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STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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Confession night?
I don't watch anime. I've watched like maybe 3-4 shows in the past 2 years.

The last time I watched a whole anime series was before I get married in 2014. I just don't have the time to watch anime again nowadays, as I prefer to spend my free time playing vidya games. I still love anime-ish games though.
I also rarely watch anime, but when I do I pretty much marathon multiple seasons in a weekend. I'm kinda paralyzed by choice since there's like 200 new shows every year and I don't know what's good. I also haven't read a manga in years.

But anime in games? I'll take all of it.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I'm on my first cup of coffee still, it's too early for this shit

How about that back to the future car in Rocket League though?
Wow Project Scissors is alive.

To Our Supporters,
Thanks for waiting!
We've released some small progress reports on the Backer Forum, but we've been remiss in providing an in-depth update for you. We know that many of you are wondering "How's development going?", and so we've prepared a big update for you all!
First, we'd like to share with you the model for last of the major characters to be revealed, Jerome:

In addition, we've released information about Monica's and Leonard's sections of the game, but we are now ready to reveal information about the 3rd and final section of the game, Rooney's!

This is a ship, right? That can't possibly be good!

It's a children's playroom on the ship, but there's no children to be found. Where have they gone?
And to give you an idea of scale, here's a shot of our main characters in a lineup:

Please note that the above images are a work in progress (for example, final lighting settings and post processing is not implemented) and do not represent final quality, but we hope you'll agree that NightCry is progressing nicely!
In this vein, the various parts that make up a game are really coming together. We're not able to provide a release date at this time, but the major tasks remaining are primarily finishing up content for Rooney's section and then focusing on adding in detail, adjusting play balance, and polishing the "chrome" (shaders, optimizations, touch-ups, etc.). The first information about the voice recording for the game should be available in the very near future as well!
Lastly, work on the physical Rewards for our Backers is gearing up, and we will be releasing more information about that in the coming days as well.
Nude Maker is working hard to finish NightCry on time & to a high quality. We're very excited to be showing you, our supporters, just how much effort has gone into NightCry, and there's more on the way!


Rolling Girl
You guys should play Undertale.


I did like 10 times already I also watched like 20 people stream it too. (I may have a problem.)
Confession night?
I don't watch anime. I've watched like maybe 3-4 shows in the past 2 years.

I watched Ghost in the Shell once on TV more than 10 years ago and probably didn't make it all the way through. That would be the sum total of my Anime watching. Does Astroboy as a kid count?

Dr Dogg

AC: Syndicate's OT is not caustic enough to dethrone The King of snarky |OT|s.

Still can't believe I bought preordered it in spite of everything.

There's quite a big difference. First of the DAII OT is actually funny and is just a piss take from start to finish. Secondly it was a response to how BioWare had taken what was a great, compelling game and fucked it up for the sequel resoundly shown off to the media with it's AAAAwesomness and had that awful demo out before hand. And finally the vast majority of that OTs chatter is light hearted and in jest.

With AC games there has been a braying mob lurking about since III waiting to have a dig when they can which has only grown larger as these boards have grown themselves. No game should be immune from criticism or brought to task for the devs/pubs actions but for a while now it's gone beyond that and just ruins any discussion about the game, or Ubisoft titles in general. Most threads about them will have some clever dick banging on about climbing towers.

As I said earlier I can take a joke OT and to be fair there wasn't too much wrong with the Syndicate OT but the crowd it attracts is what fucks things up good and proper. Give it a couple of weeks after it's out and they'll have moved on (hopefully).

Huh, interesting, I do remember hearing about that with the console versions, didn't know it was in the PC version too.

Well in its default behaviour Rage dynamically scales a lot of things to try and keep performance stable. You can keep it in check with config files and various Cvars and the last time I played it was way more better than the first few months on release. Conversly Wolfenstien TNO and The Evil Within don't appear to alter anything on PC.

Yeah, it's kinda disturbing to see the Syndicate is being judged even way before it's released.

In the stocks already for some people.


12€? That's tempting price, but I'm not buying games!
what to do what to do

edited: what's going on here again?
I can't leave you even for couple of hours or this thread descends into utter chaos


I can confirm the Sakura Fantasy uncensored patch works on the Steam version. That is all.

#teamkeira #chocolatewaifu

Uh I don't know. You stay in here too long and you might end up with a warped sense of the world that's somewhat abstract from what actually goes on. I mean look what's happened to morningbus over the past few weeks. Poor soul.
moringbus was one of the people who called shadownet out, dunno whadya mean.

no no no
i'm not a closet on gaf
i thoroughly enjoy anime shit, it's fun and cute
i was some stupid fucking jock growing up and keep the farce going irl
thatsw why i appreciate sites like gaf, especially gaf, since i can have fun and be myself here
You be my brother. Even if you kill someone, you'll be my brother.

Yes. Why am I not home. Fuck.
i am very hungry and demand you bring back the tongue avatar

we are your friends irl, doesn't amtter


There's quite a big difference. First of the DAII OT is actually funny and is just a piss take from start to finish. Secondly it was a response to how BioWare had taken what was a great, compelling game and fucked it up for the sequel resoundly shown off to the media with it's AAAAwesomness and had that awful demo out before hand. And finally the vast majority of that OTs chatter is light hearted and in jest.

With AC games there has been a braying mob lurking about since III waiting to have a dig when they can which has only grown larger as these boards have grown themselves. No game should be immune from criticism or brought to task for the devs/pubs actions but for a while now it's gone beyond that and just ruins any discussion about the game, or Ubisoft titles in general. Most threads about them will have some clever dick banging on about climbing towers.

As I said earlier I can take a joke OT and to be fair there wasn't too much wrong with the Syndicate OT but the crowd it attracts is what fucks things up good and proper. Give it a couple of weeks after it's out and they'll have moved on (hopefully).

Well in its default behaviour Rage dynamically scales a lot of things to try and keep performance stable. You can keep it in check with config files and various Cvars and the last time I played it was way more better than the first few months on release. Conversly Wolfenstien TNO and The Evil Within don't appear to alter anything on PC.

In the stocks already for some people.

I wasn't around when DA II OT is happening on gaf, but I really hope I did.
I enjoyed DA II though. Well, I'm such a huge Bioware fan, afterall.


I guess the low price will sell this to people with already low standards.

oh wow

edited: gaming is serious business, am I right?

edit2: Ubi could sell Syndicate to me this way too, now when it's confirmed I have already low standards. Not uplay only tho

sorry Doggie

Dr Dogg

So I thought I'd better add Undertale to ye olde wishlist and thought I'd check out who owns it on my friends list. Hmmm either the game is 2 hours long and not replayable, has cards and all but InfiniteNine (at a mind boggling 26 playtime hours too) is a filthy idler.

I wasn't around when DA II OT is happening on gaf, but I really hope I did.
I enjoyed DA II though. Well, I'm such a huge Bioware fan, afterall.

I only played it on PC but really didn't like the kb&m controls to do more than the first 'act'. Of course now I can sort of rectify that with my Steam Controller. Hmmmmm do I?

BioWare of Baldur's Gate II times have long since been dead for yonks, DA:O was probably the last title to carry that banner but KOTOR and Mass Effect I have a soft spot for and I can sort of deal with ME 2 & 3 even if they are action spectaculars. Didn't mind DA:I but it became a bit of a podcast/footy on in the background game after a while (although that's what Diablo III is for). I'm looking forward to Andromeda and hope exploration plays a big key again but BioWare have a big audience to 'please' now so there will be concessions made somewhere.


So I thought I'd better add Undertale to ye olde wishlist and thought I'd check out who owns it on my friends list. Hmmm either the game is 2 hours long and not replayable, has cards and all but InfiniteNine (at a mind boggling 26 playtime hours too) is a filthy idler.

It's not 2 hours long, no, but Infinite played it many times, so it's not 26 hour long game either.

edited: on totally unrelated note, old version of idle master stopped working for me altogether, and manually setting up a new version doesn't work either.
Something about wrong cookie info (which isn't wrong), while a new version imitates idling but no idling happens.


and finally embraced anime into his heart. You monsters!
huh? D;

mugen souls? you like kusoge i'm not your brother
breaks my heart harder than concrete breaks the skull of a 12 year old skater who wanted to be like Tony Hawk and do the fantastic trick. As the body is taken away and the rains washes away the stains Tony Hawk will skate over the the tiny rests of his corpse, maybe taking part of his body around the world.


That japanese roguelitelike that we upvoted on greenlight has the store page already
Kagura Douchuuki

no cards or cheevos... why?

edited: releases today
that was fast

The controls were terrible.

Luckily, between the abominable battle and encounter design and the ridiculous amount of level re-use you don't even get time to appreciate how terrible they were!
are you talking FF0?
I thought it was considered not a bad game, what's so bad about combat?


I only played it on PC but really didn't like the kb&m controls to do more than the first 'act'.
The controls were terrible.

Luckily, between the abominable battle and encounter design and the ridiculous amount of level re-use you don't even get time to appreciate how terrible they were!

Dr Dogg

You know I'm surprised that despite me supposedly shitting on your favourite hobby of cartoons from a distant land if you actually look at quite a few of the games I played this year, the ones I end up looking forwards to, have previously enjoyed or wrote a recommendation for the OT then I'm like the biggest fucking hypocrite this side of Christendom. Surprised no one has called me out on it yet and if not I expect to get torn a new one if I bagsy the Lightning Returns Recommendation for next months OT as I've got a fair few interesting things to say about my time with that game :p


Rolling Girl
So I thought I'd better add Undertale to ye olde wishlist and thought I'd check out who owns it on my friends list. Hmmm either the game is 2 hours long and not replayable, has cards and all but InfiniteNine (at a mind boggling 26 playtime hours too) is a filthy idler.

Well it's actually about 40 hours since I did my genocide run on the DRM-free version on the laptop to avoid the consequences of doing that.
It's pretty replayable though since different things can happen from your actions, new events can happens, and such.
When I watched Cheesecake play it I even saw a new thing I hadn't seen before which is odd since I played it a lot and watched a ton of other peoples play-throughs for their reactions.

oh wow

edited: gaming is serious business, am I right?

edit2: Ubi could sell Syndicate to me this way too, now when it's confirmed I have already low standards. Not uplay only tho

sorry Doggie

Well the game is terrible and there is enough info for that to point to that. Not my place to tell people what to buy but I think that money is better spent elsewhere.


You know I'm surprised that despite me supposedly shitting on your favourite hobby of cartoons from a distant land if you actually look at quite a few of the games I played this year, the ones I end up looking forwards to, have previously enjoyed or wrote a recommendation for the OT then I'm like the biggest fucking hypocrite this side of Christendom. Surprised no one has called me out on it yet and if not I expect to get torn a new one if I bagsy the Lightning Returns Recommendation for next months OT as I've got a fair few interesting things to say about my time with that game :p
morningbus snapping so spectacularly totally overshadows you.
huh? D;

breaks my heart harder than concrete breaks the skull of a 12 year old skater who wanted to be like Tony Hawk and do the fantastic trick. As the body is taken away and the rains washes away the stains Tony Hawk will skate over the the tiny rests of his corpse, maybe taking part of his body around the world.

OK fine you're a brother


You know I'm surprised that despite me supposedly shitting on your favourite hobby of cartoons from a distant land if you actually look at quite a few of the games I played this year, the ones I end up looking forwards to, have previously enjoyed or wrote a recommendation for the OT then I'm like the biggest fucking hypocrite this side of Christendom.

Your mind gets invaded whether you want it or not. :)

Seriously, it's somewhat the same with myself - I never ever said anything negative towards these, you know, Asian themes and characters, etc, but I felt cautious towards them and felt like they are something that just isn't for me. Until this thread and NeoGAF in general, which made me buy several things, wishlist many more and overall create a lot of interest... it's contagious (in a good way).



1 - Deques
2 - NingenJanai
3 - ExoSoul
4 - thesaucetastic
5 - Shaanyboi
6 -

I think it's maximum 6 players in a match


By now most of us should have it from the Alienware giveaways

I suck at hosting game nights. We need one more, maybe two since I might drop out >.<
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