I got the preorder bundle but three of the games aren't available on my profile.
Well i can only download 4 games right now. Funny enough the 4 that i liked the most.
I got the preorder bundle but three of the games aren't available on my profile.
Haven't played any of the FEAR games, is the bundle worth it? How well have the games held up?
Haven't played any of the FEAR games, is the bundle worth it? How well have the games held up?
The dam was the worst.I only got through it once in my life and died shortly after.
That was the first game I owned (PC version), Christmas gift when I was 6 or 7. I don't know how the hell I didn't quit playing games after those aquatic levels.
I jumped to PC to purposefully be a cheap ass when buying games.
First one is still a masterpiece that everyone should play.
The rest, less so.
(Too much consolification)
F.E.A.R. is the best
F.E.A.R. Expansion packs are just more of the first game but not on par, still good though
F.E.A.R. 3 is a bit better than 2 but still pales in comparison to 1, co-op has a very nice feature to dictate the ending though
F.E.A.R. 2 is the weakest
I jumped to PC to purposefully be a cheap ass when buying games.
There is almost no reason to pay full price anymore. Even pre-release there are deals and that's even if you want to avoid trading for RU prices. Too many loopholes to exploit.
Groupees Build a Green light Bundle 10.
Preordered it.
Seeing the videos from the first few titles : "Meh... 1.5$ wasted"
Seeing Video from SinaRun2,Domestig Dog,Sometimes,Phoenix Force and Crunch Time : "1.5$ well spent"
I jumped to PC to purposefully be a cheap ass when buying games.
First one is still a masterpiece that everyone should play.
The rest, less so.
(Too much consolification)
F.E.A.R. is the best
F.E.A.R. Expansion packs are just more of the first game but not on par, still good though
F.E.A.R. 3 is a bit better than 2 but still pales in comparison to 1, co-op has a very nice feature to dictate the ending though
F.E.A.R. 2 is the weakest
I also never found that part that difficult. Didn't have much problems when I played it on PS2 and got the trophy in my first try in the HD collection.
It's the same with the Water Temple in OoT, it might be bothersome to change your boots every minute but difficult it is not.
Maybe because I grew up playing TMNT on the NES, that was hard xD
I jumped to PC to purposefully be a cheap ass when buying games.
And I'm going to get to do all these things. *waggles black boxes*
This is part of the reason I turned to PC.
When PS4 and Xbone were announced and did nothing for me, I decided it was time to finally act on my "dream" of putting together a gaming PC that would handle a good part of my 500+ games on Steam. I started buying parts in Feburary or so after the reveals and ended up splurging and finishing gathering parts in November of last year.
Best decision ever... I wish I could play a couple of the console exclusives (I'd love to try Killer Instinct out to see if it really is possible that Double Helix made a good game, Bayonetta collection (1&2) because I thought the first one was pretty ace, and I know I'll want Bloodborne when it releases; but none of these are enough to make me spend hundreds on a single platform).
Where did the PS2 come out in 1998?I have been PC gaming since I emulated CGA on my Hercules adapter (348p, suck it 200p color peasants! =p) on a TURBO XT at a blazing 8 Megahertz.
I got my first console (PS2) in 1998.
Come at me![]()
Er. I got the date wrong (I'm old and don't do dates very well =p)Where did the PS2 come out in 1998?
There is almost no reason to pay full price anymore. Even pre-release there are deals and that's even if you want to avoid trading for RU prices. Too many loopholes to exploit.
Not really loopholes I would say. Since GMG and Amazon.com buy the keys directly from the publishers, the publishers can give a bigger discount, since they dont have to pay 30% to Steam.
I've been console only for the most part until like 3 years ago. PC gaming sure is nice since I get to play the better versions of games if they are on PC.![]()
Er. I got the date wrong (I'm old and don't do dates very well =p)
Half of all PC gamers wait for a game to go on sale before buying report
well no wonder, duuuh ... and that number won't go any lower if they keep region-locking their games
I know, I know - shush
It's the same with the Water Temple in OoT, it might be bothersome to change your boots every minute but difficult it is not.
I'm still hopeful that it isn't true.Sort of PC related, but I think it's hilarious and sad that MS is apparently going to buy Mojang for ~$2 billion.
Sort of PC related, but I think it's hilarious and sad that MS is apparently going to buy Mojang for ~$2 billion.
Sort of PC related, but I think it's hilarious and sad that MS is apparently going to buy Mojang for ~$2 billion.
Especially since they seem to be a one-trick pony.
We know what to do, if it's enables multiplayer some daytoo bad it's not multiplayer, I'd do all the running around![]()
That's hard to believe, actually, granted I used to buy many games at full price, but with amazing regional pricing policies of later years I buy less and less games full price, I still buy some cheaper games day one sometimes, if it's something I want to play badly, but expensive ones? Like 3 top this year, well... that's not true, 5 I think if I'm not forgetting any.Half of all PC gamers wait for a game to go on sale before buying – report
well no wonder, duuuh ... and that number won't go any lower if they keep region-locking their games
I know, I know - shush
F.E.A.R. is the best
F.E.A.R. Expansion packs are just more of the first game but not on par, still good though
F.E.A.R. 3 is a bit better than 2 but still pales in comparison to 1, co-op has a very nice feature to dictate the ending though
F.E.A.R. 2 is the weakest
Sort of PC related, but I think it's hilarious and sad that MS is apparently going to buy Mojang for ~$2 billion.
Anyone have Grim Dawn? I have about 650 hours currently in Path of Exile and it looks worth it for 16$ on Humble. Should I stick with POE and wait for it to be cheaper or hop on now for loots?
Better to pickup diablo 3 for 20$ IMO (If you don't already have it).
Oh, I was complaining about the previous part, which frustrated me a lot. Reading your post again, you never said what I attributed to you, so I apologize for that.I never said they were excellent level design or anything. Just that I never had problems like so many people seem to bitch about there. Once or twice on one of my many playthroughs, I may have gotten knocked off a few times, but it was never a rage inducing focal point for my hatred -- and that seems to be against the "norm".
That's what people normally bitch about. And I never thought it was all that bad if you're patient and wait for a proper opening and wait in the safe spots (I think the video may do a good job of showing how to do these the "right" way).
I managed to beat the final boss in GoW1 on Normal a month or two ago (my first playthrough), but my family had to hear me cursing quite a lot while I did that. Such a difficult and annoying fight, and I was very pissed when it wasn't over despiteThat part wasn't an issue for me. But then I had to drop down the difficulty to easy for the end boss. Couldn't do it. Same happened in GoW2 during that sequence right before the end where you run down this long circular walkway and have to stop to fight enemies every few meters. Thankfully 3 didn't have any of those difficulty spikes (and I'm still waiting for Ascension to hit PS+ which probably won't ever happen).
The first game is in my top 3 ever, so I can't recommend it enough. The expansions are good too and very similar to it, but I tend to get bored whenever I try to replay them (twice I stopped during the middle of Extraction Point, and never replayed Perseus Mandate). The sequel is excellent but definitely feels like more of a console game, for several reasons (no manual saves, only one save slot) and its DLC is enjoyable but very difficult, at least for me (played it on the hardest difficulty). The third game is fun in co-op, but atrocious as a single player experience, especially if you are a fan of the franchise (or become one thanks to the previous games).Haven't played any of the FEAR games, is the bundle worth it? How well have the games held up?
...where is that from?
Better to pickup diablo 3 for 20$ IMO (If you don't already have it).
They've made significant changes to make it worth checking out again. Do it.I bought D3 day one and played it for a while with my friends but havent gone back since they took out the Auction House and added the expansion, maybe I will try it out again.
Anyone have Grim Dawn? I have about 650 hours currently in Path of Exile and it looks worth it for 16$ on Humble. Should I stick with POE and wait for it to be cheaper or hop on now for loots?
Especially since they seem to be a one-trick pony.
espically that if hypothetically speaking lets say that the leads do stay, its just wasted potential since Micro will just have them making trash until the leads finally decide that enough is enough. RIP Rare.
The good news is, we'll finally see Minecraft ported to C++.
The bad news is, it'll only run under Windows 8 (or whatever the newest version of Windows is when it's released) because reasons. (See: Halo 2/Vista.)
espically that if hypothetically speaking lets say that the leads do stay, its just wasted potential since Micro will just have them making trash until the leads finally decide that enough is enough. RIP Rare.
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 77 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Hinomura, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
Canyon Capers Rio Fever (DLC) --MB-076E645A95D16748- Taken by provista. 2 entrants total.
Bionic Dues --MB-5686F5F591A180FF- Taken by soapypanda. 2 entrants total.
3 Stars of Destiny --MB-BDAE14AEEDC1BF84- Taken by astrogamer. 1 entrants total.
FATE --MB-5EEB7E9144231F69- Taken by Accoun. 4 entrants total.
Unholy Heights --MB-6EF9920C305B4C3C- Taken by Vastag. 5 entrants total.
Legends of Persia --MB-460CC927DEBB3925- Taken by Aitor. 3 entrants total.
Daikatana --MB-5275E434324A7309- Taken by Zeliard. 5 entrants total.
Stick it To The Man! --MB-891ABEFE47244D1C- Taken by Crab Milk Mickey. 17 entrants total.
Full Bore --MB-8262A98FACFEEFC1- Taken by WisK. 7 entrants total.
Fist Puncher --MB-64276DA7D7F1B48D- Taken by BadRamen. 2 entrants total.
Eschalon Book I --MB-C9430FC2525FDE05- Taken by Big_Al. 4 entrants total.
Hammerwatch --MB-36F6224FC76363EA- Taken by Scipius. 7 entrants total.
Guacamelee! Gold Edition --MB-75C3332C1156ABBA- Taken by TheLight. 2 entrants total.
One Way Heroics -- MB-C9942E9724434DBC
Nightmares from the Deep The Cursed Heart --MB-BEF5A5C2C16E31C3- Taken by Kifimbo. 1 entrants total.
Volgarr the Viking --MB-CAD89F2E63AFE099- Taken by Copons. 39 entrants total.
Solar 2 -- MB-7D10256DA3DF8EAA
Super House of Dead Ninjas --MB-03FEE7C54AA5E0C2- Taken by creamsugar. 12 entrants total.
Whispering Willows --MB-92905A13A21D81F5- Taken by deadflower81. 4 entrants total.
Ballpoint Universe Infinite #2 -- MB-6EBC9606350685B6
Anachronox --MB-EC552C25EBC9F9E9- Taken by Ingueferroque. 3 entrants total.
Knytt Underground -- MB-E3650A7CBACD26A8
Master Reboot --MB-49BD89E71756D9A4- Taken by freshVeggie. 6 entrants total.
8BitBoy --MB-0FE3FC5E8046EEDB- Taken by Dambrosi. 6 entrants total.
LUFTRAUSERS --MB-2CEC1E8297E17B4A- Taken by wetflame. 38 entrants total.
Betrayer --MB-5BBF5AB281D87B57- Taken by Henry Swanson. 13 entrants total.
Lilly Looking Through --MB-B4AA23FDEEFCE7D0- Taken by princegumby. 5 entrants total.
SteamWorld Dig --MB-9E052687BCA42ABE- Taken by Seanspeed. 12 entrants total.
Mechanic Escape --MB-96E7DB0C76F3B4D0- Taken by lukiluk. 1 entrants total.
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae --MB-6B9E04BC1BC4D0C0- Taken by Kiru. 21 entrants total.
Stonerid --MB-065385C44B04DCA6- Taken by Widdly Scuds. 3 entrants total.
Ethan Meteor Hunter --MB-A4356E2A4F098664- Taken by danhese007. 1 entrants total.
Wooden Sen'SeY --MB-FF9F9785F6AD90CD- Taken by WinterDemons. 3 entrants total.
LightFish -- MB-A431DF0660C2F659
Urban Trial Freestyle --MB-80A9FB8FB220F424- Taken by Saty. 5 entrants total.
Canyon Capers -- MB-C69E5D8033D48AD9
Hostile Waters Antaeus Rising -- MB-68A260AB66EC544D
Two Brothers --MB-8C148DB934C02069- Taken by natertots. 3 entrants total.
GIGANTIC ARMY --MB-BE30F89213FB32CB- Taken by Darth Kupi. 4 entrants total.
Eschalon Book III --MB-DA3DC2C10E7C4F05- Taken by yo_soy_el_topo. 2 entrants total.
God Mode --MB-D8EDB304B70F0205- Taken by FauX. 7 entrants total.
Shiny The Firefly --MB-7666E10DFB839468- Taken by user237. 2 entrants total.
140 --MB-4CF5DCE7DFBF18EE- Taken by MulderWasTaken. 1 entrants total.
Ys Origin --MB-E9B3E4C61E370173- Taken by lyrick. 25 entrants total.
Circuits --MB-845DF6724CEDC31A- Taken by Woody Invincible. 3 entrants total.
Speedball 2 HD --MB-2A498479A775B69F- Taken by Natty1. 8 entrants total.
Fester Mudd Curse of the Gold - Episode 1 -- MB-18CDAA5D200B6D23
Eschalon Book II --MB-FCC25D5C509F4FA0- Taken by Kathryn. 3 entrants total.
Hacker Evolution Duality -- MB-9BABF2BCD34559AD
Thief Gold --MB-242C09D4E02FD0E3- Taken by bluechox2. 1 entrants total.
Freedom Fall --MB-DCCBFFB8B50928F3- Taken by dot. 4 entrants total.
Major Mayhem --MB-1587DF91EB15470A- Taken by darkchewie. 2 entrants total.
One Finger Death Punch --MB-34F07237D3D8C060- Taken by pahamrick. 13 entrants total.
Ring Runner Flight of the Sages --MB-85D74EA119D88AEB- Taken by Ezalc. 2 entrants total.
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin --MB-B39B54BC41D24FB3- Taken by Axass. 1 entrants total.
Hitman Codename 47 --MB-5F7EE77D4115C677- Taken by 73V3N. 1 entrants total.
Finding Teddy --MB-CE883E05403581C4- Taken by agniswarm. 1 entrants total.
Steel and Steam -- MB-BE31E512683BDA2A
Not The Robots --MB-AEEB8582FCCCBB6B- Taken by Crab Milk Mickey. 2 entrants total.
The Chaos Engine --MB-985D9E3CEEB9AAF1- Taken by fenners. 3 entrants total.
Lost Civilization --MB-7B0865CDD26ECC18- Taken by someguyinahat. 2 entrants total.
Memories of a Vagabond --MB-B78F7F71C6A9C92E- Taken by Sammichu. 1 entrants total.
Real World Racing --MB-9BC244A65701CA1E- Taken by Lomax. 6 entrants total.
Love --MB-52FDDE151051DC7D- Taken by SSPssp. 1 entrants total.
Sweet Lily Dreams --MB-E3AAD84CBB7B8898- Taken by Woody Invincible. 1 entrants total.
Soundodger Plus --MB-208F1384F934B9B0- Taken by jshackles. 2 entrants total.
A Virus Named TOM --MB-4CB1A943C0FB0A72- Taken by agniswarm. 1 entrants total.
Go Home Dinosaurs! --MB-8B7A2BEA657B0F9F- Taken by rainking187. 1 entrants total.
Jamestown Deluxe --MB-BDC8676E0BC7CAA4- Taken by Blak_Status. 10 entrants total.
Vector --MB-E5C0C11DA3286762- Taken by BHK3. 4 entrants total.
A valley without wind 1 and 2 --MB-CB34FC2DEF71A427- Taken by nja. 3 entrants total.
Retro Grade --MB-A70A9003AD59AEFE- Taken by Roboleon. 3 entrants total.
Ballpoint Universe Infinite --MB-197D18DED260BDDB- Taken by Tesseract. 4 entrants total.
PixelJunk Shooter --MB-069A76A756666A69- Taken by 2n2. 3 entrants total.
Nightmares from the Deep The Siren's Call --MB-45254C465041FCF0- Taken by redlacs. 3 entrants total.
Papers, Please --MB-AE2C5F558033AB3B- Taken by iosefe. 33 entrants total.
Gunpoint --MB-10AA1693156E3699- Taken by Evrain. 18 entrants total.
F.E.A.R. is the best
F.E.A.R. Expansion packs are just more of the first game but not on par, still good though
F.E.A.R. 3 is a bit better than 2 but still pales in comparison to 1, co-op has a very nice feature to dictate the ending though
F.E.A.R. 2 is the weakest