
Ahh the beauty of technology. Being able to do everything with just a few clicks.

Oh man, I hope you're okay? Going to the hospital is never a good thing. I hope you can still visit GAF, we'll try to keep you updated on the sales.
Jesus Christ you fucking people.

Is it not enough to have to wade through your anime gifs, push past your stagnant pools of Sony discussion, or face the bottomless, murky pit of daily morning pleasantries?

Now you're talking about coffee? In the sTEAm thread?

Lock this shit and throw away the key it is unsalvageable.
Btw, I've been meaning to ask.. I see you and Nabs and 2 other gaffers in the Tea Time mumble room. Whenever I tried to join. It won't let me.

Are you guys having secret Tea Club meetings in there? 0.o

Ban Puncher


I can't wait
to be disappointed.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Ahh the beauty of technology. Being able to do everything with just a few clicks.

Oh man, I hope you're okay? Going to the hospital is never a good thing. I hope you can still visit GAF, we'll try to keep you updated on the sales.

It's just a diagnostic thing, trying to figure out why I don't really ever sleep more than about 2-3 hours a night for the past month or so. They're going to observe me the first night then try some different treatments the second night. Hopefully all goes well.

So you're the one killing the Enhanced Steam servers.

For what it's worth, everything that loads on the home page should be automatically cached. Individual game's pages refreshing over and over would kinda kill things though.


If you drink coffee then you're drinking with uPlay and Origin.

Gonna have a nice cup of Earl Grey when I get home.


So you're the one killing the Enhanced Steam servers.

what's the point, when I went before there was no info about the cheapest it ha been or if it was bundled and the litle green dot had extended and turned into a dot again which means enhanved steam was loaded up if what i think is true is true if jshackles can confirm

vbalve's servers are about to run out of



I'm sure it was already mentioned but 100 pages of scrolling = nope

What happened to Is There Any Deal? :eek:

What will happen to ES without ITAD? :eek:


i should've gone for the monk soft coffee

i just had like the grossest burger ever and i had rushed in-between-meetings mcdonalds' trashy coffee early in the morning so my body is not ready for the sales lol

so gross lol


Sure, it might get drowned out with sale talk, but damnit, I'll do my part to keep things on topic with my impression of Grey Cubes!

The best way I can put it is "ehhh".

It's a pretty basic Breakout-styled game with the gimmick being physics and other gimmicks on each level. One level will have the blocks stacked up on each other, so that when you hit the bottom one, the whole pile goes spilling over onto the field. It seemed like a neat idea at first, but as so often happens, the game never really makes much of the idea. So many of the levels feel like proof of concept ideas, and none of them ever really get difficult. The last few levels were a bit harder, but that was more of the annoying kind of difficulty than the good kind. The worst part is that there are never really any levels with a whole bunch of blocks that you have to chip your way through, instead the game seems to just go with the "fewer blocks that you have to hit multiple times to clear" route.

Let's just say that I'm glad I only spent $1 on it.
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