Anyone try the early access game massive chalice yet? Kinda looks interesting.
i gave it like an hour yesterday
from what i played it, it was a lot of fun and looked pretty close to finished. you basically do xcom stuff of killing dudes with permadeath and getting exp, and then other xcom stuff of buying upgrades and making new facilities and promoting your soldiers and all that.
i found marrying people pretty fun (i married a 15 year old guy with a woman 40 years older than him with whom he had a child with, then she died so i married dad with another girl that was more his age, but then he died, so i married his child with her! stuff like that is kinda funny to me i guess, specially cos they had goofy names), and combat is kinda interesting. so far i've only seen 4 enemy types and 3 character classes, and there were skilltrees and such
it was all very new xcom, which i like
i do have a bit of concern with the game being entertaining over the long run. i only had one mission type and you could only have one upgrade at a time so it seemed like there wasn't much to do outside of combat and since combat was always "kill everyone" without like having to take care of not destroying the bodies or the equipment or being able to capture enemies alive or stuff, that's what i'm afraid of. specially since i heard spacebase was pretty bare
oh and it looks and sounds gorgeous
I think you should post all your nude skyrim and dragon age origin mods for us to see and enjoy. I guarantee nothing bad will happen
i installed a sex mod for new vegas once
it doesn't make the lonely go away