Full Disclosure: I'm coming off of a 3 week 126 hour BloodBorne binge.
I had seen
Dead Cells in our "
What game are you Literally" post, where many users have debated the use of "Literally".
I did not know it was on Early Access now. I bought it and I just spend the past 74 minutes smiling ear to fucking ear.
Guys, Girls, Animals, go buy it NOW! It's...
I can't believe I have to go to work now, I'm going to be thinking about it all day.
EDIT: Ok I seriously can't stop ocd'ing. Example of why it's great.
1. Animation is on point. There are some things they'll need to touch up, but damn good.
2. Runs great. There is some minor graphic bugs, but for the most part on my system it ran great.
3. Feels great. I'm a huge proponent on how weapons/guns feel in games, they got to have umph to them.
4. Controls like butta. Smooth, all natural, grass fed. BOVINE UNIVERSITY BUTTA
5. Look at it. Jesus the artwork, the animation combined, just, ugh.
Ok leaving for real, someone go buy it, then comeback nerd out with me and tell me "Damn Coma you're right, this is fucking great, I'll play a progressive metal song in your honor".