I have 103$ in software and video games balance on Amazon. How am I suppose to use it?
Not really. Amazon lumps all video game-related credit into the one "Software/Video Games" category. If you want to find out what the figure is, though, visit this page and click "Enter your code".
So much F2P crap.If you can't use it on even 2K games then it's just credit for F2P crap that's accumulated over the years.
Was that tied to 2K-games only?
Sorry for going off topic here but what is going on here ?
I very much doubt i am the only guy who is watching the site right now![]()
2-Open The File KidEngine.Ini and edit
bsSmoothFramerate=True to False and change the Max Framerate to 60.
Reposting here in case anyone knows for Killer is Dead.
Under which tab?
[Engine.Engine] or [UnrealEd.EditorEngine]
The former. The latter refers to the UE SDK.
Must be a bug, sometimes the same happen when I'm browsing GAF on mobile.
Sorry for going off topic here but what is going on here ?
I very much doubt i am the only guy who is watching the site right now![]()
It's the same for me, meaning you and I are probably the same person.
It's the same for me, meaning you and I are probably the same person.
We established you guys are all just figments of my imagination a week ago or something.
Something you wanna confess about Saoirse Ronan?
We established you guys are all just figments of my imagination a week ago or something.
Does anyone know if I can run SSFIV on my toaster (i3 m380 2.53Ghz, 4Gb Ram, Intel HD Graphics)? Don't make fun of my laptop, I'm too poor right now to build a proper computer. ;_;
Does anyone know if I can run SSFIV on my toaster (i3 m380 2.53Ghz, 4Gb Ram, Intel HD Graphics)? Don't make fun of my laptop, I'm too poor right now to build a proper computer. ;_;
Get $5 Amazon App Store credit with Free demo of King's Bounty: Armored Princess
I tried to trade my Watch Dogs uplay key for Dark Souls II in the buy/sell/trade thread. No luck so far :/
What do you mean? They are still on Amazon.
Which one?Was $3.49 yesterday.
Thanks for Age of Wonders.
I tried to trade my Watch Dogs uplay key for Dark Souls II in the buy/sell/trade thread. No luck so far :/
Which one?
Rush Bros.
Uplay game for a similarly-priced Steam game? Good luck with that.![]()
Uplay game that was given with Nvidia cards for a full price steam game? Ain't happening![]()
Yeah, I guess I was a bit optimistic. Maybe I'll try to trade it for KiD or Transistor. I'm so inexperienced when it comes to trading.![]()
Thanks! I don't see an option to apply at checkout though.
Yeah, I guess I was a bit optimistic. Maybe I'll try to trade it for KiD or Transistor. I'm so inexperienced when it comes to trading.![]()
Yeah, I guess I was a bit optimistic. Maybe I'll try to trade it for KiD or Transistor. I'm so inexperienced when it comes to trading.![]()
It took about fifteen minutes for it to get added to my account. It will apply itself automatically.
anybody know if anything actually worth buying on there for $5 or less?
Amazon has a few games i want on sale, debating which one to get. Any input is appreciated. Far Cry3+blood dragon, Skyrim, AC3, and AC4.
Not sure if ill like skyrim or not as i wasnt a huge fan of oblivion but my tastes have changed a bit since it came out.
To be honest, you could probably get both.
Yeah, I guess I was a bit optimistic. Maybe I'll try to trade it for KiD or Transistor. I'm so inexperienced when it comes to trading.![]()
For a Uplay GPU code? One or the other.
Condemned is $2.99
Far Cry 3 + Blood Dragon is Uplay and isn't a good price
I dislike Skyrim and the Assassin's Creed series, so I'm biased in that regard.
Condemned is $2.99
Some of you guys were speaking of Condemned/F.E.A.R having issues with Logitech. I had to uninstall that filthy Setpoint software for my kb/m to work properly on Condemned. Also, is KiD cheapest on Nuuvem? They seem to have it for a bit over $15.
KiD on Nuuvem is region locked to Brazilian accounts. Cheapest would either be Gamefly with 20% discount code or russian traders for around 6 TF2 keys.
The thing to remember with Amazon.com promotional credit, when it's a discount for the editors choice or a big selection of titles they make a big song and dance about it and have a banner plastered atop all pages where you'll get credit and what it applies to. If it's something like $5 off a mid tier to obscure title only you'll really only ever hear about in the email they send you. They really should break in down properly in your account though.
I think there's a benchmark for the first street fighter 4, could just download that and try and see if it runs.
Yes, it should work with no problem at 720p. There are mods to remove the background if you need to get constant 60fps or maybe use a higher resolution.
anybody know if anything actually worth buying on there for $5 or less?
Condemned is $2.99
lol, by using the email search technique i realized i have a credit for "dynasty of dusk" and "the curse of nordic cove" both of which ive already "bought" and have in my games library. too bad they arent steam keys, i could probably load up with $90 worth