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STEAM | June 2016 - Dear Valve, E3 is here, please release Ricochet 2

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Thats cool, but it seems that they added all these advanced features and I've seen maybe 2 or 3 good uses for them

Being able to bind more things to fewer buttons is only a good thing.

Many console games take shortcuts by using something like "tap for X, hold for Y" on a single button, it will be really nice to finally be able to emulate that when making kb+m configs.
Just finished Styx Master of Shadows

Holy shit The very final part of the final chapter/stage was ridiculous.
I didn't find the Elves all TOO irritating, although it devolved into being trial and error. I watched a few speed runs and dang, it's like if you memorize the stage and just go yolo right from the start you can get past various guards to complete a stage as fast as possible.

OK so what's my verdict of it? Well for one thing I kinda felt that it went a little longer than it had any right to but otherwise I enjoyed my time with it. It's def. a low budget title but at least they did what they could with what they had. The jumping was still weird but it got the job done most of the time.
It's not a perfect game but if you like stealth games def. check it out.
I should also point out that the game has a really good story, simple as it is, but it's a good one.
Of interest is that this game has more than 250,000 owners on Steam as per Steamspy; it's predecessor game Of orcs and men has over 150,000 owners.

Here's my scoring of the game-
Graphics: 2 out of 5, nothing remarkable but it gets the job done

Gameplay: 3.5 out of 5, mainly for the jankiness, however the game does let you go through a level in various ways based on the layout of a stage and the tools given to you. Any less janky and with a final section that wasn't too ridiculous I would've given it a 4 or higher. This isn't of course excluding the 'twist' halfway through the game; I didn't mind it and kinda just rolled with it, what with this being a low budget title and all.

Sound: N/A, not to say there is any bad music in it, but there isn't much that is remarkable or that noteworthy. Granted the music is good and the voice acting is fine (although the dialog could've been waaaaaaaaaaaay better, I'm pretty sure some of the stuff the characters say sound way better in French and just didn't translate properly into English), but like I wrote nothing I would say is remarkable.
I will say this though: If you die from jumping off a high area, Styx will sometimes yell 'FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!'

Replayability: 4 out of 5. I might be generous here but the game does have the potential of multiple replaying of it: be it to get all the tokens and items, beat all stages pacifist style as much as possible, complete all secondary objectives and the usual beating the game without being spotted (Ghost). Now granted I did find that the game went on a little longer than it should but one could always end a replay of the game at a certain point where they feel they had their satisfaction playing through the game.

So, overall score is.....3.5 or 4 out of 5. For a low budget title, it managed to be a good stealth game despite it's flaws, and if you are a fan of stealth games, I strongly recommend you give this game a chance.


Will believe Spencer about Microsoft titles on Steam when it happens - and possibly not even then. He's a serial spinner of PR nonsense with very little credibility, and he's a big reason why I look askance at everything and anything Microsoft touches in gaming.

I could see smaller titles happening, hopefully Age of Empires sticks around.

I just wish Valve would make it easier to add UWP games to Steam without jumping through the extra hoops.


Since launch I have almost never used the Steam controller. I feel so bad about it, but hopefully it'll get some use with the right games, but I honestly prefer the Elite controller.

Also, I hope that Danganronpa, Disgaea, Stardew Valley and Final Fantasy IX goes on sale during the summer sale.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I could see smaller titles happening, hopefully Age of Empires sticks around.

I just wish Valve would make it easier to add UWP games to Steam without jumping through the extra hoops.



Since launch I have almost never used the Steam controller. I feel so bad about it, but hopefully it'll get some use with the right games, but I honestly prefer the Elite controller.

Also, I hope that Danganronpa, Disgaea, Stardew Valley and Final Fantasy IX goes on sale during the summer sale.

lol, play all your current games that support it. Don't be ridiculous. Been ages since you finished a title and it's not like you only have a handful of Steam games.

Steam Summer Sale 2016 |OT| Our Wallets Are Battleborn

That'd imply they're barely used and barely played.

civ 6 makes me moist

Civ VI complete does that for me. So maybe in half a decade, unless vanilla proves better than previous iterations and isn't so half assed that diplomacy extras are added after the fact.

At this point, I'd rather have Nier Automata than FFXII or even XV.

That's a dream as out there as when people wanted Halo.

Strong doubt it'll ever happen.


8min long video of Civ VI in action. It basically shows the progression from ancient times to the modern era in a time lapse with a bit of combat thrown in. Still not sold on the art style but the change to cities so that they covers up to 30 tiles and workers being expendable look like significant changes. At the very least it's a shake-up to how combat will play out in Civ VI versus Civ V. You basically can't turtle without consequence in Civ VI like you could in Civ V, losing tiles in Civ VI is much more detrimental.

The animation for the units and wonders being built as well as shifting lighting tied to time of day are pretty and all but I just wonder how those things will hold up in larger games. Civ V (and Beyond Earth) had issues with similar things but hopefully their new engine will hold up.

One thing stood out to me in that video, the government policy system in Civ VI looks like it's lifted directly out of Beyond Earth. Hopefully Civ VI's take on it is a little more involved and interesting similarly to how Brave New World made tourism a fun little thing you could micro-manage for tourism and culture bonuses.

Thanks for the link and thoughts.

Art style doesn't look all that changed to me in comparison to Civ V, though. Not significantly. Are you just a large fan of how other titles do it, or?

So... resident evil 6... worth it at 7.50? I'm pretty tempted because of the news of RE7...

Jawmuncher says yes. It's one of his favourite Resident Evil games. Maybe he can give you the opposing opinion to the usual, "lol it's trash/not worth," reaction.
I honestly don't think so. Game is bad from start to finish even with a friend imo.

If it's the only one you haven't played, sure, go for it. If you've missed any of the others at all, play them first.

I've played but never finished RE5...

I have tried RE6 once, but only played a very small amount of the first campaign. I remember being naeseus, annoyed at flashing red health (I played on very difficult, probably first mistake)... but I also didn't have any tweaks enabled, like wider FOV.

I guess I can refund it if it still bothers me that much. I forgot about that option. I'm only concerned about the sale coming up. I might wanna use those funds on that.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Somebody on reddit emailed Gabe about VR exclusives:

Interesting answer. There was some understandable skepticism about the idea of no strings attached funding. I wonder how those deals work, and what you could expect from them.


Moving into my new home and talking to the interior designer soon, how should I do my gaming room? Thinking of a glass top type of desk with my desktop mounted below it.

Any ideas?


Civ VI complete does that for me. So maybe in half a decade, unless vanilla proves better than previous iterations and isn't so half assed that diplomacy extras are added after the fact.


The game director is the guy who did Gods & Kings and Brave New World and all the systems included in those are in the base game of VI.

It will be the best Civ. Believe.
My HDD is about to say goodbye, and I have to buy another one soon. I probably won't have much (if anything) to spend during the summer sale.
Moving into my new home and talking to the interior designer soon, how should I do my gaming room? Thinking of a glass top type of desk with my desktop mounted below it.

Any ideas?
Congrats on the opportunity!
Just IMO.

Hide everything. Seriously. The less clutter out in the open the more you can focus on what you're playing and the less stress in general. Choose a few things to display that can get focus. The glass desk would be one. If you want to have art or posters have some that are artistic and not blown up box covers.

For example:

Moving into my new home and talking to the interior designer soon, how should I do my gaming room? Thinking of a glass top type of desk with my desktop mounted below it.

Any ideas?

How I do interior design: Oh look, an Ikea just opened in my town, that'll do.


I requested a review code for this game:


It lists these features:

-Point-and-click adventure games?
-Simple yet honest "old school" 216-color graphics?
-An 800x600 windowed resolution?
-The ability to go full screen with either stretched or un-stretched pixels?
-A single EXE file that's less than 5 MB?
-Lots and lots and LOTS of reading?
-A unique response for every single possible interaction?
-Lizard girls?

The 216-color graphics bullet point is bogus. Let's just say that was the same amount of colors available on EGA.

Here is an old game done in EGA:


And here is Farnham Fables:


So having said that, the game is only 99c and there are some interesting things going on.

First and foremost is this weird merging of old-school CRPG movement, with a VN visual style and PnC adventure game verbs and inventory system. Initially the presentation was a little underwhelming when I first played but the design of the system grew on me as it's pretty intuitive.

The other noteworthy thing is that later on in the game you have a party of three people who each have their own inventory and also their own special *verb*. Basically you got your medic/mage/warrior.

Also also, each character interacts with everything differently. There is a lot of neat ideas in the game but then I accidentally beat the game in 24 minutes when I was doing my Quick Look.

So my Quick Look transformed into a Play Through.

Also there are Lizard titties in the game.

Here's my Quick Look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWg_nzJJvPY


played a bit of ng+ dks3 but eh, not feeling it

played a bit of house of dying soon too and liked it quite a bit, i kind of wish the missions were longer cos i find the whole getting in and out of a mission bit kind of tedious, but the actual game is pretty fun and arcadey

i like its style a ton too, lots of personality
Against my better judgment, I bought RE6. It's been a while since I made a risky purchase and it's not really the price tag but the feels when you got a clunker sitting in your library forever. But this time I think the risk is worth it.


My apartment looks like shit because I threw out most of my furniture recently, and I get a new girl on visit tomorrow ugh. I don't even have a table we can eat at. Just my sofa bed and a desk for my computer ugh.

That said, I'm contemplating getting Doom. It just plays so well based on the demo.


listen to the mad man
I requested a review code for this game:


It lists these features:

-Point-and-click adventure games?
-Simple yet honest "old school" 216-color graphics?
-An 800x600 windowed resolution?
-The ability to go full screen with either stretched or un-stretched pixels?
-A single EXE file that's less than 5 MB?
-Lots and lots and LOTS of reading?
-A unique response for every single possible interaction?
-Lizard girls?

The 216-color graphics bullet point is bogus. Let's just say that was the same amount of colors available on EGA.

EGA is 16 colors, so you're off by a magnitude of 14. Monkey Island was 8-bit colour (256 colours)--so I think the "old school" claim still applies.

And here is Farnham Fables:


Setting aside jpg compression, that looks to be <256 colours to me for sure. Especially given that they can set an arbitrary palette and aren't limited to a system palette.
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