The Dear Leader
why does everyone on neogaf over react to everything watch_dogs related?
Because NeoGaf.
why does everyone on neogaf over react to everything watch_dogs related?
why does everyone on neogaf over react to everything watch_dogs related?
why does everyone on neogaf over react to everything watch_dogs related?
because we can? (><)
I'm not sure it's watch dogs exclusive problem, it happens with many games that generate hype.
Because it's the only new AAA title coming out soon, until the next one? And it is part of the the ongoing 1080p/60fps debates.
So we're pretending Wolfenstein isn't AAA? Or am I wrong and it's AAAA?
I know what you are saying but how can you get burned by buying a Season Pass that doesn't include everything? You get everything that was advertised in the Pass right? They didn't alter it and add new content in after you bought it no? I used to have a season ticket to my local football team and never did they include cup games as they were always extra.
What does "AAA" even mean? I hate that phrase.
So we're pretending Wolfenstein isn't AAA? Or am I wrong and it's AAAA?
Well no, not really. I'll admit Ubisoft are being honest but as many people have said with other games you have NFI what content you're getting until it's actually out, therefore making the entire Season Pass concept useless. I'm going to single out whatever the hell Saints Row game it was that basically said you'd get all DLC, then released a dozen DLC packs that weren't part of the Season Pass. Only takes one game to poison the Season Pass well and that was it for me. Watch_Dogs standard edition is all I've got pre-ordered at this stage, so I guess I'm just getting whatever the hell comes with that. I'm definitely not on the Watch_Dogs hate train like a lot of people on GAF, game looks awesome and I'm really looking forward to it.
What does "AAA" even mean? I hate that phrase.
Good thing I also hate the games so I can live without season passes and all this other bullshit.
I mean in the literal sense. What the hell does three A's in a row mean?Means big budget games. Though people like to equate it to cinematic blockbusters.
That image about word counts is pretty stupid. Japanese is not "one character = one word" at all.
I mean in the literal sense. What the hell does three A's in a row mean?
That image about word counts is pretty stupid. Japanese is not "one character = one word" at all.
I mean in the literal sense. What the hell does three A's in a row mean?
Since AAA its an acronym, each "A" has a meaning regarding an overall quality.[7] One "A" is given to games that are considered to be successful (critics or reviewers give it a perfect, or almost perfect score), another "A" is used when a game brings "innovative Gameplay" (a gaming characteristic so unique that differentiate the game from all the rest), and finally, the last "A" defines "Financial Success" (game sales that generate a huge profit). A title consider to be AAA is therefore a high quality game and its expected to be among the years bestsellers.[8]
Soon after, video game journalism, reviewers, and even the companies press-releases,[9] would also use the term to classify games (in some cases, referring to it as an equivalent to a movie blockbuster).
As the years progressed and during the new millennium, many publishers started to consider their games to be AAA even before their release,[4][10][11] and justifying this decision through huge development and marketing budgets.[12] This lead to a misrepresentation of the AAA title, since not all games with a huge budget (specially for consoles), are either a financial success, critical success or have innovative gameplay.
I might write up something about it eventually, but I dunno if it'd be worthwhile -- anything I could say would be amply said elsewhere. Too exhausted for now either way. I liked it.
The hardest are the get all magic scroll achievements. Well maybe not hard but they take the longest because some eitherHow hard was it? To get all achievements, I mean.
Also congratulations are in order? Congratulations! 73 hours... that's scary
So we're pretending Wolfenstein isn't AAA? Or am I wrong and it's AAAA?
Not especially, I ended up being fairly thorough on my first run which minimized the amount I had left over. After my NG run I was mostly gunning for collecting the rest of the spells and doing two NPC sidequests. If anything I had an easier time with this one as they didn't feature achievements for collecting all special weaponry and upgrading each path this time around.How hard was it? To get all achievements, I mean.
Also congratulations are in order? Congratulations! 73 hours... that's scary
That 4A Malta brings me to, what's up with Valve Luxembourg? Or that UK studio?
That 4A Malta brings me to, what's up with Valve Luxembourg? Or that UK studio?
You probably won't find it much cheaper. I had a look at it on Steam db the other day and it has a RU + CIS store sub. I suppose there's a chance they may not use it but won't know till it goes up.[/url]
Talking about hype, I remembered that I want to generate some hype for upcoming Trails (Sara (programmer) posted not long ago, that it is coming no matter what it takes! (that's the spirit!))). I want series on steam to come and stay, I want older and new games to be released, especially SC. For that FC need to sell like gangbusters.)
Not that I'm saying TitS series is bad or anything like that, and I'm really looking forward to the game as well, but I've realized long time ago that wordcount != quality.
Especially for Japanese media the opposite seems to be true.
Editing FTW
GAF, what do I do? Sell for 30p or take a risk of getting one of those sweet, sweet Bad Rats foils?
GAF, what do I do? Sell for 30p or take a risk of getting one of those sweet, sweet Bad Rats foils?
Normally I would agree, but not in the case of Trails, that's why I posted that screenshot, writing is selling point of Trails.
The screenshot looks more like a joke added during the localization process, unless the original devs were big on Braveheart.
Check the price history graph. Some boosters can sit for a week or more before selling, in which case you'd be better off just rolling the dice and unpacking it.
it's sorta spoiler, depends how you look at it, but that's not one time event, not at all (><)
You haven't played it?
Dabbled a bit with PSP version, up to the farm scenario... So, granted, not much, but enough to know I will like the superior PC version. could craft a badge and wear it.![]()
GAF, what do I do? Sell for 30p or take a risk of getting one of those sweet, sweet Bad Rats foils?
While the metro map looks like a clusterfuck, it is not in reality: it is very easy to go from one point of the city to any other by relying solely on one or two (it is very rare to have to change twice) lines of the metro. The only problem with the metro is the huge amount of stairs, which makes in unpractical for elederly people and pregnant women. Moreover, you have to keep in mind the metro in Paris opened in 1900. could craft a badge and wear it. could craft a badge and wear it.
Do I dare live the dream? What if I do that and all other badges lose meaning? What if I achieve that honour and all other things pale in comparison? That's a risk I'm not willing to take.
You probably won't find it much cheaper. I had a look at it on Steam db the other day and it has a RU + CIS store sub. I suppose there's a chance they may not use it but won't know till it goes up.
While the metro map looks like a clusterfuck, it is not in reality: it is very easy to go from one point of the city to any other by relying solely on one or two (it is very rare to have to change twice) lines of the metro. The only problem with the metro is the huge amount of stairs, which makes in unpractical for elederly people and pregnant women. Moreover, you have to keep in mind the metro in Paris opened in 1900.
Is this really true?
Damn, I live in Austria and I want to get the English original version of Wolfenstein: The New Order (German audio sucks).
If I go the VPN way, do I have to use an US VPN connection every time I want to start the game?
Feast your eyes:someone has to! Think about it, why not you?
Actually, anybody crafted that badge? Care to post how it looks if you did? (><)
No, 'prohibitrunincountries AT' was removed, it's now only 'prohibitrunincountries DE'.