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STEAM | May 2015 - Paid Mods? We hardly Nuuvem!

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I disabled avatars a couple years ago when I started using mobile more often. I find it's a lot cleaner. Never thought to remove my own.

Oh, that wasn't directed towards you. Many people are more familiar with a user's avatar than their name, so it's understandable that some would opt to keep one themselves despite having the broader option disabled.




Why do you care what Grief thinks about some random kickstarter you're interested in? If you cared what anyone thought, and that -- first of all -- is a huge mistake... I would think it would be Stumpokapow because he started that analysis of Kickstarted games with delivery/risk/etc. in that google doc.

"Where's Ozium when you need him... haven't heard enough about DRAGON: THE GAME lately."
Sorry I must have confused the two. I meant Stump. I knew someone on here keep a list of kickstarter projects. I thought it was Grief for some reason.

I could never understand why ozium even advertise that mediocre Dragon Game. Overhyped to hell, now only one person on my friend's list own it. And its not JaseC.

Well, the *old* shadownet would've just shrugged that off and said "I'm going to modbot the nuuvem code when it gets here".
Or, y'know, he could've sold the AK code from the 970, as he probably would be doing with the GOG code for Witcher 3...

Well unfortunately, the new me is saving money so I can go visit my girlfriend in the summer. I'm planning on a proposal as well. So I'm trying to save every pennies I can.

I just got a new job 4 weeks ago. Once I start making more money, the old Shadownet will be back. (Well somewhat, since Russian Bear is still M.I.A.)

On a different note, I gave Kingdom of Amalur a try last night. For some reason, I'm enjoying it ALOT more than I when I first originally played it on PS3 and 7 months ago on PC. I'm tolerating the item degradation. I usually hate that in RPGs.

Maybe this is another "Red Dead Redemption" moment for me. Played a game, hated it. Come back later, loved it.


I finished Malebolgia and really enjoyed my time with it. The boss fights had that "just one more try" factor, the story is dark and mysterious and the castle is just so huge and easy too get totally lost in. I encountered few bugs (cannot skip the tutorial, achievements not popping at the end) but the game itself ran stable.

Oh and it still looks pretty.



What have I done...

Why haven't you bought it before? It seem like something you would be on top of. Maybe even shitty games scares you off.
[quote="sprinkles, post: 164184499"]I finished Malebolgia and really enjoyed my time with it. The boss fights had that "just one more try" factor, the story is dark and mysterious and the castle is just so huge and easy too get totally lost in. I encountered few bugs (cannot skip the tutorial, achievements not popping at the end) but the game itself ran stable.

Oh and it still looks pretty.[/QUOTE]
How long did it take you to finish the game? Is the combat like Dark Souls?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
What have I done...

Why haven't you bought it before? It seem like something you would be on top of. Maybe even shitty games scares you off.

It hasn't -- err, well, I guess, hadn't -- been cheap enough. I don't have the moolah to blindly buy everything that hits the New Releases list.


Oh, that wasn't directed towards you. Many people are more familiar with a user's avatar than their name, so it's understandable that some would opt to keep one themselves despite having the broader option disabled.
Ah yeah, I misread you, there.

How do you keep track of posters when you've only got their name?

... Yes, I am serious.
I'll admit that it's harder to keep track of in the non-mobile version, but in the mobile version, the name is so prominently displayed in bold, I have no real issue with it. E.g., I recognize your name immediately from the AoW 3 thread.
Well, yeah. People said exactly that a number of times while you were banned.

Well, that's pretty stupid.

Especially in my case, since the comparison I drew was flawed in the first place... asking for Stump's opinion on something or anyone's because of it being related to something is a lot different then saying someone who already posted a bajillion times about a game to re-iterate their opinion for the 7325th time.

Besides, there's always:
Search > Advanced Search > Find all posts by corrosivefrost with keyword: Strider, Yaiba, whatever.

I don't know what you're all talking about. None of you have avatars!

Buuut... buuut... how do you tell people apart? Y'know other than paying even MORE attention to the actual words on the page (which a lot of people aren't capable of doing it the first place, it would seem)...

Considering the amount of posts I just "skim" through when I'm actively posting here, I generally scan through the page for visual cues, which is usually the poster's avatar... I have enough issues when people change them and it's not expected... I'm sure I've missed posts from people I wanted to respond to under those conditions. -_-;

I can't help but wonder how many people who have avatars disabled have an avatar themselves.

Hahaha, I tought this as well. "If avatars are off, why does he have an avatar?".

By their posting style, duh.

You're making an assumption that (1) people read for comprehension and (2) posters are differentiated enough in their posting style to easily tell lots of people apart... then again, if you ignore everyone who just blindly asks if something is "worth it", I guess there's a better chance of that working out.

But there are more than one person who always complain about people not read posts!

Nice one!

This reminds me of that horrible spider section in Bloodborne.

Quiet you. Get that Bloodborne talk out of this thread. We hate Sony and we hate off topic and we hate PS4 and consoles.

No, it's really just that I shouldn't have to be afraid of bloodborne spoilers reading the Steam thread.

claire need to get some sleep plastic surgery after she's all done with this shit



How long did it take you to finish the game? Is the combat like Dark Souls?
Just under 10 hours. But I was lost and just stumbled around not knowing what to do for a while until I found a NPC who told me where to go next. And I was stuck at one of the early bosses for at least 30-45 mins. The combat is alot like Dark Souls, but you only get one weapon / moveset in the whole game. I found back stepping alot more effective than trying to block.


Just under 10 hours. But I was lost and just stumbled around not knowing what to do for a while until I found a NPC who told me where to go next. And I was stuck at one of the early bosses for at least 30-45 mins. The combat is alot like Dark Souls, but you only get one weapon / moveset in the whole game. I found back stepping alot more effective than trying to block.
Oh thats quite long then but its disappointing that you only have one weapon the entire game and one moveset.

Being able to upgrade or pick up different weapons and armors would have been much preferred.

Lol I can't say I wasn't surprise.
So JaseC, what is your impression on Syndicate so far?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
So JaseC, what is your impression on Syndicate so far?

The setting doesn't overly interest me, but at least it's not Colonial America, so I can see myself sticking with the game regardless of how I feel about the gameplay. I've said it before, and I know it'll never happen, but I'd love to see Ubi revisit Renaissance Italy, especially now that the company has left the PS360 behind.


Seriously, why the hell am I playing LYNE?
It's a terrible puzzle game (there's no rhyme or reason to the problems, meaning only way to solve them is by guesswork), it's a terrible zen game (how the hell am I supposed to zone out when I've been trying to solve that one blasted 'puzzle' for the last 5 minutes? Oh, and the puzzle before and the one after are a 2-3 second affairs), it's just a bunch of procedurally generated boards you doodle on...
0/10 Arthea points.



Crosscode looks really pretty. Too bad it's Early Access. I'll have to keep an eye on it.

edit: Yeah, there's not a lot of content here. The Indiegogo campaign just ended a few weeks ago, so this is more like a demo. I wouldn't jump on it too soon. You can download the demo here


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Damn, thought it was the Witcher 3 driver.

Andy said he's aiming to have the optimisation guide up on the 18th, so I assume that's the intended release date of the driver.

Edit: Err, I swear Waterfox just auto-"corrected" my spelling of "optimisation".


The setting doesn't overly interest me, but at least it's not Colonial America, so I can see myself sticking with the game regardless of how I feel about the gameplay. I've said it before, and I know it'll never happen, but I'd love to see Ubi revisit Renaissance Italy, especially now that the company has left the PS360 behind.
I would love to see that too.
Spoiler alert regarding to Ezio's Story:
so at the end when he died of old age (god bless his heart) his wife decided to hide the letter from his childrens and hid them of their true heritage as assassins. So I wouldn't mind having a game around Ezio's childrens.

I mean, sooner or later they're going to have to go to an Asian setting. Please be Feudal Japan... You can really tell that they reusing a lot of assets from Unity for Syndicate. Most of the buildings look basically the same with minor differences to fit in with the setting.

They're getting lazier in my book. "Let's do another western setting, reused old assets so we can pump out another game in a year!"

looks interesting ... the change of direction might be pretty jarring, though ...
Sadly, someday we'll get an asscreed game in the 21st century and it will be like Splinter Cell/MGS
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