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STEAM | May 2014 - every time improve protection Steam Guard

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is there anything by strategy first that is worth a look? something not hidden object?

This seemed cool and has cards:


Calling it "terrible" is really subjective. Dark Souls PC has the same stuff you'd get on the console version-- same resolution, same framerate, same everything-- without introducing any bugs or performance problems. If you pick up the game for 360 or PC you get the same thing: this would make it a straight port, but the fact that PC hardware solves the performance issues that plagued the consoles makes it something of a solid port. Maybe getting the same thing as the consoles is "terrible" but that doesn't mean it's a terrible port.

Sure, there's missed potential here. It could have been a good port if you didn't have to spend 30 seconds installing DSFix. It could have been a great port if it had Steam achievements instead of GFWL. It would still be a piece of shit port, though, if it didn't have trading cards.

Yeah, but developers actually get money from JaseC.

Nailed it.

Joe Molotov

Yeah, but developers actually get money from JaseC.



listen to the mad man
I beat Killzone 2 (PS3) today, a little under 3 years after I bought it. How about that backlog? It's not a terrible game. The reviews feel substantially too generous to me. Edge's review has been pulled, but at a 7/10 I think that's probably pretty close to an honest score. I mean it has a bunch of dumb shooter clichés, especially the character writing and voice acting and story. There's a dumb emotional moment about 3/4s of the way through that isn't as bad as Gears of War 2's MARIIIIIA nonsense, but it's still pretty bad. When a major character died, I actually thought it was a different character because I hadn't properly learned their names by that point. Whoops. The ending is also dumb and clearly sets up a sequel. There are lots of setpieces, all of which are par for the course; mounted turret, jeep, tank, walking mech and so they feel a little blasé.

Guns feel iffy. Shotgun headshots are pretty satisfying, and an unlimited ammo arcing homing lightning gun feels great. The flamethrower is also probably the best flamethrower I've used in a game, with the fire coming out in rich, soupy streams and the enemies reacting very realistically to it, yelling and sort of running-rolling around. Also fire seems to catch from enemy to enemy. Way fun. Melee feels terrible and the enemy AI is too smart for grenades even on the medium difficulty level. Enemy AI is quite smart in general. Lots of flanking. Lots of diving behind cover. If you iron-sight at an enemy that has popped out of cover they're going to go back into cover. In a lot of levels, your best success will come from shooting enemies who are distracted by one of your team-mates.

The controls are also all kinds of weird, because of course it uses a DualShock 3 (aka a terrible controller for FPS games). Crouch is L2, crouching near a wall activates cover, L1 is melee, R1 is shoot, R2 is throw grenade, clicking the right analog stick is iron-sights. This is so plainly inferior to the Xbox 360 / PC standard controller layout. In addition, control lag is terrible, controls are way too clunky, and there's no good sensitivity option. Worse, the game makes you do a bunch of motion gesture crap for things like opening a valve or planting a demolition charge. Man, PS3 motion controls were so bad. You move very slowly and you're heavy as hell. I never felt like I could turn quickly enough either.

On the other hand, one thing the game does very wisely is that every enemy has a glowing orange mask which makes it very easy to spot distant enemies peeking up from cover. This means that the combat design is totally built around fighting distant enemies, so it's a very defensive game IMHO. A lot of combat scenarios seem to have unlimited enemy spawns and make you progress by crossing invisible lines on the map, which gives it the feel of a sort of warzone, that game of attrition.

It still looks really great in parts though. Nice skyboxes, great effects (fire, dust, dirt, smoke). And despite what's gotta be a low average framerate, it moves very smoothly. There's some weird LOD when you are aiming down iron-sights at a really distant enemy and the character models feel very 2008 unsurprisingly, but that's OK. I think at 60fps with some high-res texture packs this would still be an excellent looking game.

It took me a hair over 6 hours to complete but felt longer. Not sure if it's counting death->respawn loops or what. I died very often, it's a very defensive game like I said. The last boss is a major vertical difficulty jump.

Why am I posting it in the Steam thread? Well, I don't know I guess. It's Sony developed and published so it clearly wouldn't and couldn't get a PC port. It's an older game so it doesn't really make sense to compare to new releases. PC specific content for this post, hmm... I do think it'd have been a better game on PC, because PC would really make the game's strengths shine. It's interesting to see the kind of budget pumped into the game, which is I think something you never really get with PC releases because they don't have that kind of loss-leader budgeting the way a good console game can. Like, Killzone 2 was a matter of pride for Sony whether or not it made money. They were also able to throw teams at the game to help Guerrilla, which is a luxury a lot of PC devs don't have. I wish I could have taken some screenshots to show some of the scenes I liked. Oh well.


bish gets all the credit :)
KZ2 shines on hard difficulty. The gun fights take on a much more methodical pace. Elite difficulty is insanely hard where it's not much fun.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I tried replaying that game recently Stump and I lost interest during the train level. I think I would enjoy it if they upped the FOV in a PS4 edition and made it feel responsive shooting-wise (basically run at 60 fps). I preferred KZ3 artistically.


Calling it "terrible" is really subjective. Dark Souls PC has the same stuff you'd get on the console version-- same resolution, same framerate, same everything-- without introducing any bugs or performance problems. If you pick up the game for 360 or PC you get the same thing: this would make it a straight port, but the fact that PC hardware solves the performance issues that plagued the consoles makes it something of a solid port. Maybe getting the same thing as the consoles is "terrible" but that doesn't mean it's a terrible port.

Sure, there's missed potential here. It could have been a good port if you didn't have to spend 30 seconds installing DSFix. It could have been a great port if it had Steam achievements instead of GFWL. It would still be a piece of shit port, though, if it didn't have trading cards.

Sorry, you judge a port by the standards of the platform, not by the standards of the platforms it has been ported from. If a game was ported up from the Wii to the PS3, and it ran and looked the same on PS3 as it did on Wii, would you think that game had a good port? Of course not.

By PC standards, Dark Souls PC was a bad port. Period.


You get a Steam discount on Rebirth by owning the original. It's worth grabbing at 1 buck.

There's also a chance you'll be able to pick up a Humble Bundle with it in it soon.

It's one of my favorite games of the past few years, I've got 51 hours played, but I stopped playing it (while not really wanting to!) just because the framerate and what not is so frustrating that I'd rather just wait for Rebirth.

For what it's worth, I haven't had any of those issues.

I appreciate the input. I think I'll wait for now...if it's in a Humble Bundle, maybe pick it up then. But just don't want to risk having it be unplayable.
Some spares for SteamGAF:

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Last Baron, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

The Lord of the Rings Online Steely Dawn Starter Pack -- MB-D91D111D5A49A3C0 - Taken by $h@d0w
COH 2 Soviet Commander Conscripts Support Tactics -- MB-F381D32B6FF253BE - Taken by Dice
Batman Arkham Origins Millenium Skins Pack -- MB-EA5DF58E7CA6701E - Taken by Shalashaska


Nope, take advantage while you can. I'm currently trying to collect card money, hopefully it pays off.

Approaching 300 games, just need to start playing them

I'm just gonna leave steam and buy games from sellers. Fuck you valve, fuck you ubisoft, fuck you Quebec


Unconfirmed Member
The flamethrower is also probably the best flamethrower I've used in a game, with the fire coming out in rich, soupy streams and the enemies reacting very realistically to it, yelling and sort of running-rolling around. Also fire seems to catch from enemy to enemy. Way fun.

I do like it when games have good flamethrowers. I might have to pick it up whenever I pick up a PS3, especially since I think it's sold for a cheap price.
Calling it "terrible" is really subjective. Dark Souls PC has the same stuff you'd get on the console version-- same resolution, same framerate, same everything-- without introducing any bugs or performance problems. If you pick up the game for 360 or PC you get the same thing: this would make it a straight port, but the fact that PC hardware solves the performance issues that plagued the consoles makes it something of a solid port. Maybe getting the same thing as the consoles is "terrible" but that doesn't mean it's a terrible port.

Well it seems to me that we're lowering our standards for this one particular game then. Comparing favorably to the console versions isn't really something to trumpet as a positive as far as I'm concerned. That's a bare minimum requirement. Just like resolution support should be.

Would everyone be just as reasonable if a Ubi or EA game shipped like this? Would we be okay if we started getting games at 792p-900p with a framerate between 20 and 40? Because that's what these new consoles are getting, and apparently matching that is all it takes for a port to not be called terrible.


$9 for Riptide - YAY or NAY?

Nay for $9, but if you're already buying the bundle at $6, another $3 for Riptide is probably worth it. Maybe.

Would everyone be just as reasonable if a Ubi or EA game shipped like this? Would we okay if we started getting games at 792p-900p with a framerate between 20 and 40? Because that's what these new consoles are getting, and apparently matching that is all takes for a port to not be called terrible.

In my mind, a port is terrible if it is inferior to the original. Something like Viking: Battle for Asgard, where the controller support is awful and the game has additional bugs constitutes a terrible port. Or Saints Row 2, where it basically requires the fan patch to be playable at all. If a game doesn't have all the features you might want, but still runs fine and as well as the other platforms, it's a port. That's pretty much the definition of a port. Yes, it's largely semantics, but to call Dark Souls a terrible port by any reasonable standard is hyperbolic. A great version unmodded? Of course not. But not terrible. My biggest concern with the coming generation of PS4/Xbone games is not terrible ports, it's that we'll go back to an era where we get no ports at all because it isn't worth the trouble. And the last thing we want developers to think is that we'd rather have no version than an identical version, because that's drastically worse. I'd take "terrible" ports of the quality of Dark Souls of games like Red Dead Redeption and Bayonetta any day of the week over not having them at all.
The controls are also all kinds of weird, because of course it uses a DualShock 3 (aka a terrible controller for FPS games).

Nah. I've played tons of FPS games with a DS3, but what you really need is real triggers if you don't have them. I generally still use my DS3 for everything these days. Just played through Doom 3 BFG with it and it was great.

Well it seems to me that we're lowering our standards for this one particular game then. Comparing favorably to the console versions isn't really something to trumpet as a positive as far as I'm concerned. That's a bare minimum requirement. Just like resolution support should be.

Would everyone be just as reasonable if a Ubi or EA game shipped like this? Would we okay if we started getting games at 792p-900p with a framerate between 20 and 40? Because that's what these new consoles are getting, and apparently matching that is all takes for a port to not be called terrible.

There's a major difference with this game that DOES make it an exception to the rules you're stating. When a company decides, of it's own volition, to go out and invest resources into creating a version of that game for PC, I'd be inclined to agree with you. When a game is developed solely for a console and NEVER had a PC port planned, that's an entirely different case.


I meant to comment earlier on someone's curiosity about Dead Island.
The Hakuto No Ken mod makes it entirely worth a couple bucks:


Gold Member
Blood of the Werewolf isn't that bad for 99 cents. It's a platformer where you aim your weapon's direction with the second analog stick. You also transform into a werewolf in certain areas of the level. It's indie for sure (no disrespect). It's like half the charm you get from traditional platformers, sized like a web based platformer, for the price of a single hamburger at BK.

Steam summer sales are coming too. I want a nice Steam UI, but I have no idea which one is the best. I wish Valve would make a store for Steam skins.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
this is getting popular on reddit; future skin someone's working on:


I think it looks like shit but hey

Man, the Twilight Zone episode ahead of you when you look at your Steam client and its the same shitty custom skin and you realize that all custom skins look varying levels of incoherent garbage.

So long as you don't state that you have a preference towards white uplay.

You know, we have 2 Black Ops, but you know I'd be strung up a tree if I said I wanted White Ops.
There's a major difference with this game that DOES make it an exception to the rules you're stating. When a company decides, of it's own volition, to go out and invest resources into creating a version of that game for PC, I'd be inclined to agree with you. When a game is developed solely for a console and NEVER had a PC port planned, that's an entirely different case.

I'm not sure how much the intent of developers (or their circumstances) should factor into this. Missing features are missing features. And especially when you look at how Durante managed to fix it so quickly. They were unwilling to make that much effort on the PC version. I'm glad the game exists on PC but I am not going to excuse the shoddy state it was released in.


While playing AC IV last night, I decided to check what these Initiate badges are. After logging in, I got some free cosmetic stuff. There are missions to fulfill in there but they are not retroactive and they will not count unless you have that current mission active.

For example, one mission requires you to get 3 viewpoints synced and another requires you to pick up 3 crates from sea. If you have the 3 viewpoints mission active, even if you pick up 3 crates, that will not be completed unless you have that mission set as active.

This is bullshit. This must suck for anyone that find this out too late when they are already in the endgame.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Well talking about a game Sony wanted as a set-piece and helped out a developer team build it due to the difficulties of programming due to the hardware and OS, it makes me wonder if Valve will do anything of the sort. I know they aren't trying for the same market, but I would think it would behove Valve to have a stand-out title, whether it makes money or not as long as it has a presence in gaming discussion, and of course help developers sort out some of the issues that are bound to arise on Steam OS.
Obviously that game would be Bad Rats 3

Talking about Sony and Steam. God I wish they would let us have Lemmings.
While playing AC IV last night, I decided to check what these Initiate badges are. After logging in, I got some free cosmetic stuff. There are missions to fulfill in there but they are not retroactive and they will not count unless you have that current mission active.

For example, one mission requires you to get 3 viewpoints synced and another requires you to pick up 3 crates from sea. If you have the 3 viewpoints mission active, even if you pick up 3 crates, that will not be completed unless you have that mission set as active.

This is bullshit. This must suck for anyone that find this out too late when they are already in the endgame.

To be fair, all that Initiate stuff shows up on the main menu and it's kind of hard to miss. Also, if I remember correctly, the only thing worth getting are the black sails which actually make your ship look like a pirate ship.


meh I found killzone 2 to be bad prepatch, playing that game on elite was one of the most frustrating things i've ever done, I got to the balcony and rage quitted, but I think I'd rather try to forget the experience.
A bit late, but Happy Birthday Jason(That's what Jase stands for in JaseC, right?)!
I hope you're having a good one.

Christ, you actually played the game with the default controller configuration? that was so bad, the devs seemed to build on top of KZ1 instead of looking at the other FPS games and thinking about how the genre has evolved to have a less silly control scheme for FPS games.

KZ2 is imo the best Killzone game, KZ3 was even dumber(especially the ending, christ) and KZ:SF I couldn't be bothered getting past the third level because the level design really confused me(even with the pointer telling me where to go, it mostly just pointed to an area I had no idea how to get to =/ )

I do wish there was KZ game I could play with KB/M at 60FPS.
Oh well, maybe in 20-40 years when a PS3 emulator is made :p


Am I the only one who thinks that unfinished episodic games (Telltale, KR0, etc) should be released on Early Access until they have last episode ready?

I mean, it's only fair - this would certainly motivate the devs to finish the game - none of this 'three months waiting for 90 minutes of gameplay' bullshit.


Happy Steam Birthday!


I hope you're using Enhanced Steam and saw the awesome logo and streamers!

This post reminded me that my Steam Birthday is somewhere in the middle of May. Color me surprised when I logged in a few minutes ago and was greeted by a much more colorful storefront. Pretty cool stuff, jschakles.
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