seems like there is pre-loading available for Rebirth, but I get an error (content still encrypted) ?
I would say it's more along the lines of "the game is over too quickly once you finally get the hang of it."
When I think of Transistor, 90% of my thoughts are negative. It's still sitting on my HDD in #ACHIEVEMENT CLEANUP, but I don't know if I'll ever be arsed to go and deal with it.
Damn, that's rough. It's got good style at least.
game is like 100megs if that probably
Wish to play what you want for once?I want unlink my Steam account from Playfire.
Huh. Played some GTAV so I could get the unlocks when it hits Steam.
That was a fun video game.
Rockstar actually made a game that was not terrible.
In unrelated news, Advanced Warfare is amazing.
GMG's deal of the day is LEGO games 75% off
Complete pack not actually complete
Go on...
How much will the Keep cost?
No, the Keep is online only and is free for everyone. All you need is an Origin ID to log in.
There is this one mission where *not plot spoiler more like mechanic spoiler*
Where you can attend a yoga class and your mission is try not to get a D. You have to get those poses right.
There is this one mission where *not plot spoiler more like mechanic spoiler*
Where you can attend a yoga class and your mission is try not to get a D. You have to get those poses right.
In unrelated news, Advanced Warfare is amazing.
How to claim Civilization Beyond Earth Soundtrack
How to claim Civilization Beyond Earth Soundtrack
1. Open Steam, go your library and right-click on Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth, then select "Properties"
2. Now select the "Betas" tab in the new window
3. Type in the password "soundtrackplease" into the access code field and click "Check Code"
4. Select the "soundtrack" beta from the pull-down
5. Open up your Beyond Earth directory (default location is [disk drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth\) and feel free to copy the .mp3 files to anywhere else on your drive
And that's it! You'll find all 42 tracks from the Beyond Earth OST inside of that Soundtracks folder. All files have been properly labeled and are in .mp3 format, so now you can savor the sounds of Beyond Earth whenever and wherever you like. Enjoy!
COD 4 amazing? I'm hearing some good things from peeps I know about the campaign and the multi but a DocSeuss seal of approval will probably seal the deal.
You can use VPN to go on Mexican Origin Store to get Inquisition for cheap.Sorry for OT - where can you find Dragon Age Inquisition for cheap?
COD 4 amazing? I'm hearing some good things from peeps I know about the campaign and the multi but a DocSeuss seal of approval will probably seal the deal.
Sorry for OT - where can you find Dragon Age Inquisition for cheap?
mexican origin. Use a VPN, get it for pesos, enjoy paying up to a third less for your spanish language copy of dragon age.
As in the copy is only in spanish?
Has that been confirmed or am I reading to much into it.
Dude Call of Duty Modern Warfare campaign is amazing. In fact the the entire series campaign is better than Ghosts and Black Ops series in my opinion.
All Ghillied Up is one of the best missions ever.
Could've just kept the one Nabs gave you.I probably should have bought CoD: AW earlier. I'm spending the rest of today downloading it. So the Day Zero edition is pretty much pointless.
Could've just kept the one Nabs gave you.
No it's in English. I bought it. on the site it said English, Spanish and a bunch of other languages.As in the copy is only in spanish?
Has that been confirmed or am I reading to much into it.
Well I won't find out for another 15 hours. But I doubt it. CoD 4 is amazing.He didn't ask if Cod 4 is amazing, but if AW is amazing as CoD 4![]()
Thanks for the tip.
I hope Firaxis does this for Brave New World's soundtrack, because it's also locked behind odd file formats.
Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\Soundtrack
I would have kept it for myself.
Man, Space Ace translation is half italian half spanish :l
They actually did during a patch last week. It's here in .mp3's:
Dude Call of Duty Modern Warfare campaign is amazing. In fact the the entire series campaign is better than Ghosts and Black Ops series in my opinion.
All Ghillied Up is one of the best missions ever.
I hate to interrupt a discussion between medical professionals, but everything i've heard is that it's probably the best COD since BLOPS1, so if that does anything for you then you might wanna look into it.
but let's not be crazy, nothing is going to be better than COD4. you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you expect it to be close to that.
everyone would, especially since it was, you know, a gift
Random Q: Jazzpunk - Controller or KB/M? I'm thinking of playing it tonight.
I can feel the COD itch coming back, but the Dragon Age itch is a lot stronger, but I think I will pick up AW eventually, it looks really nice.
You know I've never played a single Call of Duty game, not even one of them. Maybe during the next sale I'll pick up one of the older ones cheap and try it out.
in what region does Binding of Isaac unlock earliest?
You know I've never played a single Call of Duty game, not even one of them. Maybe during the next sale I'll pick up one of the older ones cheap and try it out.
They actually did during a patch last week. It's here in .mp3's:
Same here, though good luck finding them on sale on PC - I don't think any of them have ever been discounted more than 50% off, including the original Call of Duty from 2003.
I got BLOPS II for the Wii U for $7 (new, from Best Buy) but I still haven't played it.