Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I was going to guess Jason Todd, but you're right.
Watch it be Thomas Wayne Junior.
Don't look it up.
I was going to guess Jason Todd, but you're right.
I was going to guess Jason Todd, but you're right.
Watch it be Thomas Wayne Junior.
Don't look it up.
The gun handling skills were absolutely terrible and made no sense in context of the story either. ME1 skills also tended to have tons of minor incremental changes with a few big ones every so often, which was pretty pointless.I think the point was all that stuff made sense, it was just poorly implemented. Removing it and replacing it with left clicking more wasn't my ideal solution.
You can do it!
You really only need to max "Raise" on both gems, no need for the other upgrades.
I should add that I was referring to the Lincoln March version, too.I could see it being either of these characters too, honestly.
I understand that, ME2 was a pretty self-contained story so I get why people may not like it in the grand scheme of things, but I like it anyway since it felt like such a satisfactory, well-put together package (compare to ME3 which feels very incomplete without the DLC). About the choices, yeah, a lot of them don't have much of an effect overall, but saying that none of them do is just hyperbole.Not surprisingly, those two arcs are usually considered the best set of missions on the game.Notably, the outcome of the Tuchanka and Rannoch arcs are very dependent on choices you made on ME2, as well as certain teammates surviving to 3.
I knew it!
Thanks for the vote of confidence...
Any idea on how to farm gempoints? I'm out of them and need to upgrade the raise and interrupt abilities on gems 4 and 5.
Speaking of Mass Effect 3, I bought the trilogyOrigin) and it's missing a lot of the cool DLC -- Thanks EA.
I think it's really fucked up that the only way to get all the DLC for all the games at a not-bullshit price is pirating the games. The Bioware points stuff should've been axed years ago and the DLC should be put on sale like the games themselves.Speaking of Mass Effect 3, I bought the trilogyOrigin) and it's missing a lot of the cool DLC -- Thanks EA.
Speaking of Mass Effect 3, I bought the trilogyOrigin) and it's missing a lot of the cool DLC -- Thanks EA.
I was going to guess Jason Todd, but you're right.
I think you can buy ME3's DLCs with real money?Worst thing about it it's that you have to buy the dlcs with Bioware points. What.The.Fuck.
I literally can't finish Darksiders 2 it crashes so much and I'm on the final boss too. Think I'll just count my losses and play the first one instead.
Jason Todd becomes The Joker disguised as the Arkham Knight.
Final boss is so easy anyway. And the ending sequence sucks too.
Worst thing about it it's that you have to buy the dlcs with Bioware points. What.The.Fuck.
I think it's really fucked up that the only way to get all the DLC for all the games at a not-bullshit price is pirating the games. The Bioware points stuff should've been axed years ago and the DLC should be put on sale like the games themselves.
They've also had a shitload of DLC sales on other platforms, but not so much on the PC. That Bioware point system and the integration of DLC purchases into the game itself (eliminating storefront sales) is pretty ludicrous. And irritating.
That is the most common scamming tactic I know of, guys friend can't add you, because of error, sends phishing link or something like that, has you sign in, steals password. Check the URL and see if it's misspelled.
Yeah I've heard it sucks. I'll just Youtube it. I want to like this game, the art is great, but it's so bloated and riddled with bugs.
From what I experienced and looked up on the arcs you mentioned, it's still just aesthetic. It's not like you actually are rewarded for recruiting them and having them fight with you to "save earth and the universe"... you just get some arbitrary strength of galactic forces number increased... maybe a special weapon or two or something from what I recall, but it's nothing along the lines of "here's an ENTIRELY different section of plot you can't access because you played ME2 and chose this option.". For all the hype BioWare put on the choices mattering, it merely affected dialogue for the most part. The ending of the game is still the same. The mission set is still the same.
So I bought Wolfenstein: New Order on impulse, a physical copy, because Doom Beta, it looks kinda neat, I don't want to download a 40GB game but mainly Doom beta. First physical media PC gaming purchase in I don't know how long, Starcraft II Wings of Liberty CE maybe? The game comes on 4 DVD's! I know it's 40GB's so that shouldn't be too surprising but it just feels like I'm installing a game in the late 90's/early 00's and using multiple floppies or CD's.
It's kinda nuts that Blurays and Bluray drives aren't more of a standard on PC's and we're still rocking DVD9's.
I have good news (more of a personal thing though). Turns out, all my files weren't deleted. They were just put into a folder called "windows old" for some reason. All my Steam games were in there, including everything else.
I'm pretty happy right now. I also think Dark Souls will finally play, since it cleaned my computer up a bit.
I know how difficult it is to make a game with so many choices be dependent on past titles, but I wish they would have really gone for it rather than the ME3 as it turned out.
Rather than a six to ten hour game, whatever it ended up being, I instead wish they had done 3 separate two-to-three-and-half-hour-long games each with radically different endings to each other depending on key events that occurred in Mass Effect 1 and 2. Just a full go out and try to make the best out of the key outcomes and really let players feel it was truly different for them than it was other players.
So I bought Wolfenstein: New Order on impulse, a physical copy, because Doom Beta, it looks kinda neat, I don't want to download a 40GB game but mainly Doom beta. First physical media PC gaming purchase in I don't know how long, Starcraft II Wings of Liberty CE maybe? The game comes on 4 DVD's! I know it's 40GB's so that shouldn't be too surprising but it just feels like I'm installing a game in the late 90's/early 00's and using multiple floppies or CD's.
It's kinda nuts that Blurays and Bluray drives aren't more of a standard on PC's and we're still rocking DVD9's.
Castlevania Mirror of Fate HD has been a lot fun. The design, atmosphere, and the combat are great in 2.5D -- jumping is strange, though, like he has magnets and connects to the platform, even if he missed it by two feet. The design of Simon Belmont is ugh. I always pictured him as Dolph Lundren with long dirty-blond hair. Actually, Chris Hemsworth fits the bill as well. But this is a re-imagining, so a bulky red-headed Viking it is.
You get gem points by discovering tamagotchis (or whatever those spirits were called).
FYI, no need for interrupt ability if you dont wanna grind more gempoints than needed.
Edit: IIRC you can reset your gem points where you upgrade your gems?
In that case you can reset it and spend it all on gem 4 and 5, the first three wont be used anyway.
Not gonna argue that. Although some of the choices you made in the previous games have some massive consequences on some specific arcs of ME3,they still matter little (or next to nothing) to the final outcome of the game. And yeah, the galactic forces/readyness system was a massive disappointment. Way to make most of your individual choices not matter.
But hey, the multiplayer is still a lot of fun, probably the best thing about ME3 imo.
It drove me so crazy that PC games were still being released on stacks of CDs nearly a decade after DVD-ROM drives were standard on nearly all new computers sold. It's kind of that all over again
Some of them are damn cheap too -- mine was an LG for 30 bucks. Absolutely wonderful for movies/shows. Unfortunately, PowerDVD is bloatware, but it covers everything including automatic 24hz switch.
I can only read (sing) the title as
Every day is great in your Steam thread?
Sorry BY2K.
And it looks like derExperte was banned.
well.. i guess at least valve improved on the enhanced steam price feature. I just noticed that it indicates the volume sold as well which AFAIK was not in enhanced steam
who got hacked to prompt the title change
Guarantee it was from the Watch Dogs 'current-gen is equivalent to high PC settings' thread.
every time improve protection!
Sorry BY2K.
And it looks like derExperte was banned.
Guarantee it was from the Watch Dogs 'current-gen is equivalent to high PC settings' thread.
I don't know if the gaming industry will bother to switch away from using DVD's with physical media PC games since selling things like music, movies and games on little plastic discs seems to be going the way of the Dodo. Although maybe Bluray will become the new standard if the FCC helps ruin the internet.
That seems a likely candidate.
There's a good reason I don't wander outside of the few threads I actually like. I might start posting all sorts of inflammatory ideas and end up banned.
I still remember that time I wandered into the thread about the NT forums closing and walked out with a ban. I still do not agree with that one.