As a fan of both series, naw. While both games are super hero simulators Infamous is more of a shooter, Cole, Delsin's and Fetch's powers involve a lot of projectiles mixed in with some melee attacks while Prototype's powers are all melee centric, involving different razor covered tentacles. Even though you can be a villain in Infamous, it's not the same as Prototypes anti-heroes who get to eviscerate small armies of people. In Infamous you parkour up buildings, in Prototype you run up them, or leap over them in a single bound (first area P2). In Infamous you can choose to help or harm civilains, in Prototype you consume them like The Thing to gain their appearance, to heal or just because you want to.
Prototype 2 captures the feeling of being superhuman towards the end of the game waaaaaay better than any Infamous, except maybe Festival of Blood. The distance you can fly towards the end of FoB is close to P2 but not quite the same scale or distance. At the end of Prototype 2 Heller is The Flash, Superman and a hentai tentacle nightmare all wrapped up in one angry package.