I tried going back to Dark Souls 1 yesterday and was stopped at the gate by gfwl malfunctioning. Tried reinstalling and all the suggested fixes but nothing worked. Fix your fucking game Scamco... you've made enough money from pc gamers to do it.
This is relevant to my experience last night.
I downloaded and installed the game on Steam, then tried running the game. Instant crash to desktop. Interesting. Two more attempts with the same result. I verify the integrity of the files, and one file (17KB) is missing. Weird, since I literally had just downloaded the dang game. Steam downloads the file and I try launching again.
No joy. Google Fu tells me it relates to GFWL, and provides me a link to download that monstrosity. Yes, I purposefully chose to download GFWL on my computer. Game now loads. It looks like crap, so I download the DSfix (thanks, Durante!) and fix the resolution to something more tolerable.
I fire the game up again and get a warning that it can't connect to GFWL (which I thought was a dead service) and that I won't be able to save my progress. Ummmm, okay. I'm assuming this is a left over message from a crappy development port job and choose to proceed.
Instantly, I notice that all the button mapping prompts on screen are for a 360 controller. I don't see an option to switch that to PC-appropriate prompts. I try to exit to the menu, and find that the Escape key doesn't work. You know, the same key that EVERY PC game in existence uses to bring up the interface. Instead, From Software decided it should be mapped to the End key. That makes perfect logical sense...in bizarro world.
After toying around with the game some, I realize that I really need to play this on my wireless 360 controller, since the prompts are confusing the hell out of me and the game feels designed for a controller. I turn on my controller and the game doesn't recognize it, even though basically every other game in existence does. The prompts sit there on screen and tease me. "Press A to loot this corpse...haha, just kidding!"
Google Fu indicates this is a problem with a duplicate Microsoft Game Controller initiation, which required a four step process with the control panel and device manager to correct.
I fire the game back up and lo and behold, the controller now works! I go to resume my previous game and guess what? That GFWL warning wasn't kidding. The game won't save my progress. Not that I had advanced anywhere in the story, but there's no point to try and play the game if the game won't save my progress.
TLDR: Dark Souls on the PC requires an advanced engineering degree to run properly. There's also no way in hell I'm going to create a GFWL account in order to play this damn game. Uninstalled. I'll wait for Dark Souls 2 to go on sell and play a game that actually runs on the PC.