"The Flame In The Flood" came out on Steam this week, and it's worth a look at. You're a teenage girl, stuck at a campsite in the middle of nowhere after some sort of cataclysmic flood. You need to gather resources, craft items, generally "survive" (a la Don't Starve etc). The 'twist' is there's no central base to build up or return to. Instead, you're moving downriver on a raft, finding new locations that might provide respite, resources, or rascally enemies. So you're exploring an area, then moving on down river to the next one.
Expect death. Expect challenge. Expect gorgeous art & charm.
"Huck Finn as a survival game" is a good summary. Very tough, definitely a survival game like Don't Starve where you have rules to learn, limited resources to master, and a RNG to hope rolls your way. But it's wrapped up in ridiculously pretty artwork, an interesting premise of how you're constantly going down the river, so the raft's your 'base' to build up, not a settlement, and no going back to locations. And the soundtrack is gorgeously back-country Americana... This is a setting underused in games for sure.
I've heard it's a little buggy, going by reviews, but I haven't hit anything on the PC.
Did I mention it's hard?
I've died from hypothermia & starvation so far, as well as lacerations from a wolf. Locations are procedurally generated, kind of like Sunless Sea, but with a definite story under-pinning the world.
I dig.