Man, I regret not playing Assassin's Creed IV earlier, the game is incredibly fun and it's also very calming when you're out on the ocean just listenin to your fellow pirates singing a song about who knows what.
Played for 10 hours today, and I got up to Sequence 7 and collected a dozen knick knacks, is the Templar Armour any good? I'm trying to get that at the moment but if I can get better armour from a shop I may skip it.
Also does UPlay not keep track of your overall play time or something? I can't find it anywhere on Uplay, yet the game makes sure to tell me what my overall playtime session was, hopefully someone can tell me where to find it because as of right now I've just been writing down the length of each session I play and then adding them together(Normally I wouldn't be too bothered, but I'm writing down all the games I beat for the 52 games 1 year challenge and the format that it uses has you write down the time, so I'd like to be as accurate as possible)