You mean "What about Alpacas?"What about llamas?
Oh yeah its that time of the year again!
Btw jshackles, about Fantasy Life. how are the quests? I read the reviews and I heard some parts of the game is a bit repetitive.
You mean "What about Alpacas?"What about llamas?
Oh yeah its that time of the year again!
been playing some Ghostbusters lately.
First off, if you have a controller plugged it it seems the game crashes every time you to to start it, which is goofy as hell but also has its charm. Even more bizarre, while the game lets you choose between a 30 fps and 60 fps lock, it seems that in-engine cutscenes only animate at 30 fps. It makes the game feel like it's suddenly running in slomo when everything is running at a glorious 60 fps downsampled to 1080p and then peter stops to crack wise and he animates at half the framerate.
Would it make more sense for this to be an option displayed on the search results page itself, maybe one that resets every time you load new results?
The 3DS has a pretty great library of games, but this is one of my favorites so far.
Only prehistoric sharks
Would it make more sense for this to be an option displayed on the search results page itself, maybe one that resets every time you load new results?
The 3DS has a pretty great library of games, but this is one of my favorites so far.
Would it make more sense for this to be an option displayed on the search results page itself, maybe one that resets every time you load new results?
The 3DS has a pretty great library of games, but this is one of my favorites so far.
- I could have used some game time on the back end. It opens and explodes once you get some levels under your belt. There's a great amount of replayability, but once you really catch your stride, the game seems over a little quickly.
Btw jshackles, about Fantasy Life. how are the quests? I read the reviews and I heard some parts of the game is a bit repetitive.
So, it left you wanting more? Sounds like one of those good problems.
No humble flash bundle today?
Anyway, Steam and stuff...
indiegala and that every monday bundle, the stuff of legends (><)
I know!
See, that happens when you don't post the daily two days in a row. The world as we know it slowly ceases to exist.No humble flash bundle today?
"Random Quests" these are things the townsfolk ask for - most of these have to do with certain a particular Life you can choose. They're repetitive by nature but are 100% optional it would seem. They're essentially a way to make some extra money in the game.
See, that happens when you don't post the daily two days in a row. The world as we know it slowly ceases to exist.
There are three types of quests in the game:
"Life Quests" which relate to your Life (class) - these vary from class to class but are there to generally engage you and teach you what your class is all about. For a Paladin, that means killing X number of a certain type of monster or fighting a particular boss creature. For something like the Blacksmith class it can be "Make Iron Armor". I think these are the ones that are typically regarded as "repetitive" because they're very focused. The idea is to switch your Life often enough that it remains interesting.
"Butterfly Quests" (main quest line) - not to be too spoilery, you travel with a butterfly that talks (and talks for you as the main character). These quests simply serve to move the story line forward and aren't really repetitive but can at times be annoying.
"Random Quests" these are things the townsfolk ask for - most of these have to do with certain a particular Life you can choose. They're repetitive by nature but are 100% optional it would seem. They're essentially a way to make some extra money in the game.
Anyway, Steam and stuff...
It's kind of a mix between Animal Crossing and The Legend of Zelda, with a class system similar to Final Fantasy (Fighter, Theif, Mage, etc). Leveling up certain classes will grant abilities you can use for other classes - there are some really great combos.
Prehistoric sharks were dinosaurs?
Can I got the other way and totally skip that? I ask because I kinda hate Animal Crossing and find the stuff you have to do there mind-numbingly dull. I also want to viciously murder everyone in my village right after meeting them. Fantasy Life seems to have more going on but honestly I'm only considering it because I haven't turned on my 3DS since Kirby and probably won't until the new Sega 3D remasters (Outrun etc) come out. Don't know, maybe I'll watch some reviews.
Looks like there's no Humble Flash bundle today. Nice respite from the onslaught of recent bundles.
No humble flash bundle today?
Tab seems to be gone completely, maybe they've dropped the idea.
I hope, I was getting bundle overdose.Tab seems to be gone completely, maybe they've dropped the idea.
I would say it's more along the lines of "the game is over too quickly once you finally get the hang of it."
When I think of Transistor, 90% of my thoughts are negative. It's still sitting on my HDD in #ACHIEVEMENT CLEANUP, but I don't know if I'll ever be arsed to go and deal with it.
Ugh, Call of Duty online is tough. I'm so slow ;-;
I would rather keep quality bundles coming from Humble than some of these recent bundles from Groupees and IndieGala.I hope, I was getting bundle overdose.
You can't kill the townsfolk though.
I want unlink my Steam account from Playfire.
I would rather keep quality bundles coming from Humble than some of these recent bundles from Groupees and IndieGala.
I can't complain about the recent Halloween bundle from Gala. Had a game that's been on my wishlist forever (Eversion) and two others I've been curious about (Dead Hungry Diner and Capsule).Recent bundles from Groupees and IndieGala have been pretty damn decent, so, eh. The Doujin Bundle 3 at Groupees is even very,very good.
I just use twitter, they usually reply quickly through that.GMG support can be as slow as hell. I think they prioritize order support over everything else, so if you're asking about anything relating to playfire, you could be waiting ages.
No problem here.can someone kindly check something for me? Can you access your HB library?
I can't access it, some weird bug with empty humble asm.js empty pop up opening, which I can't close or dismiss for some reason.
"Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager" has trading cards. And multiplayer. What?
can someone kindly check something for me? Can you access your HB library?
I can't access it, some weird bug with empty humble asm.js empty pop up opening, which I can't close or dismiss for some reason.
It's mysterious!
and sets up a sequel. :/
The Room 2 is even worse in that regard.
It just shows up as the normal HB library for me.
No problem here.
You are truly the first born of the steam god.So this was easier than I thought:
Basically you can easily toggle between the two. I may add some other things to this box later on, like hiding stuff that's in your wishlist or in your cart.
Would it make more sense for this to be an option displayed on the search results page itself, maybe one that resets every time you load
Basically you can easily toggle between the two. I may add some other things to this box later on, like hiding stuff that's in your wishlist or in your cart.
If you have the option checked to always hide by default, it will set the default value of the box to "checked" in which you can then uncheck it and show all of the results if you'd like.
The first form of the game's final boss basically does, so there's thatBlanka-esque rolling attacks![]()