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STEAM | September 2016 - Good job doing previous stuff, let's do new stuff

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Echoes of Aetheria has a really weird difficulty spike at the final dungeon.
Yes, I know, par the course for JRPGs... Still not something you want to put up with while just trying to finish the game. Especially when you were mopping the floor with enemies 15 minutes before and now a single random encounter mob can destroy you faster than you can say 'Seagate 3TB HDD'.
I have a question about the Danganronpa series on Steam: is there a major different between the Steam and Vita versions of the games? I heard/read something vague about the games being stretched or blurry or something like that? Maybe I misunderstood?
I have a question about the Danganronpa series on Steam: is there a major different between the Steam and Vita versions of the games? I heard/read something vague about the games being stretched or blurry or something like that? Maybe I misunderstood?

The steam version has some aspects where you can clearly see some things were upscaled and that can cause some blurryness in the background scenes but it still looks fine and wasn't really noticeable most of the time .It runs great performance wise and runs at 60 fps and allows greater resolutions.

The vita version is of course portable and the assets are better suited for it since it was originally developed for it and runs at 30fps, it still runs great and completed it two times on the vita.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
BRB, buying the bumper sticker.

I need to out-match the person in my work's parking lot that has the absolute GOAT: "De-fund Congress, Not Our Blue Angels!"

I remember a good long while ago I helped my friend move into a room he was renting from this older woman. On one trip moving stuff through the garage I saw her old Mercedes which had, no hyperbole, 5 different anti-circumcision bumper stickers on it.

Like, I'm with you lady but chill out.
The steam version has some aspects where you can clearly see some things were upscaled and that can cause some blurryness in the background scenes but it still looks fine and wasn't really noticeable most of the time .It runs great performance wise and runs at 60 fps and allows greater resolutions.

The vita version is of course portable and the assets are better suited for it since it was originally developed for it and runs at 30fps, it still runs great and completed it two times on the vita.

Interesting, thanks for this. Is this the case for both games or just the first?
Interesting, thanks for this. Is this the case for both games or just the first?

I only played about 3 hours of 2 because I finished it on the vita not to long before it was announced and didn't feel like playing it over again so soon but it seemed the same performance wise as the first one and didn't have any problems during that time.

Also, Where is Ultra Despair Girls!?


all the positive reviews from the uncertain are in russian

shady af imo

also in regards to FF being more popular in the west than DQ, can I state it's because people in the west have trash taste and the weeaboo otaku crowd won't buy games unless they are pandered too


all the positive reviews from the uncertain are in russian

shady af imo

The only negative one as well.

В старых квестах хотябы показывалось куда ты можешь зайти куда нет ... а здесь ты вот все углы дожен тыркаться что бы понять ...

At least in the old quests show closer where you can go where no ... and here you are here all the corners dozhen tyrkat that would understand ...

Something about running aimlessly clicking everywhere.

And a positive review full of criticisms:

Наиграл пока всего час - очень уж хочется спать, но первые впечатления уже есть. Игра в целом понравилась, но перечислю мои претензии.
1. Оптимизация хромает. Ничего критичного, не ватман последний, и даже не Deus EX, но фпс иногда проседает.
2. Я не далеко продвинулся по сюжету(вышел из госпиталя), но если все будет идти по рельсам по которым идет сейчас, то я буду сильно разочарован банальны сюжетом. Надеюсь будут сюжетные повороты.
3. Поговорить можно (пока) с персонажами только на одну тему.
4. Общая неспешность. Я понимаю что это фича, но это несколько уныло.

After playing until an hour - very much want to sleep, but first impressions are already there. The game generally liked, but will list my complaints.
1. Optimization of lame. Nothing critical, Whatman not last, and even Deus EX, but sometimes sags fps.
2. I'm not far advanced the plot (released from the hospital), but if all goes according to the rails on which there is now, I'll be very disappointed banal plot. I hope to be plot twists.
3. Talk can not (yet) with the characters of only one subject.
4. The general slow pace. I understand that this is a feature, but it is somewhat dull.

I would not have given a thumbs-up and said that the game was boring (need to sleep), optimization is poor, banal plot, no choice of during dialogues, slow pace.

I might just buy the game anyway since I enjoyed the demo. Just do not tell me the demo is 30% to 50% of the episode.


Has there been any word of Steins Gate 0 making its way to Steam?


Owners: 9,816 - 15,438

Pretty sure bet Zero is coming as well.


Bioshock glitched somewhat. A little sister who left me a teddy bear wouldn't go back into a vent. A big daddy I was trailing got stuck on her, and it took about a minute before he... "pushed" her enough to access the vent and call out another little sister.

On the plus side, no crashes since that first one in Arcadia.


Apparently MW2 thinks it's OK to make your ammo counter disappear when subtitles are on the screen.

Because cinematic experience, I presume?


Seems I am breaking my don't pre-order rule more than ever this year. Decided to bite on 22% off Civ VI on GMG since I have some money. Hoping (and likely going to fail) to stick with Civ VI and Stellaris and all my backlog for the foreseeable future as I cut down from spending and focus on the backlog...... it will be a valiant attempt I'm sure

I wonder if EA will pull the trigger and publish it on Steam.

Edit: They were working on it... Who knows what happened.

Not quite - added 3 years ago, and only updated a year ago with EULA etc - there has been nothing at all since then, the other updates are non-related to the game.

Actually looking at - looks like even the EULA change a year ago might have just been a Valve change. In which case it has been abandoned for three years
FXAA is cheap
MSAA is more expensive
SSAA will bring your system to it's knees
FX, MS, SS. I'll try to keep this in mind.

Though really, so long as it isn't blurry TAA or killing my FPS, I don't pay much attention to it...



But then the jaggies will attack.

Though I do kind of long for the days when I had a bad GPU and could stand to turn off things like anti-aliasing, shadows, draw distance, resolution... along with everything else. Nowadays I just want it all; it has made me greedy.
Hook done, 50 levels, not getting any strikes on the latter levels was a nice challenge, and just one achievement for finishing it makes it easy to delete it and move on.
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