You can't seriously say the horizontal rotating beams in the Hades level of GoW1 were a good thing. The terrible camera makes sure that it becomes frustrating pretty soon, especially if you're looking to open all chests. Climbing the towers wasn't too hard for me, however. Here's hoping the sequel is better, because the first game frustrated me and became very annoying at times.
I never said they were excellent level design or anything. Just that I never had problems like so many people seem to bitch about there. Once or twice on one of my many playthroughs, I may have gotten knocked off a few times, but it was never a rage inducing focal point for my hatred -- and that seems to be against the "norm".
That's what people normally bitch about. And I never thought it was all that bad if you're patient and wait for a proper opening and wait in the safe spots (I think the video may do a good job of showing how to do these the "right" way).
yeah - same here ... I just can't force myself to pull the trigger on ANYTHING above $25 (and even those are rare cases) ... and let's face it - most (if not all) of those games WILL get down to $25 sooner or later anyway (either via base price drop or sales), so, they're just delaying my purchase for no reason (ok, ok, I know - they're counting on people being super-impatient and buying those games anyway, for full price) ... in fact - I'm actually less inclined to buy a game after a year since it's been out because of stuff like dead multiplayer (but have you seen Titanfall?) or maybe just poor reviews ... or some other problems with the game. So it might as well just go from "I'll buy it when it's 50-75% off" to "meh, not worth it"
I made an exception for Dark Souls 2 because I was such a huge fan of the series that I wanted to play it immediately at that point and time and I think I got it for $48 or less. I certainly got my money's worth out of that one.
But with Ubi games where I don't even get actual steam achievements and the Steam versions never go on sale (because that's the one version most people actually want!) I'm not willing to pay their extortion fees. I'm also not willing with a new unproven franchise to take a chance on it for more than $40, even if it looks fucking amazing. There are plenty of "bigger" name games I took risks with for <$30... but $40+? No. Nope. Can not deal with it.
Dangerous question, but is Abyss Odyssey worth 10 bucks? I remember a big hub-bub about it when it launched, but it died out quick.
Worth is such a relative term.
As above, Dark Souls 2 was more than worth it for me at $48 or whatever. But will it be so for everyone else? That's highly dependent on a lot of other factors.
That said, it's probably worth $10 if you think it looks interesting. The devs were giving it good support... but I haven't gone back to it lately. I should boot that up and clean up the rest of the achievements sometime soon, now that I think about it.
RANDOM: My soul dies a little more every time I see "<STEAM USER> now owns Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons" in my activity feed.