I thought everyone who has the main MGSV game gets GZ automatically?yo dawg im in there. no body enter this, let me win this.
I can wait I suppose, although if I can get a friend to show up tomorrow I'll hop early.There's a chance, Dropsy showed up today, and stuff does show up after release at times.
So I missed a Secret Ponchos price mistake or something?
I thought everyone who has the main MGSV game gets GZ automatically?
yo dawg im in there. no body enter this, let me win this.
Anyone know what this recent almost 1 gb Gauntlet update was for?
i started up a rocket league lobby
Yeah, the game recently released on PS4 as Gauntlet: Slayer Edition, and had a ton of gameplay changes to go along with that version. The PC version got patched to add in these updates.
The main changes were that they made it so that you could change some of your skills by swapping equipment, a new set of potion abilities was added, and the former potion abilities are now on a cooldown. They also added a level select map to replace the hub area, rebalanced enemies, and removed the stat bonuses you could gain by earning achievements.
The game was given away on the Alienware Stream. Beyond that if you buy the game in Early Access, you get a gift copy
For anyone that doesn't have this yet.
I thought everyone who has the main MGSV game gets GZ automatically?
Can I enter for my brother? >_>
.Modbot said:- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
no, that was a preorder bonus and only for steam store preorders.
Can I enter for my brother? >_>
everybody msg ozzy on steam and tell him how much you loved the mgs5 ending, if we work together we can rile him up. of course do this only if you've completed the game.
Wow, thanks.
Gauntlet challengers be glad, for Clients will no longer crash in the loading screen while waiting for the Host to start a floor!
All Contestants be aware, Liches will no longer be able to pass through closed doors and go beyond the reach of the combatants of the Gauntlet!
Heroes be advised, the gods have further remedied Camera zooming and tracking problems in the title that are related to various factors, including screen resolution parameters.
Gauntlet warriors be advised that using Thors "Bottomless Jug" ability on Khamuns Heart will no longer cause a progression blocker by turning it into food.
Misuse of Portals in Endless mode will not be tolerated! All exploits to do with Portal use in Endless have been targeted and eliminated by the gods.
To all Gauntlet Mages, it is no longer possible to exploit the title by continually staying invisible with Merlins Hollow Chapters ability. The gods have weeded out this trickery and have eliminated it for the good of the competition!
Heroes will no longer be able to cause a progression blocker by quickly backtracking behind the first closing rock wall when at the Gates of Orox .
Champions of the Gauntlet, your lamentations have been heard and the gods on high have answered! Moving forward, challengers can no longer be slain after passing from one floor to the other (during the countdown).
To the brave Archers of the Gauntlet, all animation problems for Questors Vault Jump ability have been identified and resolved by the gods!
Mighty Gauntlet competitors please be advised, the Host Options will always be visible and available even if a gamepad is unplugged and then re-plugged from your PC at any time.
Debug text is no longer visible in Sound/Misc Menu. This is the sacred script of the gods and is not meant for the eyes of mere mortals!
Various OOW issues have been identified and fixed for both heroes and enemy AI.
No, it's mine!
I'm still on mission 11 with 10% completion rate.
How far am I until the ending?
Can I enter for my brother? >_>
Can I enter for my brother? >_>
Fingers crossed! I posted in the B/S/T thread that I wanted to try this out but didn't want to pay money (but was OK with trading)... Eh I probably won't win.For anyone that doesn't have this yet.
Wow, thanks.
And to go back to the topic of Airscape's lack of success, they also might want to make sure that their demo actually works. I just tried redownloading it to see if I missed something about the game the first time around that would make it really stick out, and it doesn't even work any more (getting "missing executable" errors).
everybody msg ozzy on steam and tell him how much you loved the mgs5 ending, if we work together we can rile him up. of course do this only if you've completed the game.
oh yea while its on my mind, whats up with the bs child soilders in mgs5? "OH SNAKE DON'T KILL THEM OR YOU FAIL DA MISSION"
Da fuck? this is war, if they shoot at me someone's gonna die and it ain't me. what kind of nonsense is that, i don't care if they're kids. don't put them in the game if you won't allow me to defend myself against them.
That shit got me so mad, there better not be a lot of them later on
I bet theres a lot of them
except it's not just the ending that sucks
it's the second half of the entire game
in OUTER HEAVEN, Men becomeDEMONSactually not that bad of ppl
also you cant even CQC the little shits... such TABOO such DEMONIZING
I checked the community page, but not the forums.
Not to be overly snarky but I regularly wonder why people don't just check the steam forum / community? Most devs have now learned to release change logs.
Could you please either spoiler-tag everything or discuss MGSV in the other threads? Because I'm reading stuff that I'm not sure I wanted to know beforehand.
Some people go completely dark on games a few weeks or months out. No trailers, previews, articles, nothing. Usually in these cases, anything is pretty much considered a spoiler.the hell you mean bro? child soldiers were in the trailers, this is nothing new, we even knew in which map they'd be in too.
I hope you feel bad and learn something from this shameful oversight.
the hell you mean bro? child soldiers were in the trailers, this is nothing new, we even knew in which map they'd be in too.
Some people go completely dark on games a few weeks or months out. No trailers, previews, articles, nothing. Usually in these cases, anything is pretty much considered a spoiler.
the hell you mean bro? child soldiers were in the trailers, this is nothing new, we even knew in which map they'd be in too.
It's still a spoiler though.
I've never watch any of the game's trailer except the reveal trailer in 2013 or so.
I'd rather you didn't if it's all the same, I usually just limit the giveaways to SteamGAF.
... you could get it for yourself and just enable family sharing
nah but don't enter, its mines, I'll cut you.
Oh man, this sounds horrible. Changing colors don't sound good. You should see a doc.So, this morning I accidentally caught my toe on something while I was barely awake, fumbling around in the dark trying to get ready for work. I was worried I might have broken it, but I was already running late, so I carefully put my shoes on and tried not to put pressure on the toe, and went to work, where I spent a good chunk of the day on my feet.
When I came home, I found out my toe was completely black and blue. Lovely.
It's time we find out who the real hero is.yo dawg im in there. no body enter this, let me win this.
You're lucky you can walk. I stubbed my toe while ascending some stairs a while back and spent the next 12 hours crippled, unable to walk (or more specifically, put a shoe on), and following two days with severe-to-moderate limping. It was miserable. Took a week or so before I felt normal again.So, this morning I accidentally caught my toe on something while I was barely awake, fumbling around in the dark trying to get ready for work. I was worried I might have broken it, but I was already running late, so I carefully put my shoes on and tried not to put pressure on the toe, and went to work, where I spent a good chunk of the day on my feet.
When I came home, I found out my toe was completely black and blue. Lovely.
Now I'm just trying to figure out if there's a way I can sit at my desk so that I can play MGS V while keeping ice on my foot and keeping it elevated..
I've been thinking about those recent Humble Bundle "build your own bundles" on their current sale. Has Steam ever done anything like that, apart from the pre-bundled stuff, where they allow you to choose from a wider selection of games and get % discounts based on the amount bought at the same time?
Seems like there might be some opportunity there.
Why on earth does the latest Groupees bundle only have the Blackguards DLC and not the main game? Surprise they have only sold 192 bundles, should be 12 at most.
This might the bottom of the bundle hole, the worst of all time.
Yeah, that's a good point. Forgot about those. What I really wish GOG would do is allow you to link your Steam account, and give you the discounts for the "already owned" games in that bundle.GOG has done that sort of thing alot over the years. I'd reckon they're one of the first digital stores out there to establish it, but I could be wrong.
yo dawg im in there. no body enter this, let me win this.
This is a bizarre thing to spoiler, but OK.MGSVrevives me half a second in front of a tank. So now I have to redo the whole mission more or less, since as soon I restart from a checkpoint, I go into slow mo. Also my bazooka doesn't even dent it, so I'm under equipped anyway. I don't have anything strong enough.
Yeah, that's a good point. Forgot about those. What I really wish GOG would do is allow you to link your Steam account, and give you the discounts for the "already owned" games in that bundle.
There's a few times where I've wanted a bundle at the low price, but own half the games and don't want to buy them again. I'm sure they'll never do it, but my cheap self can dream.
Publisher bundles were a pretty big thing in the early Steam days. One of the first things I bought on Steam was the id Super Pack.Steam has flirted with bundles, but they generally avoid them. I think the most they got into bundling was that year they really tried to push multiple copies of the same game so you could gift it to friends.