There are different FaeVerse games? I did not know that
Back in the 2012 days, Subsoap was aiming at a collection of casual games in the FaeVerse universe. Most games are still under development.
There are different FaeVerse games? I did not know that
“$2,400 was my yearly salary working a full time eight hours a day, 40 hours a week job.”
i liked it better, there were less references and they were more subtle and the world of dks2 was more original and had better foundations in itself than dks3's. both games have issues with story and characters, but i think dks2 sparked my imagination a lot more than dks3, and i feel way more attached to dks2 characters than dks3'sI'm curious, what is your opinion of the way DS2 handled its references?
not really interested in comedies, i just like izombieWatch Brooklyn Nine-Nine next.
that's very disappointing
Back in the 2012 days, Subsoap was aiming at a collection of casual games in the FaeVerse universe. Most games are still under development.
CDPR added new achievements to Witcher 3 \o/
Can't wait!
Microsoft starting to remind us of the end of July upgrade deadline for Windows 10.
Is it worth it yet?
Is it worth it yet?
Is it worth it yet?
I haven't had a problem with Win10
$2,400 annual salary? this can't be true... nobody can live on that kind of money anywhere that I know of.
I didn't know that. Will they ever finish any of those games?
It's worth upgrading so that you aren't paying to do so later. Especially when a lot of later games might require DX12
how is this even possible?
edited: aside of significant number of compatibility issues and as I said driver issues, there is that RAM usage/leakage thingie, which I thought everybody experiences.
Pretty sure he was talking about USA/Mexico.Rm900 a month x 12 = RM10800 / 4 = US$2700 is our minimum wage in Malaysia.
Thats 40 hours a week too.
I already paid for win10, *sigh
while buying a new PC is much less hassle just to buy it than go through all the hoops MS makes us jump through to get it free.
The only hoops I had to do was upgrade my system to date and redeem the offer through the media creation tool.
how do you skipped all installing win 7 , upgrading, updating, making bootable flash, uninstalling, bootable card not working, repeat till nausaeous thingie, etc.?
how do you skipped all installing win 7 , upgrading, updating, making bootable flash, uninstalling, bootable card not working, repeat till nausaeous thingie, etc.?
even after I exchanged HD it took me two days to make it back where I was before.
I can't help you since I can't understand you. As somebody who teaches English in Asia that is interesting.
Steam's turned toxic, and Valve doesn't care
PC gaming's most important storefront is all too often an unmoderated playground for harassers and trolls, damaging developers and gamers alike
Sometimes, though, you look at Steam and wonder if PC gaming was worth saving. All too often, browsing through Steam to look for interesting things to try out leaves you feeling not so much that you want to close the application in disgust, but that you'd like to set the whole damned thing on fire
The reason isn't usability, or bugginess, or anything like that - Steam has its issues, but by and large it's a solid piece of technology - but rather the "community" that Valve has allowed to thrive on its platform. On a platform that aims to expose and promote great games from newcomers and relatively unknown indies, community feedback, reviews and recommendations are vital components, but a legacy of poor and deeply misguided decision making from Valve has meant that engaging with those aspects of Steam can all too often feel like swimming through hot sewerage.
Riot's done a good job of this because, I believe, Riot genuinely believes that it's the right thing to do. Therein lies the rub; I don't think Valve cares. It should care. It has a damn-near monopoly on PC game distribution through its storefront, and that gives it responsibilities - if it doesn't like or want those responsibilities, that's sad in and of itself, but I'm sure a quick dip in the swimming pools they're filling with money from Steam might take the edge off the pain. It should also care, though, because there's a hard limit on how much a business can grow if it permits abusive behaviour towards whole classes of customers or clients.
Anyone making a game that tackles a tough subject, or aims at a non-traditional audience, or who is themselves a member of a minority group; well, they'd probably love to be on Steam, but they're thinking twice about whether it's a good move. That's not conjecture - it's something I hear almost every week from developers in that position, developers whose starry-eyed view of Steam from only a few years ago has been replaced with absolute trepidation or even outright rejection of the idea of exposing themselves to the storefront's warped excuse for a "community".
What, then, will happen to Steam if new waves of customers - younger and more diverse - find that games and creators they like are treated abysmally by the service? Valve shouldn't need a commercial incentive to fix this problem; they should fix it because it's the right thing to do, because tacitly enabling and permitting abuse is really little better than engaging in harassment yourself
it's OK, I don't need any help
but thanks anyway
I can't argue with a toxicity argument, because it's true, but how's that only steam or PC related problem? It's pretty much the gaming community problem at large, no?
Well, it's more like "any huge site in the internet" problem. Facebook, twitter, YouTube, etc, all unmoderated cesspoolsI can't argue with a toxicity argument, because it's true, but how's that only steam or PC related problem? It's pretty much the gaming community problem at large, no?
New Girl is alright, it just would be exponentially better without Zoey.
That's true.
But wasn't GG originally spawned because Zoe Quinn's game got published on Steam and that's when people got mad fo no good discernable reason besides a ""non game""got on published on Steam, as well that SA post that basically lied about Zoe Quinn?
I mean if my comment/review platform was the place that spawned those wastoids and shitlords, I would think really hard on making sure not another group based on hate and harassment would be created there.
Basically I try really fucking hard to forget about 2013-2014 because those doxx happy dumpster fires of human being dead named and harassed a transgender girl I've known for ten years and harassed and doxxed another friend on Twitter
That transgender girl is also a programmer and I've always looked up to her because she was always the smartest of my group of internet friends. She should've been in MENSA. She also loved Sonic Spinball as much as I do. I wish she was my Waifu![]()
it depends, it's better than Win8, it's much faster than Win7, but also it still has quite a few issues, some so old (drivers related stuff mostly) that I'm no longer sure these will be fixed.
how is this even possible?
edited: aside of significant number of compatibility issues and as I said driver issues, there is that RAM usage/leakage thingie, which I thought everybody experiences.
The Steam community can be, and often is, awful. If you take a quick look at the forums you can see people insulting each other, throwing homophobic slurs and being mean. That problem isn't exclusive to Steam, but it is a problem anyway and something should be done to fix it. Banning those who behave this way from posting in the Community section would be a nice start.
I'm not sure Depression Quest being released on Steam was the catalyst for GG. I believe that was another reason to direct hateful shit towards Zoe Quinn, but it all started because of her ex's post.That's true.
But wasn't GG originally spawned because Zoe Quinn's game got published on Steam and that's when people got mad fo no good discernable reason besides a ""non game""got on published on Steam, as well that SA post that basically lied about Zoe Quinn?
I mean if my comment/review platform was the place that spawned those wastoids and shitlords, I would think really hard on making sure not another group based on hate and harassment would be created there.
Basically I try really fucking hard to forget about 2013-2014 because those doxx happy dumpster fires of human being dead named and harassed a transgender girl I've known for ten years and harassed and doxxed another friend on Twitter
That transgender girl is also a programmer and I've always looked up to her because she was always the smartest of my group of internet friends. She should've been in MENSA. She also loved Sonic Spinball as much as I do. I wish she was my Waifu![]()
This is the first time I hear about this memory leak stuff, never had a problem with Windows 10 so far. Still prefer 7, but 10 runs fine on my new PC.
Did Overwatch release on Steam yet?
I'll take non-steam games over the a-word.Did Overwatch release on Steam yet?
https://twitter.com/suda_51/status/728559306900017153Thanks for waiting! Silver Case HD remastered is announced for worldwide. Grateful for the attention we're getting!
So true. She's the worst. Last season started to get pretty tough to watch. This season, I quit.
There's only so many times you can watch fucking thirty somethings behaving like newborns with a random line sung by Kermit the Zoey.
Thats actually not that low in Mexico, minimun wage is a third of that, also here in Mexico the pay is by day not by hour
Did Overwatch release on Steam yet?
I haven't upgraded to win 10 yet. My copy of win 8.1 was not eligible for the free upgrade (work copy, lots of working from home, etc) so I bought retail win 10. The USB has been sitting on my desk for over 6 months. I just don't want to go through the hassle right now.
When system uptime is weeks/months that's when you notice I believe.This is the first time I hear about this memory leak stuff, never had a problem with Windows 10 so far. Still prefer 7, but 10 runs fine on my new PC.
Yep. I'm a Zoey fanboy, but even then there's so much I can take. The "cute quirky geek" persona got old by Season 2.
Give me the show without Zoey though and it's great. The guys are absolutely hilarious and Cece has her moments. It's just the Zoey quirky filler that ruins it.
I didn't know that. Will they ever finish any of those games?
I haven't upgraded to win 10 yet. My copy of win 8.1 was not eligible for the free upgrade (work copy, lots of working from home, etc) so I bought retail win 10. The USB has been sitting on my desk for over 6 months. I just don't want to go through the hassle right now.
Did Overwatch release on Steam yet?
Its not a hassle at all. It takes like 2.5 hours to do it and every thing is easy going.
I did a few days ago and my experience has been pretty positive so far.![]()
Blizzard game in Steam? In this life time? Hmm...
Are you playing it?
I had absolutely no interest in it prior to this open beta. Truly. Didn't even think I needed another multiplayer shooter. But its so arcadey but can be as deep as you want it to be, depending on how much you start peeking into it.
Kind of like a game of pick-up basketball. Or, for a reference that actually means something to me down in my core, kind of like a game of pick-up NBA Jam Tournament Edition.
What do you think?