I came to conclusion that there should be weekly YT show NeoGAF overreacts XD That Halo 5 thread is hilarious XD
narrated by Chariot
I came to conclusion that there should be weekly YT show NeoGAF overreacts XD That Halo 5 thread is hilarious XD
ADS in Halo? ohohohoho
narrated by Chariot
so only Valve are left now our of the big guys? pls stick to no ADS and such
Haha.narrated by Chariot
so only Valve are left now our of the big guys? pls stick to no ADS and such
A lack of ADS is an arena shooter staple, when halo first came out, it was the console version of the arena shooter, and it kept the same basic design for years. Adding ADS and Sprint instead puts it in like with other modern shooters, instead of bits own unique experienceI'm sorry, as I've never played a Halo after the very first back then (and I completely forgot all of it), what's the big deal regarding ADS and sprint?
I mean, lack of ADS and sprint are (were) considered Halo's predominant traits? Like, "if you can't look down your gun it must be Halo"?
I'm a bit drowsy now, but I can't recall any other modern FPS without ADS, so it must be really natural at this point, and I don't see a downside of it being used in the new Halo.
Or is the fuss just that with ADS Halo would be "just another random FPS"?
And no, I'm not British![]()
I'm sorry, as I've never played a Halo after the very first back then (and I completely forgot all of it), what's the big deal regarding ADS and sprint?
I mean, lack of ADS and sprint are (were) considered Halo's predominant traits? Like, "if you can't look down your gun it must be Halo"?
I'm a bit drowsy now, but I can't recall any other modern FPS without ADS, so it must be really natural at this point, and I don't see a downside of it being used in the new Halo.
Or is the fuss just that with ADS Halo would be "just another random FPS"?
The year is 2014. The multiplayer FPS genre has been dominated by a very specific brand of aim down sights/sprint based shooters, which started really exploding with the popularity of Call of Duty. Since then, for the majority of shooters... if you want to play them, you have to deal with that type of combat and gameplay.
But there existed a time before Call of Duty. A time when Unreal Tournament and Quake existed, which were some of the most finely tuned and blazingly fast FPS multiplayer experiences ever made to this day. A time when Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer was so sweetly balanced that it didn't need to hold your hand so you could hit something. The gameplay itself was so engaging and so competitive that you felt compelled to get better, and didn't need a constant feed of positive reinforcement to do so. You didn't need level ups and fuckin' attachments and stat differentials; it wasn't how much you grinded that mattered, but how much of the accumulated skill sets you internalized.
Halo existed in the between time, right when consoles were starting to be really feasible for competitive FPS titles. And it added some new things, yes, but it was still very much rooted in an older tradition, one where again it was simply skill vs. skill and the pace was entirely governed by the rules it played by which remained a staple.
Consider where we are today. One of the reasons people were so furious about Tomb Raider 2013 is that it destroyed entirely a gametype that literally no longer exists in the industry, replacing it with something we see every other goddamn day. It may have been acceptable in some remote way if we had a world where the older genre was thriving, but we don't. And it's not like the older genre was bad (quite the contrary, it remains amongst the best ideas ever had in gaming) - it's just newer gamers were conditioned to have their hands held to such an extreme that they no longer could adjust to those old gameplay ideals.
The same is true of Halo. Because there are extremely few games anymore in the old tradition. Almost no games in the old Halo tradition. They simply don't exist, squeezed out of existence by whining new fans who couldn't adjust, couldn't acquire the skill sets, and therefore demanded the few remaining vestiges of this amazing older style to be expunged. So now Halo too is becoming like all those other "me-too" shooters, and where does that leave those who actually liked that older tradition? With few if any options left.
And that's just part of the issue.
Because maybe if there was some way to do ADS/Sprint and still make it feel like Halo, people would accept it. But as demonstrated with Halo 4, there isn't. It destroyed the heart and soul of the multiplayer and the community simply abandoned it, full stop. They catered to people who did not fucking care and the result is the series cratered.
When you have ADS/Sprint, it changes the entire ebb and flow of the combat. Where before you had "Run and Gun" characteristics, now you have "Run or Gun" flow, where people are either slowing/stopping to shoot through iron sights or then engaging sprint to get out of dodge. This literally transforms the way a traditional Halo match used to go. And it doesn't transform it into something better, but something vastly different, with lower skill requirements and that feels like a billion other shooters on the market.
You don't have to be a fan of Halo to understand why this is so problematic to so many.
A lack of ADS is an arena shooter staple, when halo first came out, it was the console version of the arena shooter, and it kept the same basic design for years. Adding ADS and Sprint instead puts it in like with other modern shooters, instead of bits own unique experience
amirox put it best
I don't really care about Halo, but CODifying has ruined many games I enjoy so I can empathize.
Fruitbat Factory seems to have automatically sendt me a review code for this game. The heck is this? http://store.steampowered.com/app/316600
Man, Rockstar really did kind of fuck up San Andreas, the frame rate limiter is busted and they implemented the most basic controller support ever, no Xbox icons or nothing just, "To kill this buster press JOY14 and JOY47."
amirox put it best
I don't really care about Halo, but CODifying has ruined many games I enjoy so I can empathize.
and people wonder why us controller players loved when the 360 controller became standard.
Valve reveals the following list of the bestselling titles on Steam last week:
1.Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
2.Football Manager 2015
3.The Binding of Isaac Rebirth
4.Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro Edition
5.Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth
6.Farming Simulator 15
7.Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
8.Wolfenstein: The New Order
9.Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
I love the thread about ADS in Halo. So much outrage and there's me thinking "WTF IS ADS?". No one even said what it was until post 50 or something. Shows how little I play shooters I guess, lol.
Yeah I love my 360 controller and how easy it is to use/work in most games, just shows how lazy (literally lazy, not jokingly saying lazy) Rockstar was with this "update", been really disappointed in their PC related stuff lately...
How cheap is Alien going for these days?
TR2013 was about as good as UC3.
Which itself was OK at best.
I didn't even care about it not being a TR game but the set pieces just to have set pieces with a story that was just bad did not help my enjoyment.
Still wish we would have gotten this.
Oh shit that looks nuts! What heist is that?
I liked TR2013 more than any Uncharted.
And considering Uncharted 3 is just slightly behind Uncharted in my rankings for that franchise (which is to say it's almost number 1 on my list), that's high praise.
And the story was fun. I liked it.
Enough that I was beyond hyped for RotTR and even more stoked that I had a copy of it coming... until it's now un-announced for PC until God only knows when.
The latest community heist in which you break Hoxton out of prison. It's day 2 in the FBI headquarters.
wait wut? That can't possibly be right, can it?
I love the thread about ADS in Halo. So much outrage and there's me thinking "WTF IS ADS?". No one even said what it was until post 50 or something. Shows how little I play shooters I guess, lol.
wait wut? That can't possibly be right, can it?
I'm sorry, as I've never played a Halo after the very first back then (and I completely forgot all of it), what's the big deal regarding ADS and sprint?
I mean, lack of ADS and sprint are (were) considered Halo's predominant traits? Like, "if you can't look down your gun it must be Halo"?
I'm a bit drowsy now, but I can't recall any other modern FPS without ADS, so it must be really natural at this point, and I don't see a downside of it being used in the new Halo.
Or is the fuss just that with ADS Halo would be "just another random FPS"?
We need grief to start a movement to bring DC games to Steam.
I'm sorry, as I've never played a Halo after the very first back then (and I completely forgot all of it), what's the big deal regarding ADS and sprint?
I mean, lack of ADS and sprint are (were) considered Halo's predominant traits? Like, "if you can't look down your gun it must be Halo"?
I'm a bit drowsy now, but I can't recall any other modern FPS without ADS, so it must be really natural at this point, and I don't see a downside of it being used in the new Halo.
Or is the fuss just that with ADS Halo would be "just another random FPS"?
This is the first time I've seen different editions of the same game listed.
Whenever I checked the top selling list this week CoD was barely getting on top 10, much less being 1st. Hell, by going to the top selling list right now the game doesn't show up at all, just the season pass.Guys, when does the Ubisoft GeForce deal end?
Why wouldn't it be?
and people wonder why us controller players loved when the 360 controller became standard.
UC2 still stands as the only action platformer that I have really liked. Still interested in RoTTR. Since I'm hoping that it fixed my issues with 1.
Whenever I checked the top selling list this week CoD was barely getting on top 10, much less being 1st. Hell, by going to the top selling list right now the game doesn't show up at all, just the season pass.
Yeah, I kind of get the annoyance now I understand the background. I have some experience in Halo. Played quite a bit of the first two, and a very tiny bit of 3 and 4. My CoD experience on the other hand is very limited, only playing advanced warfare so I've no idea what CoD really introduced.Halo is all about movement while shooting. ADS slow down your movement and the game quickly becomes just people standing still and shooting at each other, which completely shits on the Halo formula. It also obscures your vision with a giant-ass gun and sight. Also, a huge problem with Halo 4 was that your gun gets knocked up a bit instead of being zoomed out when shot, which is a core mechanic of previous Halo games. The addition of ADS likely means that this flinch mechanic will replace descoping.
343 tried chasing the COD crowd already with Halo 4, and what they got was the population dropping to laughable levels after a couple of weeks.
Adding ADS and keeping Sprint shows that they aren't listening to the vast majority of Halo's fans who don't want to see their favourite video game series become just another COD clone and then die. If they don't remove these things for the final game, there's no way in hell I'll ever be getting an Xbox One. It's pretty disappointing, since I've had so much fun playing Halo with people from Halo communities and HaloGAF. I really don't want to see Halo die like this.
Spring is not a big deal, but ADS changes the way the game is meant to be played. ADS mechanics root the player in place while giving the player easier targets, this clashes against Halos original gameplay design.
The top selling list is kinda broken on the front page (what else is new, right?)
Character movement in Halo games is about as fast as moving around in ADS in COD.
What is the higher rated program: Steam Mover or SteamTool?