I'm not going to even think about playing DR3 until it gets SLI support. It's 2014, Capcom, not 1994.
That happens with many game releases at this point, you generally have to go into Nvidia inspector and force a compatible bit.
I'm not going to even think about playing DR3 until it gets SLI support. It's 2014, Capcom, not 1994.
2 gig 680 and an i5 2500k at 4.5
playing with framerate unlocked. jumps between 50 and 60
That happens with many game releases at this point, you generally have to go into Nvidia inspector and force a compatible bit.
Ok i'm having a wierd issue with friends list. I got 410/410 friends so i finally got around to cleaning about 130 people off my list (sorry if you didn't make the cut guys, you can always readd me if you need something) from the manage friends option in settings.
But now i can't accept anymore adds or add anyone, it says my friends list is still full. How the hell do i fix this?
For some reason it takes Steam a while to pick up on the fact that you've deleted people. You can force an update by levelling up, though.
I have the opposite problem. I have 56/325 friends and most of them are people I added from TF2 and who I don't talk to anymore.
I can't think of a single remotely recent example that isn't Rage or Wolf14.
I figured it was something like that, I need to get some steam levels...
Aww XD, put your id on here, I'm sure you will get like 100 adds in 15 mins.
I can't think of a single remotely recent example that isn't Rage or Wolf14.
Dark Souls II?
Watch_Doges afair.
Both of your points are fundamentally flawed as many of the the additional content and changes would have been literally impossible on the flash version. For example, careful considerations had to be made on number of enemies on screen, number of projectiles, item abilities, etc would cause crashes. On top of that, the game actually couldn't be patched. The flash version continually crashed on compile, after the Wrath release no changes could go into effect.
Reading up on Binding of Isaac development is actually quite interesting if you are interested in that aspect of the hobby.
Dead Rising 3 is super fun
also, totally playable
I'm playing at 900p detail and FXAA which are the only bummers, but I'm on a TV sitting far enough and loving the game
I got a blue screen after alt+tab out of DR3. Sigh. Come on Capcom...
Gonna wait for an update before I play any further.
I v-synch mine though. 30fps is good enough for me.
You removed me![]()
*checks friend list*
I'm still there!
*gives russian bear a hug*
The only options which makes a major impact on the performance is the 720/900/1080p option, so I recommend to play with this option. The rest does nearly nothing, except for Anti-Aliasing.
For the guys with the crashes, if you use a NVIDIA card, then downgrade your driver to this version and it should work perfectly: 335.23.
What GPU? Also, turn down the setting that says "Full Quality" to 720 or 900. That should give significant FPS boost.
Oh God. What's your setup?
Tip for AMD crossfire users playing DR3... try the Shogun 2 or Skyrim profiles. Friend of mine got a very decent performance boost from using those. But then he has 290x cards in crossfire so...
For nvidia users, Capcom recommends rolling back to older drivers (335.23) if you're using newer ones. Anecdotal evidence... friend of mine is using these drivers and hasn't crashed. His sister has newer (340.xx) drivers and she's crashing non stop. As am I with new drivers.
...but my screen res is 1080p, would setting it to 720p just 'upscale' stuff?
Will try it when I get back home, but I won't be able to put more time into it until I finish Enslaved ^^;
As for my Laptop, these are the specs
You're showing a confusing lack of understanding of how much work it takes to create a game.I suppose when I say "patch" I mean, pull the dated version, put this new version up, with the bear minimum amount of content. Or keep the old version, and just put this new one up alongside it. Still selling the staggering amount of new content as DLC, and even still raising the price.
I'm sorry lol, i just removed the bottom 130 from my friends list on the manage friends page. It wasn't personal!
Here is a first technical review from Digital Foundry(Eurogamer) for Dead Rising 3:
Intel i7 4770 and 8 gig 760GTX and the game keeps crashing for me, also the framerate is unstable, latest Nvidia driver (DR3 referred).
I was 1080p, put 900p and is the same thing, nothing changes.
Seems like a really unoptimized port. Maxing out both that GPU and the CPU and not getting a steady 60 fps is pretty messed up.
Guys pls i need all your help...All i ask to you ,please, is to go watching these videos on youtube..one of my best friends did these and i promise him i would have done something to help him grown. These are the link of two of his gameplays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcuaLCiGU0g&list=UURTCI5Fdlo4pwqtN803eybA ( Fifa 14) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW2-J4jh3Uk&list=UURTCI5Fdlo4pwqtN803eybA ( Valiant Hearts ).
Pls if you have time go watch these videos and if you like those, leave a like and a comment, subscribe and watch the others =) =) =)
They should have switched to non flash version as a free update, a long time ago.You're showing a confusing lack of understanding of how much work it takes to create a game.
This is an entirely new game made completely from scratch. Art, music, code, dungeon design, literally every single thing is new. The only they've kept is the basic gameplay design and the fan-beloved items from the original. Are you trying to argue that they should've left the old content out so it could more easily pass for a "true sequel"? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? "These guys are offering MORE content?! Scumbags!"
Guys pls i need all your help...All i ask to you ,please, is to go watching these videos on youtube..one of my best friends did these and i promise him i would have done something to help him grown. These are the link of two of his gameplays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcuaLCiGU0g&list=UURTCI5Fdlo4pwqtN803eybA ( Fifa 14) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW2-J4jh3Uk&list=UURTCI5Fdlo4pwqtN803eybA ( Valiant Hearts ).
Pls if you have time go watch these videos and if you like those, leave a like and a comment, subscribe and watch the others =) =) =)
Classic mik7697.
I suppose when I say "patch" I mean, pull the dated version, put this new version up, with the bear minimum amount of content. Or keep the old version, and just put this new one up alongside it. Still selling the staggering amount of new content as DLC, and even still raising the price.
You're showing a confusing lack of understanding of how much work it takes to create a game.
This is an entirely new game made completely from scratch. Art, music, code, dungeon design, literally every single thing is new. The only they've kept is the basic gameplay design and the fan-beloved items from the original. Are you trying to argue that they should've left the old content out so it could more easily pass for a "true sequel"? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? "These guys are offering MORE content?! Scumbags!"
You can force it, though, which means the engine does in fact support SLI. This is in contract to id Tech 5, which doesn't support SLI to any extent whatsoever.
Classic mik7697.
STEAM | September 2014 II - Leave a like and a comment =)
what? I didn't ask for money or for games.. i just asked to you to watch a video is that so painful? xDDDD
By the way, the game is really easy. You can save when you want, so even if you die, you lost only your position on the map.
One question: is there a way to make my follower remain in the base? I have the paint girl, pretty much useless, but I don't wanna her to die.
Your posts are painful...
You have to go to the Bulletin Board in a base and uncheck her there.
In happier news, here's BoI Rebirth
15 / $15, 33% loyalty discount
is modbot malfunctioning again?
Looks like Gurumin got finally greenlit.
Hm. Oblivious Garden~Carmina Burana, a Chinese doujin adventure game, has shown up on Greenlight. No idea how it's supposed to play, but the artwork looks to be a cut above most of the VN-type stuff I've seen lately.
I forgot about the new music.
I think it was more that the post was blatant advertising, which is generally frowned upon, so far as I remember. If that isn't the case, then feel free to correct me.You're so sympathetic. Guys if you don't want just don't click it .
You're so sympathetic. Guys if you don't want just don't click it .
I think it was more that the post was blatant advertising, which is generally frowned upon, so far as I remember. If that isn't the case, then feel free to correct me.
That said, I didn't mind it.
Even if we want it, how many people do you think speak the language of your friend around here![]()
No worries dude. I don't speak italian, but there may be a fair few that do. So who knows?A lot of people in here should be italian from what i read in these days... but I just asked you to leave a feedback so if you have some free time...
I think it was more that the post was blatant advertising, which is generally frowned upon, so far as I remember. If that isn't the case, then feel free to correct me.
That said, I didn't mind it.