Could you quote some his posts? Searching on mobile doesn't work the way I want it to work.Brags about immense credit in Playfire. Admits to cheating to get it on a public forum. Pissed when someone narcs.
ok dude.
So you did cheat. No sympathy. You have no right to cry.I'm not mad because they removed my GMG credit (I knew it would happen someday). I'm angry because they refunded my HM2 purchase and they didn't tell me about it.
If I knew, I would have purchased it somewhere else and I wouldn't have waited 3 days to play it.
Oh, really?! Thanks Neogaf.../s
Brags about immense credit in Playfire. Admits to cheating to get it on a public forum. Pissed when someone narcs.
ok dude.
Could you quote some his posts? Searching on mobile doesn't work the way I want it to work.
Well, DID you use Sam? If so, no sympathy.
I'm not mad because they removed my GMG credit (I knew it would happen someday). I'm angry because they refunded my HM2 purchase and they didn't tell me about it.
If I knew, I would have purchased it somewhere else and I wouldn't have waited 3 days to play it.
did this piss me off? yes. Did I narc? no. I don't have time for that shit.
Oh dear. This man has no honour.
Ugh Freedom Cry runs like garbage. It's an unplayable slideshow on land yet runs fine when I'm doing boat stuff.
Oh, really?! Thanks Neogaf.../s
If it's anything like ACIV then you need to enable triple buffering through D3Doverrider. for whatever reason, Ubisoft shipped a game in late 2013 that used double buffering as a vsync option and did not provide a triple buffering option, meaning that any dip in the framerate takes you straight to 30 fps.
Don't worry megauap I forgive you. They already took your stuff away not like you need to be pushed around anymore.
Well with some developers, 30 is the new 60.
I'm not mad because they removed my GMG credit (I knew it would happen someday). I'm angry because they refunded my HM2 purchase and they didn't tell me about it.
If I knew, I would have purchased it somewhere else and I wouldn't have waited 3 days to play it.
Okay I'm trying to use RadeonPro mainly (for now) to see TripBuff and limit the framerate to 60. But I'm seeing its only for OpenGL games, so how can I use it for DX games? Getting back into pc gaming after a 2 years of chilling so I'm a little rusty.
If it's anything like ACIV then you need to enable triple buffering through D3Doverrider. for whatever reason, Ubisoft shipped a game in late 2013 that used double buffering as a vsync option and did not provide a triple buffering option, meaning that any dip in the framerate takes you straight to 30 fps.
Okay I'm trying to use RadeonPro mainly (for now) to see TripBuff and limit the framerate to 60. But I'm seeing its only for OpenGL games, so how can I use it for DX games? Getting back into pc gaming after a 2 years of chilling so I'm a little rusty.
It's possible to play Xbox One games on PC thanks to the local streaming capabilities that Windows 10 brings - and a demo later during GDC shows it working in practice, even if the execution is currently a little way off of being perfect - but will series like Forza have native ports in the future?
"There isn't a tremendous request today for racing games like Forza on PC," says Spencer. "Obviously through the streaming we showed in January you'll be able to play on any of the PCs you have in your home. I don't want to build things because you can build them, I want to build things that our customers are asking for.
"We obviously put Halo on PC before - you go back and look and there's obviously strong... The first-person shooter space on PC is a little bit different than on console if you look at the business model and other things that work, so we'd want to land the right experience. If you play this out - so let's not talk about the next 6 months but talk about the next three or four years - you'll see more and more developers that are building these games that are appropriate for any screen that the gamer's sitting down on. And that's just more opportunity for gamers and developers."
convince me to buy Godus
Yeah, you're really dedicated to the PC aren't you Phil.
This reads like a bad Neogaf comment during a console war debate.
To bad that they probably won't do any system specific guest characters, I really like to see them in fighting games eventhough they usually don't fit that well (i.e. Nicole in DoA4), Kratos seems to be an exception. But then again, the PC probably would receive the short end of the stick anyway because what character could they possibly add?
He'll only show up in rounds 1 and 2. Either you win the first 2 rounds or you lose by default
I don't know what the settings are like for Freedom Cry but ACIV didn't offer Triple Buffering in its options, just says V-sync. What that option actually activates is Double Buffering, which what it does (in the most simplest terms) is that any time your framerate drops below 60 (like 59 or 58 for example) the game drops the framerate to 30 to keep the screen from tearing.So from this post I'm guessing that most people just use the in game Triple Buff settings?
The real embarrassing part about ACIV was that it was the free game i got with my gfx card yet it runs like complete ass out of the box. You would think that Nvidia would see that something as basic as triple buffering wasn't an option in ACIV and they would've been like "how about you add this simple ass feature so that when people get your game with our cards they don't think that they just bought a hot piece of garbage" but I guess they don't really give a shit, either.
finally have my internet back
i got like the nicest internet guy in the world, i kinda wish i could keep him
now to go through 75 emails and the watch dogs temptation...
convince me to buy Godus
Btw, Settlers 7 Gold is finally on sale with a deep discount. Is it worth buying it?
Do NOT buy Godus. You will inflict shame on your family for generations to come.
convince me to buy Godus
The mkx reveal?I didn't think there was a Fighting Game DLC Defense Force but today was an enlightening day.