Last Baron
I believe this is what you want:
This seems familiar, thanks.
I believe this is what you want:
Weve hired a couple different companies [to help with support], said Johnson. The thing thats interesting is, you go out to third-party support providers, andat least in our experiencemost of them wanted to sell you ways to reduce the number of people currently waiting in support, but they werent very good at selling you ways to solve customer support issues. I think weve all had that experience of, I get it. Youre trying to get me off the line. Were not super interested in providing crappy support in volume.
So I was about to go grab a Steam controller after reading Dr. Dogg's earlier write up... sounded interesting enough to throw $50 at, figuring I could resell it if I don't like it.
Then I learned that in order to use the Steam controller you have to launch a game from BPM?
Yeah, no sale on that, Valve.
If I'm waiting for you to give me the option to disable that mode completely, I don't want it to hold me hostage before I can use your controller. Get fucked.
Were not super interested in providing crappy support in volume
So I was about to go grab a Steam controller after reading Dr. Dogg's earlier write up... sounded interesting enough to throw $50 at, figuring I could resell it if I don't like it.
Then I learned that in order to use the Steam controller you have to launch a game from BPM?
Yeah, no sale on that, Valve.
If I'm waiting for you to give me the option to disable that mode completely, I don't want it to hold me hostage before I can use your controller. Get fucked.
Just crappy support to a few people at a time instead
I honestly believe that games like this existing is thanks to Legend of Grimrock blazing that trail.
Oh no. Someone will steal all my free gamesSo apparently, EA had another account leak?
))If you are talking to me, yes. I even stole some good sprite work for Prinny. Though I was sloppy with arranging it.
Why would of force BPM? That's so arbitrary.
From the Steam Controller thread, you used to be able to run it on Windows 98, and even older, but now it does require Steam. I wonder if that can be nodded out, since the functionality to run without Steam is there.
Happy Weekend!
Apparently, according to dogg, if you need xinput mapping so you get analog/buttons, that's done by steam through BPM -- I first noticed this in chubigan's guide for using the steam controller with CSD... one of the steps is to make sure you launch CSD from BPM.
So I asked dogg about it... and here's his response:
5:31 PM - Dogg: Outside of BPM it gets reconised as a keyboard and mouse so providing that's the scheme you have set up and you have made some binding already you don't even need BPM.
5:32 PM - Dogg: But if you want analog movement or xinput handlers for buttons you're going to need to use BPM
brb changing my pw.
I think the only things I bought were Garden Warfare and Battlefield 3So apparently, EA had another account leak?
Wait? BPM is required for the Steam controller?
Lol, fuck off Valve.
1 - Messiah
2 - Leafhopper
3 - Se7enSword
4 - Uzzy
5 - Rayge
6 - Deques
7 -
8 -
Everyone's welcome to join!
that's creepy
Is it the noodly appendages?
I think the only things I bought were Garden Warfare and Battlefield 3
sooooo nothing of value?
Okay, all done.
Many Steamgaffers have common rpgmaker sprites. But some have unique ones.
This is Winter Demons.
This is going to be the jankiest game.
Okay, all done.
Many Steamgaffers have common rpgmaker sprites. But some have unique ones.
This is Winter Demons.
This is going to be the jankiest game.
Looking forward to both your efforts and CheesecakeRecipie's.
I probably won't be in either one
That's okay, neither will I!Looking forward to both your efforts and CheesecakeRecipie's.
I probably won't be in either one
Boy, fuck you, Garfield Kart, you dumb, stupid, idiotic, stupid, weak, pathetic, white, white, uh, guilt, white guilt, milquetoast piece of video game garbage.
You're in it. I just have to append a top hat on a default rpgmaker sprite.
[DeutschGAF] Dark Souls 3 Beta live right now:
And to avoid this post being a one-word shitpost, if I have the original Metro 2033, still haven't played it, is it worth it to get the redux for 5 bucks anyway?