That is some heavy armor you are wearing, I hope you aren't fat rolling!
What is fat rolling?
I can run and jump and roll.
Not as fast with other sets, but still can move myself.
That's what keeps me from playing most of the time. I do actually have a lot of fun playing the game, but it feels like work at times. Its difficult if you're by yourself and having to heave through these long levels, knowing death means you have to do it all over again is rough.borderlands is something i really wanted to like but never really feel motivated to play, I think the checkpoints are pretty far too? I remember the last few times I try, I quit midway through only to start all the way back at an early save point, so it didn't help.
What is fat rolling?
I can run and jump and roll.
Not as fast with other sets, but still can move myself.
I think I'm about to go to 75% in my current Dark Souls II build.
Pumping Vit to stay under 50% just isn't viable in NG++ while keeping my health so low. Normal mobs 2 shot me at this point.
EDIT: While keeping my SL160.
There are three types of roll speeds. fast, medium and "fat"
- anything above 70% equip load gives you the fat roll. which is very slow and has the least amount of invisibility frames.
- 50%-70% equip load is the mid roll which is medium speed with an average amount of invisibility frames.
- less than 50% is the fast roll which is for trolololol pvp antics mainly.
How is it any better than DS4tool for DS4 owners?
There are three types of roll speeds. fast, medium and "fat"
- anything above 70% equip load gives you the fat roll. which is very slow and has the least amount of invisibility frames.
- 50%-70% equip load is the mid roll which is medium speed with an average amount of invisibility frames.
- less than 50% is the fast roll which is for trolololol pvp antics mainly.
I'm still on my first playthrough of DS2. Nearing the end though and I'm rocking light armor since I'm an INT build. I've only used a bonfire ascetic once to get the moonlight greatsword. And that was a real bitch because those spiders in Tseldora were pretty much 2 shotting me as well.
Isn't the Humble Daily Bundle update supposed to be now?
Volgarr the Viking is 66% off, making it $4.07 Glad I held off from buying it a the Humble Store. Now is the time to rise, warrior.
Is a legitimate store ?
Isn't the Humble Daily Bundle update supposed to be now?
Daily Volgarr 66% off
Humble flash Prison Architect 66% off
Isn't the Humble Daily Bundle update supposed to be now?
Daily Volgarr 66% off
Humble flash Prison Architect 66% off
Daily Volgarr 66% off
Humble flash Prison Architect 66% off
Yeah...a bigger discount will be seen.
Well, he did say it "may" not be seen. Gotta leave yourself an out.
Yeah...a bigger discount will be seen.
Yeah...a bigger discount will be seen.
When is the Steam sale?
Im totally uable to play Borderlands 2 and has been it for weeks. It's just so unmotivating to play it. Don't know why. I even bought the fucking season pass.
I woke up one morning in December to a mess of Twitter replies. My game, at 4am that morning, had been chosen for a Flash Sale during the Steam Winter Sale at 75% off. I was a mess of emotions: I had no idea that was gonna happen, and was I really ready to have my game sell that low? (I had put in the 75% offer to Steam, so I knew it was possible, but you dont know if youre picked). Would my sales crash afterwards, with people not wanting to buy the game anymore after it was so cheap?
I frantically looked at my sales data. Only a few hundred dollars it seemed, hmmm, maybe people just arent that interested in the game. Then I realized Steam froze all data at 4am the moment it went on sale. I had no idea how it was doing.
I was excited, until I realized I had told some people earlier on Steam and Twitter that they should buy the game at 50% off since CSD wasnt chosen for a Flash Sale. I felt terrible, and quickly posted in the forums that it was completely my fault, and I would be more than happy to buy a game for them on Steam should they feel that they were mislead, as they certainly were, albeit by accident. That seemed to calm some folks down, but surprisingly no one took me up on it. That offer still stands, by the way.
WTF? That is pretty goddamned sleazy.![]()
Yeah...a bigger discount will be seen.
I dunno, I'm around the same area you are at in BL2, and I don't mind playing it entirely solo.
Civ Beyond Earth will be the cover story for PC Gamer in July with an "in depth preview of the game", for anyone interested
Can I play Volgarr with a fightstick or does it require use of two analog sticks?
The cynical explanation is that he's a big fat liar and wanted people to prioritize buying on Humble because he gets a bigger cut.![]()
Yeah...a bigger discount will be seen.
WTF? That is pretty goddamned sleazy.
Game looks amazing though.
Edit: Just saw Zeeman's post. I guess it could have taken him by surprise, but it seems strange to me that a dev wouldn't know about Valve's plans to discount a game. Anyone else here know more about how that stuff works?
Can I play Volgarr with a fightstick or does it require use of two analog sticks?
The way that daily deals work now is that (I believe) developers can elect to set a discount to be chosen as the "daily deal", and Valve approves and schedules them about 2 weeks in advance (usually). This process is a bit different than flash sales during a big sales event.
So it does seem a little sleazy, since in all likelihood the game was already on the calendar to be a daily deal when he posted that tweet.
Something seems off then. Why would the dev flat out lie? Sure be would make a bigger cut with Humble Bundle, but why tarnish their name? Weird...
alright thanksYou could play with a fight stick.
flight?I think you'll be fine as long as you have a throttle and rudder pedals.
alright thanks
I tend to think discretion is the better part of valor, but whatever works for you.flight?
alright thanks
Just make sure you map a button to the command for throwing spears. That "up+attack" command for it is crap.