$71.99 Canadian. Same price as the first, only less content. Practically zero information available on the game itself, or the mysterious "Race Pack" for Total Warhammer I.
CA pls stop screwing up this series. I can't take it.
It's 38 pounds / 45 (No idea what's that in CAD) on
That's an official keystore.
I don't really see what information you'd need tho, it's a new campagin map with new playable races and units, is it not? As far as i understood, compatible to the content of the first Total Warhammer so you can combine both games into one if you own'em both.
So what are you guys hopes for Ubisoft? I am curious of seeing if they bring new games that showcase what they said they were going to do, with more freeform gameplay and such.
Cringeworthy jokes, dances, hoping for a new Splinter Cell and ubiArt framework games