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STEAM | May 2014 - every time improve protection Steam Guard

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For you.
Murderer. Soul Suspect is a Squeenix game, so it will be 25% off 3 weeks later and maybe 50% during the summer sale.

Never buy a Squeenix game at release. Tomb Raider learned me that.

The game still has month to release and it's already 25%off @getgamesgo

Game will hit 50%off in a month, easily. Hell, even Hitman went 50%off after a month, and this is guaranteed to bomba even harder :p


If you like skirmish and MP in RTS yes, its pretty complete unit and ai wise, its very playable, I love it. Crashes sometimes but very enjoyable.
Thanks, I usually prefer playing single player mostly in RTSs, but I did read that PA doesn't have a single player campaign - however its main mode can be played single player against AI? I'm not opposed to multiplayer but like to play SP first to learn the systems etc, so as long as there is (or will be on release) some sort of single player functionality, I think I'll buy it.


Just finished Borderlands 2 with my brother and well... while the final boss design was cool, the fight itself was extremly lame. Doubt I'll touch it again - while we had our fun, it was very tedious and annoying at times (maybe we'll finish up the sidequests just to complete it).


Just finished Borderlands 2 with my brother and well... while the final boss design was cool, the fight itself was extremly lame. Doubt I'll touch it again - while we had our fun, it was very tedious and annoying at times (maybe we'll finish up the sidequests just to complete it).

Now imagine how boring as fuck it would be in single player.
Hell, everything in the second half of the game was just a boring grindfest.


Just finished Borderlands 2 with my brother and well... while the final boss design was cool, the fight itself was extremly lame. Doubt I'll touch it again - while we had our fun, it was very tedious and annoying at times (maybe we'll finish up the sidequests just to complete it).

I joined some friends a while ago who were playing with modified save games - high leveled characters, new game +. It was fun. Never played it "normally", though.


Not big on horror/scary games...but alan wake collection for a fiver (humble bundle store).

I ought to grab that right?

I was watching the wolfenstein streams yesterday, game looks really, really good. Seems like they try and surprise you (not shocks, just with new stuff you don't usually expect). £22 or so on simplycdkeys - might have to go for it but I have so many games atm. I've just been trying to catch up for a year away from pc and got lucky with the timing for some of these sales.


Unconfirmed Member
Damn, these impressions on the Wolf TNO OT are making me reconsider my purchase. I can get it for free from GMG but maybe I should save my credit for their summer sale or another upcoming game. I was expecting so much from this game :(

It's only one person really though who really dislikes the second half of the game. I'm not saying they're wrong or right but that may not be your experience :) If you're unsure just wait for more opinions.

Jesus. That's even dearer than I thought they were going for. xD

Yeah last time I looked it was at 90 keys, I guess there aren't many spare copies floating around :p


The games are good, but they've also been cheaper as they've actually been in bundles.

Wow, didn't expect that, seemed like a huge game a while back - thanks for the headsup.

Seems a pretty reasonable price, may grab grab it to build my courage if they're decent. Some totalbiscuit to prepare first.


To give you an example there's currently one Wolf 2009 steam gift going for 156 keys. Yeah......



For you.
So, I can't add Arma Cold War to my account:

"An error was encountered while processing your request:

There was a problem adding this product to your Steam account."

Any ideas?


Not big on horror/scary games...but alan wake collection for a fiver (humble bundle store).
Alan Wake isn't very scary. It's more laughter-inducing, really.
(And then there's the frustration of the shitty game we ended up with, with glimpses of the much better game it could have been shining through)
Alan Wake isn't very scary. It's more laughter-inducing, really.

Spoiler for a line an enemy says at one point that's pretty funny
"Omega 3 Fatty Acids are good for your heart!"
When I heard that line, at first I just started laughing, it's such a weird thing to say.
And there are like a dozen other lines like that throughout the game as well, it really is more funny than scary.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
shitting on alan wake today are we? guess im done with this thread for today
Alan Wake is one of those great games where it does no one particular thing very well but is great because of the sum of its parts. I still need to play the DLC (and probably read a wiki to refresh myself on the game's main story since it's been so long) but it was really a one of a kind experience last gen.


It's so weird to me reading all of these "negative" (not actually negative) posts about Borderlands 2, when my impression have always been, that the general people really liked the game a lot. Now I'm not so excited to play it.

Also, Alan Wake is a repetitive game which gets boring and is too long, though the atmosphere is phenomenal.
The wording is wrong, you don't have to rate anything. I got it after playing through 10 community levels in a row. I just played the Furbottom playlist and played through levels 1 to 9 and then did the time trial.

I think it's bugged...
I played through a bunch of community levels in a row last night using a playlist and stuff and it still hasn't popped for me.


I liked everything about Alan Wake except the gameplay, which had good ideas but clumsy execution. American Nightmare improved the gameplay in every way, but in doing so took a step in the wrong direction for the series.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
third atempt at adding me to friends list today from people i dont know, whats going on?


Seems like it's worth a try at under £5 at least.

I have so many games.

What's next?

Oh yeah wolfenstein. There have been some complaints in the thread about the later section...going to catch up.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I actually don't think I ever really put down my whole thoughts on Alan Wake, so let's do this.


Alan Wake is an episodic psychological-thriller action game that follows the titular author on his 'vacation' to the fictional Pacific Northwest town of Bright Falls. Alan has fallen on hard times, after writing his very successful Alex Casey crime-drama series, he hasn't been able to write another book for the last two years, and has become far more well-known for his violent out-lashes at the press. He and his wife, Alice, are hoping to get away from it all, away from the bustling city of New York that they're accustomed too to the small and peaceful Washington town ... However, this goes terribly wrong after a series of odd occurrences at their resting cabin ends up with Alan waking up a week later with no memory of what happened in the last week, his wife missing, and strange shadow people coming after him in the darkness of the woods.

Alan Wake at its best is an immersive trip both into the rather colorful and well-realized town of Bright Falls, and the more sinister and campy lurkings that pull from everything from Stephen King to Lovecraft to David Lynch. At its worst its a repetitive combat game where you'll often get lost in the woods.

Maybe more appropriately stated is that Alan Wake is a huge love it/hate it game. There are elements of Alan Wake that it pulls off beautifully, while other elements wear rather thin over its course. Honestly how much you enjoy the game deals completely in how grand you enjoy what it does right, and how much you can deal with what it does wrong.


Alan Wake is a rather gorgeous game. It has fantastic art direction, a well-done lighting system, matched with fantastic optimization for PC and probably some of the best realized forest settings and night lighting realized in games. Its visual flair suffers a bit from some weird facial animations from the characters, but during sections of the game where you stand on mountains overlooking a valley below full of details, it can be kind of breath-taking.

It also has a very elegant soundtrack to it. The compositions really switch between three tones; beautiful symphonic pieces for the more relaxing and emotional scenes of the game, low-keyed and sometimes a bit sinister down-time music to match exploration and dreary environments, and rather thunderous 'struggle' music of when the action gets going. From this, the beautiful symphonic pieces definitely stand-out, but none of it is really bad. On-top of this, a variety of licensed songs have been chosen for the game, which play on radios and during episode endings.

The voicing is rather well-done, though hammy in places. Alan and Barry's performances steal the show, but other character, from the sheriff to Hartman, pull their weight as well. Only a few strike as being maybe a little too cheesy for their own good.

And sound-design is rather top-notch, with atmospheric forestry sounds, creaks in rustic homes, and little sounds that really help make the atmosphere and world. The sounds of shining light on enemies, shooting your gun, and your flashlight turning on, are all also suitably satisfying.

And something to note about Alan Wake is how good it is at world-building. Bright Falls feels like a real-place, and the way they connect everything and how it all fits together as an overall map is impressive. Being able to look out at a mountain you know you're going to climb, see a gas station far-off you know you're going too, or look back at a level you just conquered and being able to see all the locations and details of what you just overcame, really helps build Bright Falls as a place. And it does feel like a vibrant, lived-in place often during the daytime sections of gameplay where you get to explore and take everything in.


The gameplay of Alan Wake is really split into two modes; Exploration mode, where you're in a location without enemies with a variety of small tasks you can do, both for progression and for fun, and Night Time, when often you're isolated and alone (or with someone who you question how long they're going to last) as monsters come out at you from the woods. The night time takes up probably about 80% of the game, while exploration mode happens about 20% of the time.

The combat system is fairly simple, though with a few tricks to it. Enemies are covered in shadows which make them invincible to bullets, so the first goal is to disperse the shadows with your light. You can focus-down a strong beam of light that will chip more at the shadows of an enemy, but rapidly consumes battery power, or do a normal light, which does a lot less damage to Taken but slowly recharges the battery. If you use up a battery, it will go out and be off for about 10 seconds, unless you put in a new battery, but of which come in limited supplies. You can also use light to also stun enemies by flashing them with a strong beam quickly, which is useful if you decide to flee rather than fight.

Alan can carry only a limited amount of guns and ammo, so he must choose wisely. While there are differences between them, most of them feel rather samey, with similar mechanics between a rifle, handgun, and shotgun besides how the bullets spread or pierce, the ammo they can carry, and the damage they do. There are a few other tools for trade here though, including flashbang grenades, which will kill in one-hit weaker enemies and damage stronger ones, or flares which you can light to ward-off enemies or deplete at their shadows. You can either hold onto a flare and walk around slowly with it, or drop it in a place as a temporary haven.

Alan's final form of dealing with Taken is to flee from encounters, but this can be a bit tricky at first. Alan has very limited sprinting (he'll tire out after about 15 seconds and lower his pace to a light jog), and the enemies can catch-up to you without some intervention. The real art of fleeing in Alan Wake isn't just running, but to manage your stamina meter (it's better to stop before you tire-out to recharge it than letting it run out), and managing the enemies with your light by briefly flashing a strong light on them to stun them for a few moments.

All-in-all, it can be satisfying, but as the game goes on it can also be fairly repetitive. There's only about seven types of enemies through the course of the game, and three of them are rather similar. The limited selection and the amount of times you face the enemies can be a bit tiring.

Also a good portion of the game is set in forests., especially early on. The game throws you into a lot of forests where if you're not good at keeping direction in mind or marking landmarks, it can get very easy to get lost.


But there is some good mix-up here. A variety of set-pieces and moments lay littered through the adventure to help break the tedium of combat, ranging from atmospheric and moody caverns, stage show showdowns, a variety of exploration and daytime sections, police chases, car driving segments, and more. In some parts of the game you won't be fighting alone, and notably during Episodes 4 and 5 especially, they tread you away from the forests to much more interesting locations.

Alan Wake may test on some gamers patience, but there is also a lot to love here. The characters are colorful, and through the game's course are very easy to like. Optional side-stuff, including interesting radio broadcasts and black-and-white Twilight Zone parodies you can watch on televisions through the world are enjoyable. There is some legitimate frantic encounters and moments through the game. The atmosphere is wonderful, and there are a variety of moments that are fun to explore. And honestly, as far as games plagued by repetitiveness goes, the game has some continuous fresh and sprinkled in unique segments in each episode.

There are a total of 8 episodes in Alan Wake, and to beat them all should take you somewhere between 12-24 hours. The breaking point for many comes during Episode 3, which is notably the longest episode in the whole game, and with less story developments than most of the other episodes as well. It's almost twice as long as any other episode in the game, and for many becomes a test of patience the first time. Notably though is that it probably has the most gameplay mix-ups during its course, but may not be appreciated until after the fact. This is followed by many people's favorite episode in the game, Episode 4.

On a personal level, I really enjoyed Alan Wake. It has flaws, the biggest one being repetition, but the overall package I found to be immersive, to have enjoyable TV-show like gameplay segments (fun characters, cliffhangers, location design), and I got rather wrapped up in the story and world of the game. There's stand-out moments in gameplay, and I can honestly say there is no other game quite like Alan Wake. While it pulls from a lot of sources, it manages to be unlike any other game, and quite unique.

But there is drudgery here, and if you're less a fan of camp, world-building, and more dragged down by repetition of combat, you may very well not enjoy your trip to Bright Falls. To some, the game comes off as a mediocre game with flashes of brilliance that it unfortunately does not ever quite live up too.

But for me and others, it's an immersive campy thriller that follows the journey of an author through an interesting small town that is delved into nightmares and colorful faces. It also can stick with you long after you've completed it.

Alan Wake will either strike with you or will not, a rather polarizing game. However, if you're a fan of horror authors, television programs like Twin Peaks or Happy Town, or want a believable Pacific Northwest setting, this may do you in.


It's so weird to me reading all of these "negative" (not actually negative) posts about Borderlands 2, when my impression have always been, that the general people really liked the game a lot. Now I'm not so excited to play it.

Also, Alan Wake is a repetitive game which gets boring and is too long, though the atmosphere is phenomenal.

People enjoy Borderlands 2 for the social aspects. The fame itself is quite mediocre.


I briefly played Alan Wake for couple hours. Tried to like it but I couldn't. Nothing about the story was interesting and nothing about the gameplay was enticing. Run through a linear forest hur dur dodge baddies..Throw light on baddies. Shoot baddies. Just rinse repeat meh. The game wasn't good at all. It felt like they took the most boring characters in the history of story telling...threw the shit together n called it a video game. Extremely mediocre. I would rate it 3/10. I don't think I will ever return to that game. Sorry Remedy :(
I briefly played Alan Wake for couple hours. Tried to like it but I couldn't. Nothing about the story was interesting and nothing about the gameplay was enticing. Run through a linear forest hur dur dodge baddies..Throw light on baddies. Shoot baddies. Just rinse repeat meh. The game wasn't good at all. It felt like they took the most boring characters in the history of story telling...threw the shit together n called it a video game. Extremely mediocre. I would rate it 3/10. I don't think I will ever return to that game. Sorry Remedy :(

Lol? 3/10? Never!

If you need to apologize to remedy about you didnt like the game you could have at least played trough every level. The characters are good (besides Alan and his wife). The gameplay okayish (AN was better when it comes to gameplay). The Story is one of the best in the history of gaming(gets better and better troughout the game).

When it comes to Story and Atmosphere : Alan Wake
When it comes to Gameplay and Characters : Alan Wake American Nightmare

Night Springs episodes were great as well.


Thanks for the write-up, Dusk Golem, not sure what I've got myself in for with the horror, but it's about time, the rest sounds good, repetition should be alright, I tend to jump from game to game.
I wish I could make all of my drives SSDs, so tired of the spin-up from idle when one of my HDDs gets active. Do hybrids have that problem?

It's the only game i'm really mad about getting on Steam. Second was Riddick, but we all remember Gamestop thing.

What happened with GameStop and Riddick?

I can not imagine why would a publisher acquire an IP and then didn't do anything to profit off it.

I had to use steam's browser while I was waiting to be summoned, and I had cross region play turned on.

How do you enable cross region play?


It's the only game i'm really mad about getting on Steam. Second was Riddick, but we all remember Gamestop thing.

I can not imagine why would a publisher acquire an IP and then didn't do anything to profit off it.

I had to use steam's browser while I was waiting to be summoned, and I had cross region play turned on.

But that's one of the great things about the Souls games, and this may sound a little weird, but I feel like they're essentially giant puzzle games. Figuring out how to progress through a level, what items and equipment to use, where to hurt a boss, when to dodge (or block)... It's figuring these things out that's though. Aslong as you keep your cool, use your wits and persevere, you can progress through almost any situation in these games.

Here's hoping they ever remove GFWL. :/

I'm starting NG+ if/when it becomes Steamworks...and there are Playfire Rewards :p
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