I'm feeling saucy.
First person to MS Paint and post a rocket lawnchair wins a copy of Metal Slug 3.
a rocket lawn chair? I have to see this
I'm feeling saucy.
First person to MS Paint and post a rocket lawnchair wins a copy of Metal Slug 3.
Played through this yesterday (thanks again to CosmicQueso) and the slightly janky gameplay unfortunately detracts from what they're trying to do. I don't even mean the more difficult sections but things like inconsistent jump length, slight delays, glitchy animations, platforms not appearing when they should etc some of which will lead to deaths (checkpoints are reasonably place though). I hope they release a patch that polishes all that stuff because audio and visuals are beautiful, the videos you unlock interesting and the story is nicely done.
it's short then, if you've finished in one sit?
So why asking the price![]()
In case he doesn't receive any review code
I think he wanted to gift it to both snakes if price is right
I kid, I kid, don't get excited Twin Snakes!
I think he wanted to gift it to both snakes if price is right
I kid, I kid, don't get excited Twin Snakes!
Played through this yesterday (thanks again to CosmicQueso) and the slightly janky gameplay unfortunately detracts from what they're trying to do. I don't even mean the more difficult sections but things like inconsistent jump length, slight delays, glitchy animations, platforms not appearing when they should etc some of which will lead to deaths (checkpoints are reasonably place though). I hope they release a patch that polishes all that stuff because audio and visuals are beautiful, the videos you unlock interesting and the story is nicely done.
3 hours and I got every owl (which unlocks the videos, can't really miss them except for two or three) but haven't watched all the videos yet.
But as it is there three Snakes here!PunishedSnake, Snakethesniper, Naked Snake
No, but he likes to leave horse heads in people's beds ;P
Well, remember that it's the japanese version."Extra High" sounds a tad odd. Not that it matters, though.
The biggest difference is in the LOD distance in the first shot:
A staggering difference really. Half the geometry is just completely missing on PS4 at mid- to long distances.
What's that from and why does it look so... Uh, you know. I thought games were supposed to have over 100 polys in their character budget nowadays!
Yeah, consumer convenience is overrated, sadly. Steamworks would fix most of my issues with that technical clusterfuck of a game ^_~'PC is the only platform where Mojang has complete control over their game and don't have to answer to a platform holder. Most indie games need the publicity boost of Steam to sell. That's not the case with Minecraft. That game sells like hotcakes on PC through their own store, so there's little to no incentive for Mojang to put the game on Steam.
Same thing with Blizzard. There's no incentive for them to put their games on Steam since their games are massively succesful on their own.
Minecraft isn't actually voxels doe. :>Hmm, let's say Terraria and Starbound are pixel deforming games, and Minecraft and Everquest Landmark are voxel deforming games.
Even if they wanted to make it happend, I legitimately doubt Mojang is competent enough to utilise Steamworks properly.something something Microsoft though. I think we will definitely see a Steam release of Minecraft in 2015
M... MD!? WHERES YOUR SEXY AVATAR!? D:-snipped cause I'm too tired to help-
Ohohoh. Uhuhuh. Hahaha... Oh god zky! You perv!i installed a sex mod for new vegas once
it doesn't make the lonely go away
I'm feeling saucy.
First person to MS Paint and post a rocket lawnchair wins a copy of Metal Slug 3.
yeah, more than 3 hours is not short, I keep forgetting that you can finish most games in one sit. (><)
Well, remember that it's the japanese version.
Yeah, but being in English I assume it'll carry over to English.
I was so in a hurry, I can draw better in RL![]()
fuck was gonna post my pic but kiru beat me : (
Where are graphics settings in FFXIII?
oh Jasec! Where have you been?
Do you know, is it possible to find out if a game is region locked on Nuuvem without actually buying it?
Everyone is a winner!
Slugs incoming.
In GeDoSaTo you can find a few, namely resolution, MSAA level, shadow resolution and anisotropic filtering.Where are graphics settings in FFXIII?
I thought I answered this yesterday. Steam keys are not region locked. Only few games have a regional lock on key activations
Where are graphics settings in FFXIII?
The "I need water" in Costume Quest 2 is boring.
Everyone is a winner!
Slugs incoming.
A week.
Edit: Siberian Huskies being confirmed for GTAV is the best news I've read all day.
"Better"Awesome, thank you so much! Love these little contests!
Proof that I can draw better in RL![]()
Thanks for that, but I know for a fact that some games were region locked on Nuuvem, keys, yes, and I want to avoid using VPN if I can.
Awesome, thank you so much! Love these little contests!
Proof that I can draw better in RL![]()
The games I know that have a region lock are Deep Silver games and Inversion
In your case, Pillars of Eternity(?) has no region lock
Someone correct me if I am wrong. I am still learning how SteamDB works
Awesome, thank you so much! Love these little contests!
Proof that I can draw better in RL![]()
For the, what? 7fps, 13% hit it costs I'll take that over blandness anyday.
oh Jasec! Where have you been?
Do you know, is it possible to find out if a game is region locked on Nuuvem without actually buying it?
Yay RB button on my X360 gamepad is functional again. It is always interesting how small things can make problems(Left one is old broken micro switch, right one is new micro switch).
P.S. Kudos to MS for making X360 gamepad so easy to repair
Also Ground Zeros is looking really good even on those YT screenshots.
hahahaHello fellow artist.
That whole thread was great..Also I was the OP
Hello fellow artist.
Hello fellow artist.
I think Far Cry 4 is THE game to sell just how awesome HBAO+ is, not just on a technical level but an aesthetic one too.
For the, what? 7fps, 13% hit it costs I'll take that over blandness anyday.
Also I'm really surprised how well it holds up at the lowest settings too.
Oh yeah sorry but say goodbye to your bandwith.
Oh shit. I remember that thread. Where was it again.
EDIT: Rhaknar, you lovable scamp. I don't deserve you at all.
EDIT 2: Ah, found it.
I just posted a link to it![]()
I think Far Cry 4 is THE game to sell just how awesome HBAO+ is, not just on a technical level but an aesthetic one too.
For the, what? 7fps, 13% hit it costs I'll take that over blandness anyday.
Also I'm really surprised how well it holds up at the lowest settings too.
Oh yeah sorry but say goodbye to your bandwith.
So what's the general graphical consensus for 2 GB VRAM users? Good?
How much did it cost and how long did it take to fix?
I payed 0.2$ for micro switch and i replaced it in a couple of minutes. Main issue is Trigger mechanism because it covers one pin and you can't take of that part. You need to rise it enough so you can use soldering iron to remove old and fix new switch. Also you need to detach old switch from small bracket that keeps it in place. And that is it if you know what are you doing you can fix it in 5-10 minutes![]()
I payed 0.2$ for micro switch and i replaced it in a couple of minutes. Main issue is Trigger mechanism because it covers one pin and you can't take of that part. You need to rise it enough so you can use soldering iron to remove old and fix new switch. Also you need to detach old switch from small bracket that keeps it in place. And that is it if you know what are you doing you can fix it in 5-10 minutes![]()
The only part of that whole sequence of events that fucks me over is the soldering part.
I really have no dexterity with a soldering iron and can't, for the life of me, figure soldering pins on boards out.
Having to de-solder something from a board, without damaging the board, and solder something else on the same place, always throws me off.
Thanks! My 360 pad has some wonky bumpers, so I was afraid I would have to buy another one.