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STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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I only trust anime or
avatar opinions

High words from a group that only can't have avatars to represent their side because they don't have any notable figures or cool exclusives to show off.

More like the insecure race.
Really enjoying Downwell. It's inspired by Spelunky and Vlambeer games (and Rami at Vlambeer even called it one of the best games of PAX East) and it definitely captures the frenetic feel of those. The shooting is punchy and satisfying. But you can't just fire mindlessly because you only have X amount of charges for your boots, and they only recharge once you land

The upgrades have all been really cool so far, ranging from causing blocks to shoot bullets when destroyed to recharging your boots when you collect gems, or having your boosts have rocket boosters when you run out of charges in mid-air

There's a a few extra mechanics, like a Gem High that boosts your bullet damage when you collect enough gems or stomping on enemies Mario-style to kill them



Wish more devs went the Portal 2 route and made PC and PSN
(or Xbox)
crossbuy; then again, they wouldn't have the lovely double and triple dipping they've gotten from me this gen, I guess.


pretty much

i may disagree with the fact that buying a ps4 or a xbone (and if it wasn't for mario maker i'd prolly say the same thing about the wii u) is worth it but if someone's love it then more power to them

Funny that you bring that up, since PC elitism is more likely to get you banned than PS4 elitism, I find PC gamers' posts generally have higher quality in platform related threads.
i'd say the post quality in all of those threads is probably pretty trash either way

elitism of all kinds is dumb, there are good games everywhere, in an ideal world we'd all have all the platforms, the only reason we don't is it's expensive and we all have different tastes in priorities
HA I didn't see it was viHuGi at first glance, that's the person who who went "but comfy couch and PC has no exclusives" then immediately accused me of being a PC elitist after getting called out.
i'd say the post quality in all of those threads is probably pretty trash either way

elitism of all kinds is dumb, there are good games everywhere, in an ideal world we'd all have all the platforms, the only reason we don't is it's expensive and we all have different tastes in priorities
Some were dripping with snark, sure, but at least most of them are factually correct.


HA I didn't see it was viHuGi at first glance, that's the person who who went "but comfy couch and PC has no exclusives" then immediately accused me of being a PC elitist after getting called out.

Some were dripping with snark, sure, but at least most of them are factually correct.
Posting in those threads is asking for trouble anyways

I just think it's not cool to shame ppl specially if its gonna b for lame reasons like being excited for new releases
Really enjoying Downwell. It's inspired by Spelunky and Vlambeer games (and Rami at Vlambeer even called it one of the best games of PAX East) and it definitely captures the frenetic feel of those. The shooting is punchy and satisfying. But you can't just fire mindlessly because you only have X amount of charges for your boots, and they only recharge once you land

The upgrades have all been really cool so far, ranging from causing blocks to shoot bullets when destroyed to recharging your boots when you collect gems, or having your boosts have rocket boosters when you run out of charges in mid-air

There's a a few extra mechanics, like a Gem High that boosts your bullet damage when you collect enough gems or stomping on enemies Mario-style to kill them


For some reason the visuals remind me of Battletoads. Only partially because of the frog.
Too late too go into detail right now but everyone check out the Age of Decadence demo, one of the most interesting crpgs out there. You might be pleasantly surprised!
Everyone check out the Age of Decadence demo, one of the most interesting crpgs out there. You might be pleasantly surprised! Too late too go into detail right now.

But, but... Heart of Stone! Wasteland 2: DC! The inevitable Divinity: Orginal Sin - Enhanced Edition!

Too late too go into detail right now but everyone check out the Age of Decadence demo, one of the most interesting crpgs out there. You might be pleasantly surprised!

Omg, there's a demo? Downloading now..

Anyway, when will Zestiria OT goes up?
The consoles version is going to be released tomorrow, right?


The only people I don't trust, are people with no avatar. They think they can get away with anything, because I'll never remember who they are. And they are right.


Mine is pretty and pink
I don't trust Donald Trump avatars, but that's pretty much it.

I think this sounds fair, especially the stuff about working conditions.
Problems is mostly on the, "only work with VA in the Union if you want a union VA" part, which means that any sounds(random sounds that can be done by anyone also) need to be done with union VA, the for example indie devs can't just go in and scream for a bit and call it a day.

Edit:if they use union VAs.
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