Played 30 minutes of
Shrouded in Sanity. It wears it's Souls, well more Bloodborne, on it's sleeve, proudly in fact, however, even though the mechanics of the combat is very Bloodborne, it has closer to a Castlevania motif too it. There is shortcuts that I noticed so far like a Souls game as well. Combat is a little odd to get used to but, that comes with the territory, might be because it's a 2D game rather than 3D game, as well.
Only real gripe, that I didn't know was that playing with a keyboard is just that. Playing with a keyboard. There is no mouse controls which surprised me. Granted, after taking some time with the controls I see it has no use for a mouse. It's just been a long time since I played something that was a pure keyboard game. There is controller support and it's shown as the first one when you pause the game so maybe down the line I switch to one of my controllers, since that might be the way to go. Seems fine so far though.
Yeah I'll keep chipping away at this, it's got style to it although it feels a bit rough at spots, so far anyway but, it seems cool.
PS: Rolling in this game feels so good.