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STEAM | May 2014 - every time improve protection Steam Guard

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Are the Devil May Cry 3 and 4 ports on PC any good?

That video does look pretty.

Devil May Cry 4 is considered to be an amazing port.

Devil May Cry 3's port is terrible. There have been fixes created to smooth over the issues though, the big problems being wide screen and controller support.

Nail'd it.

Nail'd it.

This makes me so sad that we'll never see DMC5. :\
I want more Nero, dammit.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
You only recently became a member.

You have no idea of our struggle.
Aw, just let him. It's endearing, like those videos of puppies fumbling over things.

Are the Devil May Cry 3 and 4 ports on PC any good?

That video does look pretty.
Talking about the ports:
4 is excellent, the definitive version and all that.
3 is absolute garbage, better off with PCSX2 or the HD collection on console.


listen to the mad man
MRORANGE if you want to tally the postcount between threads a little faster

import urllib
import bs4
import unicodedata
from collections import OrderedDict
from operator import itemgetter

# put threadids comma separated here
[b]threadids = [794669,825406][/b]
postcounts = {}

for tid in threadids:
	print "Reading thread id "+str(tid)
	page = urllib.urlopen("http://www.neogaf.com/forum/misc.php?do=whoposted&t="+str(tid))
	p = page.read()
	chunk = bs4.BeautifulSoup(p,"html5lib")
	entries = chunk.find_all('tr',attrs={'class': 'threadbit'})
	for e in entries:
		poster = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',e.find_all("td")[0].find("a").contents[0]).encode('ascii','ignore')
		posts = int(unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',e.find_all("td")[1].find("a").contents[0]).encode('ascii','ignore'))
		priorPosts = postcounts.get(poster) or 0
		postcounts[poster] = priorPosts+posts

sorted = OrderedDict(sorted(postcounts.items(), key=itemgetter(1)))
items = sorted.items()

for s in OrderedDict(items):
	print (s+"\t\t"+str(postcounts[s]))

If you don't have python, you can forward me the list of the thread IDs and I can manually put them in myself.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Digital products, which are as real as magical pixie dust from the land of blue goblins, being sold out will always be hilarious to me
Cryengine is on Steam now fro $9.00 per month. Don't get it:

1. Don't get access to full source code.
2. Don't get access to shaders source.
3. You can't use engine after you cancel sub.
4. You don't really get any developer support.
5. You don't have daily updates.
6. if you're considering it commercially, have a lawyer look over it.

I have a friend who was an ex Gears of War 3 and ex Crysis 3 developer that got the subscription today and immediately cancelled because the use of Phyiscally based Rendering is very limited and this is the most demanded next-gen feature. I read comments too: everyone is pissed off.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Grief just said Epic brings over UT..,

Brings over... Unreal Tournament

Grief has been hacked, only explanation

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Another of those, 'I think Evil Within will look good on PC,' posts. The game is done and just has another 5 months of optimizing and detail-adding, so that should be interesting to see. The build they showed most recently already looks better than the build we saw two months ago, so another five months should do wonders. Hoping they can fix that id Tech 5 engine issue of texture pop-in, but have my doubts.



I'm really not a fan of the aspect ratios in The Evil Within and The Order. I tried playing Dragon's Dogma for a few hours, I felt like my eyes were in a dick vice.


Unconfirmed Member
So in July we will be commemorating the fact we have reached the 25th Steam thread on NeoGAF, so I did a tally of all posts counts up to now and would just like to say holy shit JaseC, even you are going to be surprised by the number of times you have posted.
And as a special thing for my birthday on the 8th, the price of entry will be a game for me. One game per person, unless someone wants to gift me more than that.

Thank you MrOrange, you're so kind for doing that <3

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'm really not a fan of the aspect ratios in The Evil Within and The Order. I tried playing Dragon's Dogma for a few hours, I felt like my eyes were in a dick vice.

I like the 2.35:1 ratio, but that's more that I think it can do well with a horror game. If the game was always fast-paced, then it wouldn't work as well, as the angel gives more of a wide-spread and larger look at the immediate environment than a more vertical look. I think it looks good on slower-paced games, though.


My good people, here I was looking at my backlog when I started to think, while many people are joining PC gaming for the first time, many are also returning. It doesn't matter if they are not happy with the new consoles, finally saw the light, the long-term savings, etc. What I was thinking is that for those returning to PC gaming it's important to know that there are many great titles that still hold up. I'm thinking about older titles, let's say from 3-5 years ago (or more) that still manage to look good.

I know that "looking good" is really, really subjective considering that there are all sorts of GAFfers playing on all sorts of specs, monitors and so on but there might be some titles that we can all agree that still can deliver a satisfying experience to the eye as well to the gameplay itself.

Let me give you an example, I remember playing Dirt 2 with a family member on the PS3 back in the day but when I played it last November from start to finish on PC I was amazed at how good it still looks. This game was released in 2009, same with Mirror's Edge and it can look great. Alpha Protocol was released 4 years ago, Fallout 3, Dead Space is from 2008, Crysis and Bioshock are from 2007.

So I started to think what games I may have missed when I was temporary absent from PC Gaming and I was thinking if some of you would like to recommend some sort of "must play" for all those people returning to PC Gaming. The other reason is that I see every now and then newcomers joining the thread for the ultimate gaming experience but I believe that such thing can also happen with older titles because while they can still be very enjoyable they are often forgotten.


Is Flawless Widescreen recommended for Dark Souls 2? I'm thinking of running with a 21:9 resolution.

I'm really not a fan of the aspect ratios in The Evil Within and The Order. I tried playing Dragon's Dogma for a few hours, I felt like my eyes were in a dick vice.

I'm a big fan of that 2.35:1 aspect ratio. Racers and 3rd person games really benefit from the added field of view.


My good people, here I was looking at my backlog when I started to think, while many people are joining PC gaming for the first time, many are also returning. It doesn't matter if they are not happy with the new consoles, finally saw the light, the long-term savings, etc. What I was thinking is that for those returning to PC gaming it's important to know that there are many great titles that still hold up. I'm thinking about older titles, let's say from 3-5 years ago (or more) that still manage to look good.

I know that "looking good" is really, really subjective considering that there are all sorts of GAFfers playing on all sorts of specs, monitors and so on but there might be some titles that we can all agree that still can deliver a satisfying experience to the eye as well to the gameplay itself.

Let me give you an example, I remember playing Dirt 2 with a family member on the PS3 back in the day but when I played it last November from start to finish on PC I was amazed at how good it still looks. This game was released in 2009, same with Mirror's Edge and it can look great. Alpha Protocol was released 4 years ago, Fallout 3, Dead Space is from 2008, Crysis and Bioshock are from 2007.

So I started to think what games I may have missed when I was temporary absent from PC Gaming and I was thinking if some of you would like to recommend some sort of "must play" for all those people returning to PC Gaming. The other reason is that I see every now and then newcomers joining the thread for the ultimate gaming experience but I believe that such thing can also happen with older titles because while they can still be very enjoyable they are often forgotten.

Riddick. 2004



Unconfirmed Member
So I started to think what games I may have missed when I was temporary absent from PC Gaming and I was thinking if some of you would like to recommend some sort of "must play" for all those people returning to PC Gaming. The other reason is that I see every now and then newcomers joining the thread for the ultimate gaming experience but I believe that such thing can also happen with older titles because while they can still be very enjoyable they are often forgotten.

We sort of have a thread like that, though it focuses on newer games as well. It could definitely be more comprehensive than it is.

I'm thinking of a thread on par with the DS recommendations thread.
So I started to think what games I may have missed when I was temporary absent from PC Gaming and I was thinking if some of you would like to recommend some sort of "must play" for all those people returning to PC Gaming. The other reason is that I see every now and then newcomers joining the thread for the ultimate gaming experience but I believe that such thing can also happen with older titles because while they can still be very enjoyable they are often forgotten.

Same boat as you. I'm really enjoying skyrim so far. With mods on pc it's head and shoulders better than the 360 version I played years ago. Also, as a recent convert from console I am now addicted to Civ V
Enjoy game :)

Okay so I started playing Ravensword, which nightstorm gifted me.

In a word, this game is "rough." I understand it's a mobile port, but on PC it feels like an early access game. I actually went into the steam store to check if it was, but nope, it's full access. It's like Skyrim with a budget of two shoelaces and a button. The graphics feel about on par with Gothic 1. It's done in the Unity engine so I'm not sure exactly how much it's capable of, graphics-wise, and thus not sure how much I can complain in that regard. Left click to attack, right click to block, space to jump (and yes I managed to jump on top of my enemies and stay there for a good while. It's possibly the best goblin-surfing simulator I've played.) Pixel hunt to get in the right spot to search the bodies. Hit the button to search when you're not in the sweet spot? You just ate some food in your inventory.

When it comes to skills, there's an opening tutorial section where you're fighting with a sword and shield, and you build up your blade and defense skills. Then time passes to the start of the game, where you're handed a free sword. So when you start out on your quest, your sword skill is something like 18 and you have a sword, but if you want you can buy an axe or blunt weapon where your skill is 10. It would have been better if they'd allowed you to start out with a wepon of choice. That said, I eventually started using a club just because I'd maxed out my blade skill until the next level. They've also included a stealth system, which I have yet to succeed in once. You're sneaking around, and when you get close to an enemy, suddenly "You are no longer hidden" and you stand up. I thought i was out of energy to sneak, but it took me a while to figure out what they really meant was I was detected.

Apparently, there's one save file. You hit "save game"? It says "Game saved." If you quit to the menu, there's a button that reads "Continue" and a button that reads "Load Game", and I'm seriously hard-pressed to understand what the difference is.

And yet, despite all that, I'm still not sure I can call it a "bad" game. It feels like there's a little hidden potential in there, but it just needed time for people to work on it. However, It's 15 bucks in the Steam store. If you really have your heart set on a dated-feeling 3D RPG, the Bard's Tale is available for 10.

So thanks, nightstorm. So far it's been an experience.
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