Durante being on VC isn't fair, the AC:U pre-load is huge (37 GB), and apparently we're turning into StonerGAF again with these hallucinogenic gifs. LolI'm okay witht his.
Pikachu ate too much pokeacid lol
Durante being on VC isn't fair, the AC:U pre-load is huge (37 GB), and apparently we're turning into StonerGAF again with these hallucinogenic gifs. LolI'm okay witht his.
Heh, probably better than Valkyria Khronicles.
Just is case people missed it, his VC OT was pretty sweet.
is jshackles planning on re adding the feature to hide free to play games? cause I'm sick and tired of my front page being littered with f2p games that steam keeps recommending to me. no steam, I don't want to play them. I don't care if they're free to download. stop it.
guys, let's beg for Gagharv games in the Trails topic, there is small chance to get them, on steam, yes (><)
Only if they retranslate them - the PSP ports were pretty atrocious. :\
Yeah I could do that frost but I think I rather have it on Steam.
Btw, does anyone know someone on GAF that sell keys? Sub Zero is AFK at the moment.
Yeah I could do that frost but I think I rather have it on Steam.
Btw, does anyone know someone on GAF that sell keys? Sub Zero is AFK at the moment.
Huh, I just got a message about it being free, so I assumed it's new. Welp.That was always free.
Unfortunately at this time I have no plans. Since the updated homepage went live, there is now a ton of dynamically generated content that uses a wide variety of containers and such - many of which don't mention that a particular game is free to play.
The only way this could be added back is if ES were to query the Steam API for each game on the page, determine if it was free to play, then hide it as appropriate. It's certainly not impossible, but it's increasingly difficult now that the AppDetails API only allows a single AppID to be queried at a time - thus resulting in hundreds (or even thousands(?), depending on how far down you scroll on the home page) of AJAX queries being kicked off at once.
I really wish Valve would update their "recommendation" system to account for things like this. I believe what they have already is a pretty good start, but it could (and should) evolve into a more Netflix-like experience where you can rate your preference for particular genres and have the system learn from your answers. It should also have the ability to have games completely disregarded based on certain attributes - such as a game's genre or store category.
Build 116318
New Features
* New alternate "ARCHIVE" agent starting loadouts. Deckard and International.
* Rewind feature added. Works as a limited save and reload.
* IRONMAN mode, play without the rewind feature.
* New enemy type: Support Guards
* New grenade items: Smoke and flash grenades.
* New gadget, go find it.
* Tutorial has a "guard blind spot" feature spotlight.
* When guards are on overwatch, tiles that will hide your agents will be shown as purple colored zones.
* better door visibility in mainframe mode
* some sounds updated.
Balance Changes
* International's scanning ability becomes an item and now works passively.
* Emergency Drip now works when your PWR is less than 3. Boosts it up to 3 PWR.
* Opening doors and peeking will not cancel Melee Overwatch.
* Augments and inventory are now two separate groups.
* Agents now get new Augment slots using the Cybernetics lab.
* Guards peek around corners at interest points.
Bug Fixes
* Fix cloak visual effect being removed only after being overwatch-shot while walking
* Null drone is not impassable
* Save window position in settings for Windows
* Fix a room-generation problem with vault levels
* Fix Interrogation target not being KO'd for 6 rounds.
* Fix the Final Mission dialog not appearing.
* Peeking should reveal bodies hidden behind cover.
* Fix an inaccessible safe with one of the security prefabs.
* The ShopCat store now has tooltips for player programs.
* Corpses are no longer selectable.
* You can toggle run while dragging.
* Sankaku missions now always have at least 1 guard, for passcard assignment.
* Fix some tooltip spacing.
* Tooltip on Passcard
* Stim III name fixed
Exactly. I remembered some old Shadow Warrior costing money. Didn't know there were multiple classic versions.Shadow Warrior Classic has been free almost since it went up (Devolver stuffed up the distribution of keys and decided to just change it to a free game on Steam itself). You're thinking of Shadow Warrior Classic Redux.
aw man that sucks. i hate my front page just being littered with it. like 9 out of the 15 games are free to play games. >_> I'd rather just have the previous system than this. I don't even play free to play games on steam, i have no clue why it recommends so many of them.
Everyone should get Car Mechanic Simulator 2014, it's a great puzzle/sim and they added a whole chunk of new content last month for free.
aw man that sucks. i hate my front page just being littered with it. like 9 out of the 15 games are free to play games. >_> I'd rather just have the previous system than this. I don't even play free to play games on steam, i have no clue why it recommends so many of them.
The only solution I can offer is that with Enhanced Steam you can open the "Customize" menu (towards the top right of the home page) and remove all or most of the dynamic content.
For reference, here is what my settings look like and how that makes my home page look:
yea your thoughts echo mine pretty much but the way i see the combat being a failure in transistor is as such
the big gameplay problem with the game is that not only is the real time a crazy uncontrollable mess but most importantly that using turn based mode just locks you out completely out of doing anything in real time mode
more than vats it actually reminds of another favorite of mine, parasite eve since both games basically leave you without actions after your "turn" is passed. the big difference is that parasite eve is a much slower game which makes it so you can dodge spells and stuff while in "real time mode"
i really think they should've made the base gameplay much slower. it's too frenetic to be enjoyable
If I want to play one LEGO game what would it be? I'm not big on any of the source materials.
Really enjoyed Mission 14First time in awhile I enjoyed the hell out of a COD campaign like that and actually played through it twice, both on Hardened and Veteran.where you only have use of 1 arm so you gotta go around and be swapping guns from whoever you kill. And of course the whole final mission where you just wreck shit with no worries in an AST
For me, Transistor is an average game that would be fine on it's own, but after the wait for something new from Supergiant after the brilliance of Bastion, it's a giant letdown.
If I want to play one LEGO game what would it be? I'm not big on any of the source materials.
Everyone should get Car Mechanic Simulator 2014, it's a great puzzle/sim and they added a whole chunk of new content last month for free.
Blah blah blah
So, I just watched Jim Fucking Sterling's review of DRAGON THE GAME and must say that, while I normally am a Jim Fucking Sterling fan, I'm rather disappointed at this video.
First of all, he never notes that DRAGON THE GAME is very early access, and that more updates will be coming this week. He did not speak of the development roadmap for DRAGON THE GAME or anything. He didn't comment on the smooth flight mechanics or the feeling of being a DRAGON
Just like with The Slaughtering Grounds, Jim Fucking Sterling is trying to stir up controversy to get hits to his video blog and to create discord among gaming and dragon enthusiasts. All this while profiting off of other people's works..
Shame on you, Jim Fucking Sterling.
What's going to be finished first, the book series or this?
What's going to be finished first, the book series or this?
Someone missed Star Trek for 3.75
Well worth that price.
Very good article from Durante. I always feel like he explains the technical details in a way that lets people (like myself), who aren't quite as savvy, get the gist of what's going on behind the game. He also seems to give the benefit of the doubt to the developer by explaining why certain decisions were made. For instance, there aren't that many options in the graphics menu, but it's not really a big deal.
Shame on you, Jim Fucking Sterling.
I'm not sure if this is parody or not.
Any impressions on The escapists? Currently 33% off, looks like a lot of fun.
I'm also pretty sure he didn't actually play Dragon - The Game. I think he played Really Tiny Lizard - The Game
Well he chose to be a "Young Drake" after all. His own fault. He should have known better, because he's JimI'm also pretty sure he didn't actually play Dragon - The Game. I think he played Really Tiny Lizard - The Game
Well he chose to be a "Young Drake" after all. His own fault. He should have known better, because he's JimSterlingFucking
Well he chose to be a "Young Drake" after all. His own fault. He should have known better, because he's JimSterlingFucking