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STEAM | March 2016 - This thread is badass

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Wow just noticed that Ryse is stupidly cheap, but I don't know if it's even worth my time to play it. I can tell that it might not be worth my time when I even having to think twice about buying it.


Survival mode beta for Fallout 4 is out.
Hmm.. Should I install the game again? Maybe later when it's out of beta.
Little rich for Bethesda to say there's Roleplaying as a pillar in Fallout 4 when all you do is ask someone what building to walk into to murder everything is next.

Otherwise it sounds like what I was expecting. And honestly kinda needed because the game itself is relatively easy. Frankly sometimes I just purposely eat radiated food at max hp for the hell of it.


The astroturfing in these Windows store threads tbh......

But Microsoft wants all the good things to happen to PC. I mean, they have been publicly stating so ever since 80's.
It should be obvious to any decent human being that all of UWP's restrictions are made for your own good. So that you won't be able to use aimbots while playing MP games, so that you don't lose your password to a rogue keylogger, and so that your GPU doesn't fry while running that bitcoin miner you got while downloading the warez release from a torrent crack site. Yes, Microsoft cares even about the average dirty pirate PC user. That's how good they are.
Praise be upon the saviour of PC gaming industry.


Bought Alien: Isolation from Nuuvem not knowing the key can only be activated in South America. Used VPN to activate it with no problem, Good thing it wasn't run-restricted.


Bought Alien: Isolation from Nuuvem not knowing the key can only be activated in South America. Used VPN to activate it with no problem, Good thing it was run-restricted.

So you can't even play it after you've activated without a VPN? I want to buy Sonic Generations but it's not worth it if I need to have the VPN up at all times


If we disregard Clicker Heroes (that's not really a playtime as such), Stardew Valley is now my most played steam game (with ~140 hours), it overtook Trails SC which had this place before, which overtook Civ V that held this top spot before that and bellow it goes Fairy Fencer where trying to get 100%, unsuccessfully I must add, overtook Trails FC.

What I'm getting at? I don't see any game taking GOTY spot from Stardew Valley this year, that doesn't seem to be possible anymore.
And it was daily "play Stardew Valley" if you haven't yet post and if you have, play Trails fgs.
So you can't even play it after you've activated without a VPN? I want to buy Sonic Generations but it's not worth it if I need to have the VPN up at all times
Only a few games have that restriction and they state it in the store I think.
If we disregard Clicker Heroes (that's not really a playtime as such), Stardew Valley is now my most played steam game (with ~140 hours), it overtook Trails SC which had this place before, which overtook Civ V that held this top spot before that and bellow it goes Fairy Fencer where trying to get 100%, unsuccessfully I must add, overtook Trails FC.

What I'm getting at? I don't see any game taking GOTY spot from Stardew Valley this year, that doesn't seem to be possible anymore.
And it was daily "play Stardew Valley" if you haven't yet post and if you have, play Trails fgs.

Stardew is cool and good, but Enter The Godgeon is coming in 6 days and is taking the throne.


So you can't even play it after you've activated without a VPN? I want to buy Sonic Generations but it's not worth it if I need to have the VPN up at all times

Woops. Edited the post, i meant it's good it wasn't run-restricted. You can install and play the game just fine w\o VPN.
So... how many of you have actually used a VPN to activate keys? Has JaseC done it?
The cops! Deny everything boys and girls!
So you can't even play it after you've activated without a VPN? I want to buy Sonic Generations but it's not worth it if I need to have the VPN up at all times
Depends on the game. Check the steamdb entry for any specific game you intend to buy, if it says "onlyallowrunincountries" it's probably runlocked and you would need a VPN to even run it (so it's not worth it)


What I'm getting at? I don't see any game taking GOTY spot from Stardew Valley this year, that doesn't seem to be possible anymore.
And it was daily "play Stardew Valley" if you haven't yet post and if you have, play Trails fgs.

Root Double if it manages to release this year and Muv-Luv Alternative say hi.


What's happening to Finding Teddy 2? It's now called Chronicles of Teddy : Harmony of Exidus (???) and one of the pictures shows an actual map. http://store.steampowered.com/app/341020/

I could have used a map.

I just hope this doesn't wipe my save. I was about 10 hours deep before I lost interest.



gave away the keys to the kingdom.
So... how many of you have actually used a VPN to activate keys? Has JaseC done it?

Yeah. Some region-specific stuff can't be activated without a VPN, such as the Korean version of Football Manager 2012.

Wait, can't you get banned on Steam for this?

Valve doesn't care about the use of VPNs to facilitate key activation, presumably because retail keys are provided entirely free-of-charge and, to a lesser extent, publishers can runtime-restrict the packages if they really want to discourage international purchases. Using a VPN to unlock a game early is also fair game as it hurts exactly nobody.


What's happening to Finding Teddy 2? It's now called Chronicles of Teddy : Harmony of Exidus (???) and one of the pictures shows an actual map. http://store.steampowered.com/app/341020/

I could have used a map.

I just hope this doesn't wipe my save. I was about 10 hours deep before I lost interest.


Likely a rebrand as they realized that being a sequel to a game not many played that also changed genres entirely was doing more harm than good. IIRC it's heading to consoles eventually so probably in line with that as they don't have the first game on consoles.


Root Double if it manages to release this year and Muv-Luv Alternative say hi.

I'm not a fan of Muv-Luv, not even going to pick it any time soon and I can't even remember what Root Double is

Say hi to what? The dev of Stardew Valley collecting all his GOTY trophies?

seeing how media ignored Stardew Valley release I very much doubt that, it won't even get GOTY on gaf, but it is my GOTY, so that's normal.


I'm not a fan of Muv-Luv, not even going to pick it any time soon and I can't even remember what Root Double is

seeing how media ignored Stardew Valley release I very much doubt that, it won't even get GOTY on gaf, but it is my GOTY, so that's normal.

I was more poking fun at his suggestions than thinking it'll get a bunch of GOTYs. It's a PC only pixel game about farming. Of course it's not going to get a ton of GOTY from outlets like IGN. It'll probably creep in as an indie nom and in a lot of people's top 10s. Game's close to a million sales already.

But it'll get more than the VNs he suggested.


I was more poking fun at his suggestions than thinking it'll get a bunch of GOTYs. It's a PC only pixel game about farming. Of course it's not going to get a ton of GOTY from outlets like IGN. It'll probably creep in as an indie nom and in a lot of people's top 10s. Game's close to a million sales already.

But it'll get more than the VNs he suggested.

oh, but Knurek was talking about my GOTY, and a VN very much can be my GOTY, only not Muv Luv, but if Steins Gate is released and it's a good release, it'll get GOTY from me most likely, not over Stardew Valley though, probably.


oh, but Knurek was talking about my GOTY, and a VN very much can be my GOTY, only not Muv Luv, but if Steins Gate is released and it's a good release, it'll get GOTY from me most likely, not over Stardew Valley though, probably.

Ah, I see. Was going to say, Root Double barely managed its Kickstarter and the thread for it was full of doom and gloom, so it seemed like a weird example of obvious GOTY contender.


Likely a rebrand as they realized that being a sequel to a game not many played that also changed genres entirely was doing more harm than good. IIRC it's heading to consoles eventually so probably in line with that as they don't have the first game on consoles.
Teddy 2 released on psn this weej actually


Ah, I see. Was going to say, Root Double barely managed its Kickstarter and the thread for it was full of doom and gloom, so it seemed like a weird example of obvious GOTY contender.

Well, it's a spiritual successor of Ever17.
Have you ever met an Ever17 fan? They are rabid, I tell you, rabid.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller

My overall thoughts on NightCry:

So, having put 14-15 hours into the game, having experienced 7/8 of the endings (including the true ending), 8/11 of the horror scenes, and 14/25 of the death scenes, here's my breakdown of the game:

TOP-LINE: This is a new Clock Tower game. It is unpolished and janky even by the series standards, but it's not incredibly buggy or anything, and literally feels like an old-school horror game from yesteryear that just fell out of a worm hole and released. It can stand proud among the company it comes from, is unapologetic of how old-school and cryptic it sometimes is, but chances are if you liked the Clock Tower games, you'll like this game. It takes a bit to get going, but when it hits its stride you may find yourself hooked.

-Unapologetically Old-School. This won't be a pro for everyone, but the game targeted a nich fanbase of the Clock Tower games, and this game delivers what it promises to that fanbase. It feels like an old-school horror game, a Clock Tower game specifically, and it can stand proud with them since it's a good Clock Tower game. It has most of the same flaws the rest of the series does, but also the same strengths, and there is some new stuff sprinkled in, but it doesn't modernize its vision.
-There are some really cool/creepy scenes. I wouldn't define this game as scary (I didn't find the other Clock Tower games especially scary either I should mention, though), but there is some beautifully morbid scenes in this game. Some more surreal, some more gruesome. The gore is over the top, the game can come out of nowhere and sucker-punch you with some unexpected sudden leap into some over-the-top horror scene (in a good way!). The horror ties everything nicely, while still feeling like it's creative enough to get away with what it wants.
-The story: It's not going to win any awards or blow anyone away, but the story is actually quite nice. It's got a lot of subtle details, things in the environment, hidden double meanings in some dialogue or small touches to bring it together. The story is extravagant (as Clock Tower stories usually go), but told in a hushed more mannered way. It is a multi-layered story with a lot of elements it manages to bring together, but not with a bang, but a whisper, and some of it may stick with you. I didn't find any of the characters unlikable, and it's telling I would often look forward to the voiced cutscenes (that were often the more cinematic ones). If you pay attention, you may get more out of the story than others. It true ending is a bit brief, but supported with everything else the game says.
-The audio. The music is nice, with some stand-out tracks (maybe with the only disappointment I had being that the Scissorwalker's theme was a bit simple and repetitive), the voice acting is actually solid, hammy, but enjoyable. There's some very nice audio ques and sounds used to good effect in the game.
-It's campy: Between over-the-top deaths, hammy voicing in some places, some sort of silly scenes and dialogue, there is enjoyable camp here, and camp that fits perfectly with what was present in past installments of the series.

-The graphics. It actually looks a lot better than I was expecting, but the visual consistency is all over the place. Some areas look really good, while others look kind of bad.
-Animations. Just like the graphics, the animation is all over the place. Some of scenes are actually expertly animated, there is some parts where they move like humans and respond and move in a realistic or creepy way... and then other times they look like dead-eyed fish people with no lip sync or sometimes movement that look like creepy dummies trying to imitate humans, or flailing about unrealistically or stiffly. It's some of the broadest in terms of quality animation I have ever seen, some of it looks great, some of it looks terrible.
-Bugs: The game is unpolished, but it's actually not all that buggy. It has a few bugs, but nothing that's game breaking I found (sometimes you may need to reload a previous save though). I put this in the middle since while there are 3-4 bugs I ran into, none of them were major, and for playing the game for 16 hours, there were far less than I was expecting.
-Scissorwalker: Maybe it's only because I've played the whole series before this, but I feel the Scissorwalker was less of a threat in this game than the other Clock Tower games. Not in such a huge way, I did die and he did threaten me, but it felt a bit more scripted here than usual, and I found it to not have quite the same presence as the Scissorman in previous games, but also an effective, cool, and interesting stalker antagonist.

-It's unpolished: The game is incredibly rough around the edges and unpolished. Fluctuating frame rate, small visual bugs, technical things, missing some options (quite game or return to title screen option as a notable one), small bugs... It's the game's biggest flaw for sure.
-The controls are sometimes finicky: While I found the controls fine most of the time, there are some scenes you really need to fight with the controls. The worst would be sometimes when you needed to go to another fixed camera angle but it was hard to walk into it since you needed to click the very sides of the screen to get there.
-Maybe the game is a bit too cryptic: The game doesn't explain much to you, it doesn't explain how to save, it hardly explains the stamina system, you can miss some minor thing and have to figure out where it might be in this long stretch of game; while they have a helpful flowchart, the game maybe is a bit too cryptic for its own good sometimes.


OVERALL: Liked it quite a bit, I feel like I'll want to replay this someday, I plan to get the last ending and find some more scenes I missed, and I feel this would stand tall with the rest of the series and would look forward to replaying it in any session I decided to replay through the whole Clock Tower series with, which is the biggest compliment I can give it. It's a good Clock Tower game, and one I think can stand with the rest of the series.


I'm going to post a lot of screenshots in a bit, I took a ton, and will post a few here.
It looks amazing indeed.
Still far away though, 2017 release. :/

Did they upgrade the graphic or something?
That doesn't look like Two Worlds 2 at all, and I've just recently played the game last December.

An all new engine upgrade will display the beauty of Antaloor and its denizens like never before! See stunning new locations, highly detailed new enemies and allies and beautiful new effects!

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