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STEAM | November 2014 - Ride of the Valkyries

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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
and finished Advanced Warfare. Kept its quality throughout and its easily the best COD since 4. Strangely, it doesnt end on a cliffhanger, unlike Ghosts, and I fucking hope if either gets a actual sequel, its AW, because it has the much better characters, both Gideon and Ilora were great. If you like the COd campaigns at all, its highly recomended

(technical stuff like crashes bummed me out, but for me it was only on 1 level near the end, I dropped the game down to "optimal settings" and managed to finish the level, put it back to max stuff for the rest and it never crashed again so /shrug?)
I've liked the Ghostbusters game myself. It's pretty fan service-y but bustin ghosts has been pretty enjoyable.

Bustin' makes me feel good.



I beg to differ.
I haven't even played CQ2, but I'm sure it's better than Transistor.
Transistor was a HUUUUGE letdown after the excellence of Bastion.

For me Transistor is the game of the year. It's fantastic in nearly everyway, and much better than Bastion.

I'd love to hear your thoughts though, if you wanted to share them? Why did you feel that Transistor was a letdown?
Bustin' makes me feel good.


My GF doesn't really pay attention to whatever im playing but she was totally into Ghosbusters. It's partly due to the original voicecast not half-assing their lines, but she was also into the surreal stuff that happens in the game. So, it's GF approved. Go get you a lucky partner and enjoy a good time with slimer and co.

and people in that PC performance thread are saying that Unity performs better than ACIV. Not sure if that should be taken seriously or not but ACIV was pretty damn janky on my 770.
For me Transistor is the game of the year. It's fantastic in nearly everyway, and much better than Bastion.

I'd love to hear your thoughts though, if you wanted to share them? Why did you feel that Transistor was a letdown?

Supergiant seems to want to continue this "telling a story through one person's point of view and actions" that they started with the Narrator concept in Bastion. And while I could see that people might get annoyed by the narrator's voice or style in Bastion, I liked him and felt like I was actually being told a story.

With Transistor, not only is the story lacking (IMO, I guess?), but the method of delivery through one sided conversation had more than worn out it's welcome by the end of the game. Listening to the sword drone on and on did nothing less than annoy me and make me wish he would shut up already because he wasn't adding anything to the story.

As I said above, the story in Transistor is something I found to be lacking compared to Bastion; the removal of a choice, the NG+ not being tied in as nicely, etc. I did like how the abilities were characters and it was both a positive and a negative that you had to continually use the abilities to unlock the full story on them... but in the end, I much preferred everything in Bastion in terms of story and delivery to Transistor.

Transistor borrows heavily from Bastion in that it works pretty much the same way -- you have a bunch of abilities you gain and can equip, you can upgrade them throughout the story, and you can get mutators to make the combat more challenging. However, Bastion's strength was the variety of the different weapons, from the machete to the spear to the rifle to pistols to RPG, etc. Transistor is kind of limited in that everything must stem from the sword, so the variety is already not as complex... but my main problem was that I wanted to play the game as an ARPG, much like Bastion was and in my experience the game just doesn't WORK when you ignore the turn based aspects of the game. I've tried a variety of skills and such to make it work, but there's just something off about trying that way and I don't feel like it works. For me, it's kind of like VATS in Fallout 3/Fallout NV; you could try to play the game without ever using those, but the game wasn't designed to be a FPS -- a lot of aspects of the game sort of rely on making use of the VATS system, even if it's mostly just a "pause the action and try to get a headshot because the main design focus of this game wasn't centered around FPS gameplay".

The main plus for Transistor was the art and the music... and while those are preferences based on personal taste and extremely subjective in nature, I found both of those to be lacking in comparison to Bastion as well.

For me, Transistor is an average game that would be fine on it's own, but after the wait for something new from Supergiant after the brilliance of Bastion, it's a giant letdown.


but my main problem was that I wanted to play the game as an ARPG, much like Bastion was and in my experience the game just doesn't WORK when you ignore the turn based aspects of the game. I've tried a variety of skills and such to make it work, but there's just something off about trying that way and I don't feel like it works.

I actually played through NG+ purely as an ARPG without using the planning phase. I ended up enjoying the game significantly more that way.


weeeeeeeeeeell ...



It's kinda sweet. He was the original OT topic creator way back when. Out of the three games mentioned on the petition, it was probably the least expected to be released first(or ever). Now it's here, and skilled dude gets it before most.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
It's kinda sweet. He was the original OT topic creator way back when. Out of the three games mentioned on the petition, it was probably the least expected to be released first(or ever). Now it's here, and skilled dude gets it before most.

he's already been playing it for like a week now ;)


welp... the weekly deals are shit tier... Turfster, you dun goofed...

really wish the weekly deals wouldn't be 95% $1 bundle tier games :/


and finished Advanced Warfare. Kept its quality throughout and its easily the best COD since 4. Strangely, it doesnt end on a cliffhanger, unlike Ghosts, and I fucking hope if either gets a actual sequel, its AW, because it has the much better characters, both Gideon and Ilora were great. If you like the COd campaigns at all, its highly recomended

(technical stuff like crashes bummed me out, but for me it was only on 1 level near the end, I dropped the game down to "optimal settings" and managed to finish the level, put it back to max stuff for the rest and it never crashed again so /shrug?)

Really enjoyed Mission 14
where you only have use of 1 arm so you gotta go around and be swapping guns from whoever you kill. And of course the whole final mission where you just wreck shit with no worries in an AST
First time in awhile I enjoyed the hell out of a COD campaign like that and actually played through it twice, both on Hardened and Veteran.
I played both. Transistor is way better than Costume Quest 2.

I don't believe you.
Unless CQ2 is an utter pile of shit, there's no way this is possible.
CQ2 should be average in the least, but good to great at best.
Transistor is average at best.

great/good >= CQ2 >= average >= Transistor

Well yes, but I wanted to know if you can redeem the code from Origin on Uplay. SO I can skip Origin completely.

If you're talking for ACU or Farcry 4 and you want to get it cheap, are okay with it not being on Steam, why don't you camp the B/S/T thread and see if you can buy a code from the nVidia promotion? I'm sure it's probably cheaper than you can get it from Origin India.


Damn, SpaceDrake (translator for Recettear/TitS 2) just hinted at possible future Tales of... games coming to Steam.
Then he backtracked that he has no actual news, but I'm sensing possible NDA here.
So, umm... yay?
is jshackles planning on re adding the feature to hide free to play games? cause I'm sick and tired of my front page being littered with f2p games that steam keeps recommending to me. no steam, I don't want to play them. I don't care if they're free to download. stop it.


Damn, SpaceDrake (translator for Recettear/TitS 2) just hinted at possible future Tales of... games coming to Steam.
Then he backtracked that he has no actual news, but I'm sensing possible NDA here.
So, umm... yay?

Symphonia and Vesperia on Steam would be hallucinogenic.gif
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