tell us what you think about Lost planet 3 zkylon
LP1 was cool
i just played a little bit since i heard it had a pretty decent story and i kind of really enjoyed the lost planet 1 demo back in the day, tho i never got around to playing the actual game
so far the story starts out kind of intriguing, i like the whole research/mining mission on alien planet setup, so that's pretty good. there's a lot of very awkward dialogue with random npcs that i'm not sure i get why it's even there, but i don't mind so much
the gameplay so far has been pretty janky and i dunno, i shot some alien spiders in the butt and piloted a mech but all i did was like walk and like do busywork or something.
there seems to be like a ton of systems for like side missions and upgrade and like an economy and stuff that i wasn't really expecting
wasn't there like a really cool hook mechanic in lost planet? and like keeping urself warm and stuff. where's all of that
this game is weird
Brawler? That's a funny definition of it; not one I consider accurate at all, but hey, you say tomato, I say "what the fuck are you talking about, that's not even a fruit."
tomatos are delicious tho
And of course you don't, the design of MGExcelsior is enough to send you into panic attacks.
i duno what that is